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Profiling Systems Using the Defining Characteristics of Systems of Systems (SoS)
OutlineContextSoS definitionsSoS CharacteristicsSoS Scales/MetersSoS ExamplesOther Characteristics of SystemsUsageConlusions
ContextAim of the work?Identify and describe the characteristics of SoSDescribe scales and corresponding meters for each characteristic.Describe two other sets of characteristics (quality and programmatic) and how they can be describe using scale/meters.Benefits of using scales/meters for profiling Systems
Systems of Systems (SoS)System: a cohesive integrated group of interdependent or interacting components that regularly collaborateto provide the behavior and characteristics that (1) are needed to meet valid stakeholderneeds and desires and (2) cannot be provide separately by the individual components[Firesmith 2008]
Systems of Systems (SoS)A  system of systems [is a] a collection of trans-domain networks of heterogeneous systems that are likely to exhibit operational and managerial independence, geographical distribution, and emergent and evolutionary behaviors that would not be apparent if the systems and their interactions are modeled separately. [DeLaurentis 2004]Modern systems that comprise system of systems problems are not monolithic; rather they have five common characteristics: operational independence of the individual systems, managerial independence of the systems, geographical distribution, emergent behavior and evolutionary development. [Sage 2001]An SoS is defined as a set or arrangement of systems that results when independent and useful systems are integrated into a larger system that delivers unique capabilities. [DOD 2008]A system of systems exists when a group of independently operating systemscomprised of people, technology, and organizationsare connected, enabling emergency responders to effectively support day-to-day operations, planned events, or major incidents. [Homeland Security 2009]Systems of systems are metasystems that must function as an integrated complex system toproduce desirable results. These metasystems are themselves comprised of multiple autonomousembedded complex systems that can be diverse in technology, context, operation, geography, and conceptual frame. [INCOSE 2009]Systems of systems are large-scale concurrent and distributed systems the components of which are complex systems themselves. [Kotov 1997]A collection of systems that functions to achieve a purpose not generally achievable by the individual systems acting independently Each system can operate independently and is managed primarily to accomplish its own separate purpose. A SoS can be geographically distributed, and can exhibit  evolutionary development and/or emergent behavior. [White 2005]A collection of systems that is deliberately integrated to achieve a purpose not generallyachievable by the individual systems functioning separately. The systems in a SoS are usuallydeveloped separately to accomplish their own specific purposes, and they could operateindependently in the same environment associated with the SoS.  The component systemsare physically distinct and could be geographically distributed. Typically their boundariesare crisp and stable, and the systems are bound together by well-defined interfaces. If anysystem is significantly changed or bypassed, the SoS generally continues to function, but itsoverall capability may be altered. [Kuras 2005]
SoS Characteristics
SoS Characteristics
SoS Sub Systems Characteristics
Foundation vs. Derived SoS Characteristics
SoS ExamplesHybrid Electric Car
SoS ExamplesNational Smart Grid
Two other Sets of System CharacteristicsQuality
Quality Characteristics
Two other Sets of System CharacteristicsProgrammatic Characteristics
UsageImproved:UnderstandingCommunicationRisk IdentificationSystem TrackingDecision MakingMethod Engineering
ConclusionsSystems are variableaccording to:System of Systems CharacteristicsQuality CharacteristicsProgrammaticCharacteristicsMethodEngineeringis a betterway to engineerSystemofSystemsThedefinitionofSystemofSystemsistoo general! Itshouldhaveintoaccount meter valuesinorder to provide a clearerand more specificdefinition!

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Profiling systems using SoS characteristics

  • 1. Profiling Systems Using the Defining Characteristics of Systems of Systems (SoS)
  • 2. OutlineContextSoS definitionsSoS CharacteristicsSoS Scales/MetersSoS ExamplesOther Characteristics of SystemsUsageConlusions
  • 3. ContextAim of the work?Identify and describe the characteristics of SoSDescribe scales and corresponding meters for each characteristic.Describe two other sets of characteristics (quality and programmatic) and how they can be describe using scale/meters.Benefits of using scales/meters for profiling Systems
  • 4. Systems of Systems (SoS)System: a cohesive integrated group of interdependent or interacting components that regularly collaborateto provide the behavior and characteristics that (1) are needed to meet valid stakeholderneeds and desires and (2) cannot be provide separately by the individual components[Firesmith 2008]
  • 5. Systems of Systems (SoS)A system of systems [is a] a collection of trans-domain networks of heterogeneous systems that are likely to exhibit operational and managerial independence, geographical distribution, and emergent and evolutionary behaviors that would not be apparent if the systems and their interactions are modeled separately. [DeLaurentis 2004]Modern systems that comprise system of systems problems are not monolithic; rather they have five common characteristics: operational independence of the individual systems, managerial independence of the systems, geographical distribution, emergent behavior and evolutionary development. [Sage 2001]An SoS is defined as a set or arrangement of systems that results when independent and useful systems are integrated into a larger system that delivers unique capabilities. [DOD 2008]A system of systems exists when a group of independently operating systemscomprised of people, technology, and organizationsare connected, enabling emergency responders to effectively support day-to-day operations, planned events, or major incidents. [Homeland Security 2009]Systems of systems are metasystems that must function as an integrated complex system toproduce desirable results. These metasystems are themselves comprised of multiple autonomousembedded complex systems that can be diverse in technology, context, operation, geography, and conceptual frame. [INCOSE 2009]Systems of systems are large-scale concurrent and distributed systems the components of which are complex systems themselves. [Kotov 1997]A collection of systems that functions to achieve a purpose not generally achievable by the individual systems acting independently Each system can operate independently and is managed primarily to accomplish its own separate purpose. A SoS can be geographically distributed, and can exhibit evolutionary development and/or emergent behavior. [White 2005]A collection of systems that is deliberately integrated to achieve a purpose not generallyachievable by the individual systems functioning separately. The systems in a SoS are usuallydeveloped separately to accomplish their own specific purposes, and they could operateindependently in the same environment associated with the SoS. The component systemsare physically distinct and could be geographically distributed. Typically their boundariesare crisp and stable, and the systems are bound together by well-defined interfaces. If anysystem is significantly changed or bypassed, the SoS generally continues to function, but itsoverall capability may be altered. [Kuras 2005]
  • 8. SoS Sub Systems Characteristics
  • 9. Foundation vs. Derived SoS Characteristics
  • 12. Two other Sets of System CharacteristicsQuality
  • 14. Two other Sets of System CharacteristicsProgrammatic Characteristics
  • 16. ConclusionsSystems are variableaccording to:System of Systems CharacteristicsQuality CharacteristicsProgrammaticCharacteristicsMethodEngineeringis a betterway to engineerSystemofSystemsThedefinitionofSystemofSystemsistoo general! Itshouldhaveintoaccount meter valuesinorder to provide a clearerand more specificdefinition!

Editor's Notes

  • #5: 1 explicaroqueeleentendeporsistema2 explicaroque辿uma boa defini巽達o (figura no slide pag. 20)3 explicarqualoprob das defini巽探esexistentesSystema cohesive integrated group of interdependent or interacting components that regularly collaborateto provide the behavior and characteristics that (1) are needed to meet valid stakeholderneeds and desires and (2) cannot be provide separately by the individual components[Firesmith 2008]
  • #6: What is common?System of systems - exhibit (obscure) emergent behavior - are very large and complex - are (or need to be) highly flexible - are dynamically evolving - are geographically distributed * Component systems (subsystems) - are heterogeneous (e.g., in terms of technology and operation) - were independent before being integrated into the system of systems - exhibit operational independence - exhibit managerial independence - exhibit schedule independence - are self-contained - are independently useful - are geographically distributed - are autonomous - are embedded - come from multiple domains - have different contexts - have different conceptual frames - are task-oriented - are dedicated - behave concurrently - are complex
  • #7: * System of Systems (SoS)any system that is a relatively large and complex, dynamically evolving, and physically distributedsystem of pre-existing, heterogeneous, autonomous, and independently governedsystems, whereby the system of systems exhibits significant amounts of unexpected emergentbehavior and characteristicsAnd why systems characteristics are different from sub system characteristics
  • #8: Complexity: the degree to which a system is difficult for its stakeholders to understand and analyze, especially due to having a large number of components connected by many complicated interfaces.Evolution: the degree to which (in terms of rate and impact) the goals and requirements for a system (and its subsystems) change over time.Negative Emergence: the degree to which the new behaviors and characteristics of a system that result (i.e emerge) from the interaction of the systems subsystems are detrimental, unintended, and difficult to predict from the behaviors and characteristics of the individual systems.Size: the amount or magnitude of the system with regard to a suitable dimension.Variability: the degree to which a single type of system simultaneously exists in multiple variants, versions, or configurations.
  • #9: Autonomy: the degree to which the subsystems within a system are independent, stand alone, and are individually useful, self-contained, and operationally independent (i.e., neither controlled by nor controlling other subsystems).Governance: the degree to which the subsystems of a system are governed (e.g., specified, managed, funded, developed, owned, operated, maintained, and sustained) in an independent, decentralized, and uncoordinated manner.Heterogeneity: the degree to which the subsystems of a system differ from each other in that they (1) have different goals, objectives, and requirements, (2) have different behavior, and characteristics, (3) provide unrelated functionality, (4) belong to different application domains, and (5) are implemented using different technologies.Physical Distribution: the degree to which the subsystems of a system exist in different physical locations.Reuse: the degree to which the subsystems of the system have been reused regardless as to whether they are commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS), government-off-the-shelf (GOTS), military-off-the-shelf (MOTS), organizational-internal reuse, open source, and freeware
  • #10: * The most fundamental SoS characteristic appears to be subsystem reuse. If a system is essential a composed set of a set of pre-existing sub-systems, then the system tends to have high levels of almost all of the other SoS characteristics (see picture).
  • #11: A hybrid electric car is a car that is primarily powered by electric motors and storage batteries, but also has a small gas engine for recharging the batteries.Systems complexity: ...SubSystem governance: ?
  • #12: System Complexity: A smart grid varies from high to ultra-high complexity due to its large number of heterogeneous components that are tightly connected by numerous power, data, and control interfaces.System Evolution: It is highly likely to change as new requirements are implemented using new and rapidly evolving technologies (e.g., superconductivity, new storage batteries, and advances in green technologies). System Negative Emergence: System Size: System Variability: SubSystem Autonomy: A smart grid is a network of networks (e.g., transmission networks and distribution networks) with a great deal of control and monitoring via sensors, smart meters, etc. As such, its subsystems exhibit a relatively large amount of interdependence. SubSystem Governance: Thus, smart grids tend to have characteristics of both acknowledged and collaborative systems of systems.SubSystem Heterogeneity: A smart grid consists of transmission and distribution networks, advanced sensors, smart meters and energy panels, integrated communications systems, and many different software systems performing quite different functions. SysSystem Physical Distribution: all smart grids will be relatively widely distributed systems.SubSystem Reuse: While new components (smart meters) will be added, many major parts of the grid will also be upgraded rather than replaced. Therefore, early versions of the smart grid will reuse much of the existing grid. Thus, the smart grid will transition from high to moderate levels of subsystem reuse over time.
  • #13: Quality Model:a hierarchical model for defining, specifying, and measuring the different types of quality of a system or subsystem in terms of the models component quality characteristics, quality attributes, and associated quality measurement scales and methods.Quality Characteristic: a high-level characteristic or property of a system or subsystem that characterizes an aspect of its quality.Quality Atttribute: a major measurable component (aggregation) of a quality characteristic.Quality Measurement Scale: a measurement scale that defines numerical values used to mesure the degree to which a system or subsystem exhibits a specific quality attribute.Quality Measurement Method: a method, function, or tool for making a measurement along a quality measurement scale.
  • #15: * Systems also vary in terms of programmatic characteristics that do not directly describe systems, but rather describe (1) the organizations involved with their acquisition, development, and operations, (2) the stakeholders of the system, and (3) the types of endeavors used to develop or update, operate, and maintain the system.
  • #16: Understanding:ao usar meters baseado em caracteristicas de SoS torna-se mais claro para cada stakeholerd quais as caracteristicas mais importantes deste tipo de sistemas e quais as rela巽探es entre elas (ex. size and complexity).Communication: pq estabelece uma base comum de comunica巽達o (mesmos termos).Risk Identification: para valores altos de qq caracteristica implica um maior nivel de risco, em rela巽達o ao desenvolvimento ou update desse mesmo sistema. Como cada caracteristica est叩 claramente identificada cada stakeholder pode logo tomar decis探es que ajudem a diminuir o nivel de risco tal como: aumentar a monitoriza巽達o de certas opera巽探es; Alterar os requesitos iniciais; etc.System Tracking: ao manter-se o historico dos valores do varios meters (caracteristicas) mais facilmente se consegue ter uma melhor perspectiva de como o sistema evoluiu ao longo do tempo.Decision Making: varias decis探es s達o tomadas de acordo com o tipo de sistema com q estamos a trabalhar, logo sabendo a partida qual o tipo de sistema torna-se mais facil tomar decis探es apropriadas mais antecipadamente.Method Engineering: Existem uma grande variedade de sistemas, cada um com um determinado conjunto de caracteristicas nao sendo assim possivel aplicar a mesma abordagem a todos os tipos de sistemas. Os autores defende que por isso method engineering or situational method engineering, ainda que n達o seja perfeita, 辿 uma abordagem que melhor se adapta a este tipo de constraints.
  • #17: Os sistemas variam entre si em termos das caracteristicas inerentes a cada um. Estas caracteristicas podem ser caracterizadas da seguinte forma:SoS Characteristics:complexity, negative emergence, evolution, size, variability (system), autonomy, gorvernance, heterogeneity, physical distribution, and reuse (sub systems). Quality Characteristics: availability, interoperability, realiability, safety, security, usability (external), feasibility, maintainability, portability, reusability (internal).Programmatic Characteristics: organizational characteristics (type, size, type of governance, authority, funding, scheduling, etc). Stakeholders characteristics (type, authority, motivation and needs, etc). Endeavor characteristics (type, contracting and development, duration, schedule, funding, etc).Ainda n達o foi testado num caso pratico mas os autores acreditam que os sistema de escalas e meters pode ser usado para as caracteristicas relacionadas com programmatic and quality characteristics. Ter as escalas e meters para cada um deste grupos de caracteristicas permite-nos melhorar a comunica巽達o, o nivel de compreens達o do problema entre stakeholders e assim tamb辿m as decis探es que s達o tomadas, a identifica巽達o do risco entre outras coisas. Finalmente, os autores acham que System of Systems 辿 um termo demasiado abrangente e que usar os valores do meters para cada caracteristica no contexto da defini巽達o do systema 辿 uma melhor forma de definir SoS.