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Cornfields trust
Six million children under five die every year as a
result of hunger

More than 1 billion children do not have access to
one or more basic necessities of life and 90% of
these children suffer from long term
Educated mothers tend to send their children to
school, helping to break the cycle of poverty

Across Africa there are an estimated 80 million
child workers, that number could rise to 100
million by 2015
12 Years Trustee
Friends of African
What we do

Cornfields Trust will be
   focused on issues
associated with children
 and helping to sustain
 healthy communities.
Support, care and facilitate the development of
orphaned children in Africa, Asia and beyond

Support the development of healthcare facilities in
order to sustain healthy communities

Provide healthcare, food, and education for poor

Promote awareness and understanding of poverty issues
concerning children and their communities at every

To work in partnership for sustainable solutions
 Cultural Awareness
 Openness and Transparency
Hospital                   Healthy
   Staff      Leading to   Communities

Orphanage's   Leading to   Incorporation

              Leading to      Family
Cornfields trust
Cornfields trust
Cornfields trust
Cornfields trust
Cornfields trust
   Education and training of Drs and nurses Korle Bu
    teaching hospital

   Support the Emanuel Fellowship with the care of
    street kids project

   Educational Trust Fund Streets Kids Aid

   Support the Sports and Cultural Academy for
    Street Children

   Support the Centre for National Culture
140 Nurses trained in January 2013
          and training of Drs and Nurses
 at the National State Hospital of Mongolia

 EducationalTrust Fund for The Children's
 Palace orphanage

 Healtheducation and vocational training
 for the Lotus Children's center

24 Senior nurses trained in
     February 2013
   Ain Sharns University Hospital -
    Educational programs and targeted projects

   Egyptair Hospital - Educational programs

   Eid Ala Eid Development Foundation 
    Agricultural Consultation and Animal
Trained 80 Clinical staff in February 2013
Cornfields trust
Cornfields trust
Amanda Keeney  Christmas fairy
Donate Money
   or Help



Donate Books

Offer ideas to
Cornfields trust
It is never too late!
                 We can all help make a
                We can all help make this
                  world a better place.
                 The cost of inaction is
                 death so do something
                 today. Help save lives.

   Email: cornfields.trust@gmail.com
   Tele: +011 9417053772
   Facebook: Cornfields Trust

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Cornfields trust

  • 2. Six million children under five die every year as a result of hunger More than 1 billion children do not have access to one or more basic necessities of life and 90% of these children suffer from long term malnourishment Educated mothers tend to send their children to school, helping to break the cycle of poverty Across Africa there are an estimated 80 million child workers, that number could rise to 100 million by 2015
  • 3. 12 Years Trustee Friends of African Nursing
  • 4. What we do Cornfields Trust will be focused on issues associated with children and helping to sustain healthy communities.
  • 5. Support, care and facilitate the development of orphaned children in Africa, Asia and beyond Support the development of healthcare facilities in order to sustain healthy communities Provide healthcare, food, and education for poor children Promote awareness and understanding of poverty issues concerning children and their communities at every opportunity To work in partnership for sustainable solutions
  • 6. Cultural Awareness Trustworthiness Commitment Communication Flexibility Integrity Openness and Transparency
  • 7. Hospital Healthy Staff Leading to Communities Education Societal Orphanage's Leading to Incorporation Sustainable Community Leading to Family Projects Income
  • 13. Education and training of Drs and nurses Korle Bu teaching hospital Support the Emanuel Fellowship with the care of street kids project Educational Trust Fund Streets Kids Aid Support the Sports and Cultural Academy for Street Children Support the Centre for National Culture
  • 14. 140 Nurses trained in January 2013
  • 15. Education and training of Drs and Nurses at the National State Hospital of Mongolia EducationalTrust Fund for The Children's Palace orphanage Healtheducation and vocational training for the Lotus Children's center
  • 16. Minus 20*F 24 Senior nurses trained in February 2013
  • 17. Ain Sharns University Hospital - Educational programs and targeted projects Egyptair Hospital - Educational programs Eid Ala Eid Development Foundation Agricultural Consultation and Animal sponsorship
  • 18. Trained 80 Clinical staff in February 2013
  • 21. Amanda Keeney Christmas fairy
  • 22. Donate Money or Help Fundraise Donate Laptops Donate Children's Clothes Donate Books Offer ideas to help!!
  • 24. It is never too late! We can all help make a difference. We can all help make this world a better place. The cost of inaction is death so do something today. Help save lives. Email: cornfields.trust@gmail.com Tele: +011 9417053772 http://cornfieldstrust.getafricaonline.com Facebook: Cornfields Trust