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Arad, Arad
I believe in the one and only true God according to His Word, the christian Bible, as understood, taught and practiced through the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church of Christ. Jesus, the Son of God, is my Lord, Light from Light, true God from true God. I like good music, both modern and classic, but also the spiritual byzantine psaltic chant. I love the Greek culture as I am Greek from my father's side and Romanian from my mother's.
Cred in singurul si adevaratul Dumnezeu potrivit Cuvantului Sau, Biblia crestina, asa cum este el inteles, propovaduit si pus in practica prin Sfanta Traditie a Bisericii Ortodoxe a lui Hristos. Iisus, Fiul lui
Users following Cristian-Stavros Meţcas