The document describes scenarios for posting and updating a hearing aid review on a product page as a clinician. It includes scenarios for posting a review, updating a review, and side effects like the product appearing on top rated products widgets or having the expert rating on the product listing. It also discusses using tags and connecting functionalities to wireframes.
3. Feature: posting expert reviews
In order to promote great products
as Clinician
I want to be able to rate hearing aid
Background: i'm on product page
Scenario: posting hearing aid review
Scenario: updating review
4. Background: i'm on product page
Given i'm logged in as user one
And I open product "Siemens Phoenix 103 BTE" page
Scenario: posting hearing aid review
When I follow 'Add Review'
And I fill in title with 'This is Great Product'
And I fill in description with 5 paragraphs of text
And I rate product as 5
And I press 'Save & Close'
Then I should be on product page
And I should see 'This is Great Product' within Review
And I should see product rating 5
12. Background: i'm on product page
Given i'm logged in as user one
And I open product "Siemens Phoenix 103 BTE" page
Scenario: posting hearing aid review
When I follow 'Add Review'
And I fill in title with 'This is Great Product'
And I fill in description with 5 paragraphs of text
And I rate product as 5
And I press 'Save & Close'
Then I should be on product page
And I should see 'This is Great Product' within Review
And I should see product rating 5
When I open home page
Then should see product 'Siemens Phoenix 103 BTE' on 'top
hearing aids' widget
When I open product listing
And I navigate to Siemens Phoenix types
And I sort by date descending
Then I should see 'This is Great Product' as first
When I go to product listing
And I fill in search 'Siemens phoenix 103 BTE'
And I press 'Search'
Then i should see rating 5 within 'Siemens Phoennix 103 BTE'
16. Background: i'm on product page
Scenario: posting hearing aid review
Side Effect: product appear on top rated products widget
Side Effect: product have expert rating on product listing
Side Effect: review is accessible from reviews listing
27. @__hearing_care__product_page::expert_review
Scenario: posting hearing aid review
Side Effect: product appear on top rated products widget
Side Effect: product have expert rating on product listing
Side Effect: review is accessible from reviews listing