Presentation by C. Todd Smith on behalf of the Orange County Bar Association's Technology Committee given 11/20/12 at the Solo and Small Firm Committee meeting.
This document discusses ten types of "world flatteners" that have contributed to increased globalization. They are: the fall of the Berlin Wall, Netscape, workflow software, open source projects, outsourcing, offshoring, supply chain management, insourcing, information resources like Google, and portable personal devices. Each type is briefly described in one to three sentences. For example, outsourcing allows work to be done in other countries, offshoring moves factories abroad, and open source projects increased online collaboration worldwide.
The document discusses how data visualization and geospatial data can be used for urban planning purposes. It provides examples of how game designers use geospatial death maps to improve game levels. Additionally, it discusses how John Snow's cholera map was an early example of using geospatial data and how individuals and organizations now emit large amounts of geospatial data daily through connected devices. The document advocates that urban planners could use this abundant geospatial data from citizens to inform community-focused planning and design processes. It provides examples of how geospatial data has been visualized regarding topics like Netflix queues, political donations, tourist vs local photos, and the costs of incarceration to provide new insights.
This document discusses ten types of "world flatteners" that have contributed to increased globalization. They are: the fall of the Berlin Wall, Netscape, workflow software, open source projects, outsourcing, offshoring, supply chain management, insourcing, information resources like Google, and portable personal devices. Each flattener is briefly described in one to three sentences explaining their impact in connecting the global community and economy.
Linked Open Data and data-driven journalismPia J淡sendal
A keynote held at the Media 3.0 seminar in Bergen. It is an introductionary presentation of simple key elements of linked open data. It adresses media and journalists, what data driven journalism can look like and why they should care about what linked open data can offer.
This document discusses the work of the Government Digital Service (GDS) in the UK. It summarizes some of GDS's key goals and principles, including starting with user needs, designing with data, doing less, and building things that others can build upon. It also mentions some specific digital services and platforms GDS has created, like GOV.UK Pay and Notify. Finally, it discusses GDS's work on establishing open registers of government data and moving toward a digital ecosystem in the UK.
This document lists 10 things from Thinking Digital, an insightful conference on social technology and digital topics. It includes quotes from presenters on topics like avoiding understanding audiences, data being the new oil, enabling communication in remote areas without internet, and an Arduino kitty made at a workshop. The document provides links to websites and blogs for several of the presenters and topics.
Enabling Open Source for the Enterprise Breakfast Event in NYC - June 17, 2014Appnovation Technologies
際際滷s from our Enabling Open Source for the Enterprise event held at the Google office in New York on June 17, 2014. Featuring speakers from Google, Acquia, Alfresco and Mulesoft with a guest presentation from Colin Bodell, CTO of Time Inc.
Strata Conference NYC 2013 Full VersionTaewook Eom
The document provides an overview of topics discussed at the Strata Conference in 2013, including keynotes, sessions, and speakers. It discusses big data technologies like Hadoop, NoSQL, data science, and real-time stream processing. Some highlights include discussions on defining data science roles, predicting human vs machine performance, organizing data-centric companies, and the future of Hadoop.
The document discusses 5 principles of data journalism:
1. Data is only as useful as the questions asked of it.
2. Data can save time and money by automating repetitive tasks.
3. The most interesting data is what is not yet known and can be discovered.
4. Effective data is social, sticky, and provides useful information to users.
5. Journalists must determine whether to let data drive the story or use data to support a narrative.
The document discusses the evolution of the web over the next 10 years. An estimated 5.6 billion more people will go online, primarily using smartphones and tablets rather than PCs. This will result in a massive increase in the amount of user data being generated and collected online. While this data brings benefits, it also poses major risks regarding privacy, surveillance, and who controls the data. The document argues that the open web platform is crucial for enabling innovation while empowering users and ensuring transparency around how data is collected and used.
Presentation I did at Social Bar at the 4th of November in Berlin. It's a 10 minute talk about open government data for people who are not familiar with the topic.
Lessons Learned The Hard Way: 32+ Data Science InterviewsGregory Kamradt
This document summarizes Greg Kamradt's experience applying for data science jobs and interviews after graduating from a data science bootcamp program. It details the process he took, including sourcing over 60 companies, pitching over 30 recruiters and hiring managers, and preparing for 13 technical interviews. Key lessons included staying organized with tracking sheets, making the application process easy for recruiters, researching interviewers and companies thoroughly, and bringing creative energy to interviews. The document aims to share these lessons and resources to help other bootcamp graduates in their job searches.
The document discusses how the growing Internet of Things (IoT) and increase in data collection will impact businesses. It notes that while IoT and big data are not revolutionary on their own, together they will require changes in how data is managed and analyzed. Specifically, it argues that to succeed with the rise of IoT, systems must be optimized to reduce data transactions, data must be fragmented into smaller pieces to ease analysis, and data must be made widely accessible through open platforms and tools. The document cautions that failing to properly manage the growing amounts of connected devices and data could lead to security risks and negatively impact businesses.
The document discusses how the growing Internet of Things (IoT) and increase in data collection will impact businesses. It notes that while IoT and big data are not revolutionary on their own, together they will require changes in how data is managed and analyzed. Specifically, it argues that to succeed with the rise of IoT, systems must be optimized to reduce data transfers, data must be fragmented into smaller transactions instead of bulk transfers, and data must be made widely accessible through open platforms and tools. The document provides examples of how companies like Netflix, Facebook, and others have optimized data handling and argues this approach will be needed as IoT devices proliferate into the billions.
This document discusses open data and some of the challenges in interpreting and working with open data. It provides examples of open data projects in Slovakia that have helped make previously inaccessible government data more usable by parsing HTML, linking datasets, and finding hidden connections in the data. Some of the key barriers discussed are accessibility since data is rarely in a structured format, requiring techniques like web scraping, and data quality issues like noisy, missing, or deliberately obscured information. Notable open data projects highlighted include,,, and which have helped interpret and analyze procurement contracts, court decisions, and other public data.
The document provides updates from HDI Capital Area and HDI Corporate. It announces upcoming meetings in November and December. It also lists current sponsors and their sponsorship levels. It informs members about free consulting services available from select sponsors and calls for submissions for the HDI Awards and AOY/DST Awards. It advertises special offers on Knowledge-Centered Support Fundamentals certification and opportunities to renew membership or join HDI.
The document summarizes an Internet governance webinar on the Internet of Things (IoT). The webinar discussed defining IoT, examples of IoT applications, issues like privacy and security, and the impact of vastly increased data from IoT devices. Speakers explored where adoption of IoT currently stands, from the "hype cycle" perspective, and initiatives by governments and companies to advance IoT technologies and manage their effects.
Industry of Things World - Berlin 19-09-16Boris Adryan
Dr. Boris Adryan gave a talk on the impact of IoT analytics on development budgets. He discussed that IoT data problems are often not as complex as perceived and do not necessarily require "big data" solutions or specialists. Basic data storage and processing can often be done cost-effectively using standard tools. True challenges lie in extracting useful insights, which may require specialized machine learning approaches. Not all analytics need to be real-time. The appropriate solution depends on the use case and desired insights.
Presentation given to MyData 2016 - Design session: Challenges, opportunities, insights @ Helsinki
This document discusses open data in South Africa and the organization Open Data Durban. It provides a brief history of open data in South Africa, including the founding of organizations like Open Knowledge Foundation Cape Town chapter in 2011 and Code for South Africa in 2013. It also highlights some examples of open data projects developed by Code for South Africa focusing on issues like election results, government spending, crime rates, and living wages. The document encourages engaging with open data through Code4Democracy events and mailing lists.
3D printing is an additive manufacturing process that creates physical objects from digital designs by adding material layer by layer. It allows for complex shapes to be produced with less waste than traditional manufacturing methods. While 3D printing currently relies heavily on plastic materials and uses more energy than some other processes, advances in recycling technologies have the potential to make it more environmentally friendly over time by enabling widespread recycling and reducing fossil fuel use and waste from shipping.
CloudCamp Chicago - Industry Cloud Night
"Industry Cloud" - This CloudCamp 'unconference' will focus on how industries are using cloud to capture new business, add value, and create.
Talks Include:
"Shadow Clouds are Coming" - Marcus Hogue, Regional Technology Strategist, Office of the CTO, BMC Software @marcusHogue
"Open Government in Chicago" - Derek Eder, Civic Web Developer at DataMade @derekeder
"What can I run in the cloud?" - Jeff Stricker, IT Services Lead, EarthLink Business
"Artifice: Building an educational ARG with the physical cloud" - Ashley Lane, CEO and co-founder, Artifice & James Crooks, CTO co-founder, Artifice @artificechicago
"Stay Grounded in a Cloud World: Finding Your Zen with Cloud Productivity Tools" - Michael Topalovich President, CTO, Delivered Innovation @topalovich
"The bricks and mortar of the cloud" - Jean Dufresne, Principle & Co-owner, SPACE Architects + Planners @JeanDufresne
Look for photos here:
Next CloudCamp on March 20, 2014!
This document summarizes a presentation about controlling cloud costs with analytics. It discusses how cloud computing is changing IT spending and outlines the speaker's experience founding PlanForCloud. It then explains different cloud computing models and purchasing options. Finally, it describes how RightScale's Cloud Analytics product helps users visualize, forecast, and optimize their cloud spending.
This document summarizes various technology topics including online storage options, security cameras, RFID tags, wireless data speeds, digitizing collections, 3D printers, training programs, and technology competencies. It discusses online backup services, external hard drives, ransomware, camera systems, RFID tag pricing compared to other security methods, wireless network bandwidth guidelines, large format scanners, DSLR scanning, and evaluating online resources. It also outlines regional music projects, oral history initiatives, WordPress themes, logo design, patron time management software, BYOD policies, wireless printing, 3D printing requirements, knitting groups, efficient searching techniques, and potential training topics.
Innovative Kiwanis Membership ConceptsC Todd Smith
Presentation from the Florida Kiwanis District Convention on adapting the traditional Kiwanis club structure to focus more on service, and less on meetings. By increasing flexibility and expanding club satellites, Kiwanis can maintain its traditions, while becoming more attractive to a new generation of community volunteers.
Kiwanis Membership: If You Love Your Club, Share itC Todd Smith
Presented at the 2014 Florida Kiwanis District Convention on methods for membership development through better marketing, networking, and branding of Kiwanis.
More Related Content
Similar to In Pursuit of the Paperless Law Office (20)
Strata Conference NYC 2013 Full VersionTaewook Eom
The document provides an overview of topics discussed at the Strata Conference in 2013, including keynotes, sessions, and speakers. It discusses big data technologies like Hadoop, NoSQL, data science, and real-time stream processing. Some highlights include discussions on defining data science roles, predicting human vs machine performance, organizing data-centric companies, and the future of Hadoop.
The document discusses 5 principles of data journalism:
1. Data is only as useful as the questions asked of it.
2. Data can save time and money by automating repetitive tasks.
3. The most interesting data is what is not yet known and can be discovered.
4. Effective data is social, sticky, and provides useful information to users.
5. Journalists must determine whether to let data drive the story or use data to support a narrative.
The document discusses the evolution of the web over the next 10 years. An estimated 5.6 billion more people will go online, primarily using smartphones and tablets rather than PCs. This will result in a massive increase in the amount of user data being generated and collected online. While this data brings benefits, it also poses major risks regarding privacy, surveillance, and who controls the data. The document argues that the open web platform is crucial for enabling innovation while empowering users and ensuring transparency around how data is collected and used.
Presentation I did at Social Bar at the 4th of November in Berlin. It's a 10 minute talk about open government data for people who are not familiar with the topic.
Lessons Learned The Hard Way: 32+ Data Science InterviewsGregory Kamradt
This document summarizes Greg Kamradt's experience applying for data science jobs and interviews after graduating from a data science bootcamp program. It details the process he took, including sourcing over 60 companies, pitching over 30 recruiters and hiring managers, and preparing for 13 technical interviews. Key lessons included staying organized with tracking sheets, making the application process easy for recruiters, researching interviewers and companies thoroughly, and bringing creative energy to interviews. The document aims to share these lessons and resources to help other bootcamp graduates in their job searches.
The document discusses how the growing Internet of Things (IoT) and increase in data collection will impact businesses. It notes that while IoT and big data are not revolutionary on their own, together they will require changes in how data is managed and analyzed. Specifically, it argues that to succeed with the rise of IoT, systems must be optimized to reduce data transactions, data must be fragmented into smaller pieces to ease analysis, and data must be made widely accessible through open platforms and tools. The document cautions that failing to properly manage the growing amounts of connected devices and data could lead to security risks and negatively impact businesses.
The document discusses how the growing Internet of Things (IoT) and increase in data collection will impact businesses. It notes that while IoT and big data are not revolutionary on their own, together they will require changes in how data is managed and analyzed. Specifically, it argues that to succeed with the rise of IoT, systems must be optimized to reduce data transfers, data must be fragmented into smaller transactions instead of bulk transfers, and data must be made widely accessible through open platforms and tools. The document provides examples of how companies like Netflix, Facebook, and others have optimized data handling and argues this approach will be needed as IoT devices proliferate into the billions.
This document discusses open data and some of the challenges in interpreting and working with open data. It provides examples of open data projects in Slovakia that have helped make previously inaccessible government data more usable by parsing HTML, linking datasets, and finding hidden connections in the data. Some of the key barriers discussed are accessibility since data is rarely in a structured format, requiring techniques like web scraping, and data quality issues like noisy, missing, or deliberately obscured information. Notable open data projects highlighted include,,, and which have helped interpret and analyze procurement contracts, court decisions, and other public data.
The document provides updates from HDI Capital Area and HDI Corporate. It announces upcoming meetings in November and December. It also lists current sponsors and their sponsorship levels. It informs members about free consulting services available from select sponsors and calls for submissions for the HDI Awards and AOY/DST Awards. It advertises special offers on Knowledge-Centered Support Fundamentals certification and opportunities to renew membership or join HDI.
The document summarizes an Internet governance webinar on the Internet of Things (IoT). The webinar discussed defining IoT, examples of IoT applications, issues like privacy and security, and the impact of vastly increased data from IoT devices. Speakers explored where adoption of IoT currently stands, from the "hype cycle" perspective, and initiatives by governments and companies to advance IoT technologies and manage their effects.
Industry of Things World - Berlin 19-09-16Boris Adryan
Dr. Boris Adryan gave a talk on the impact of IoT analytics on development budgets. He discussed that IoT data problems are often not as complex as perceived and do not necessarily require "big data" solutions or specialists. Basic data storage and processing can often be done cost-effectively using standard tools. True challenges lie in extracting useful insights, which may require specialized machine learning approaches. Not all analytics need to be real-time. The appropriate solution depends on the use case and desired insights.
Presentation given to MyData 2016 - Design session: Challenges, opportunities, insights @ Helsinki
This document discusses open data in South Africa and the organization Open Data Durban. It provides a brief history of open data in South Africa, including the founding of organizations like Open Knowledge Foundation Cape Town chapter in 2011 and Code for South Africa in 2013. It also highlights some examples of open data projects developed by Code for South Africa focusing on issues like election results, government spending, crime rates, and living wages. The document encourages engaging with open data through Code4Democracy events and mailing lists.
3D printing is an additive manufacturing process that creates physical objects from digital designs by adding material layer by layer. It allows for complex shapes to be produced with less waste than traditional manufacturing methods. While 3D printing currently relies heavily on plastic materials and uses more energy than some other processes, advances in recycling technologies have the potential to make it more environmentally friendly over time by enabling widespread recycling and reducing fossil fuel use and waste from shipping.
CloudCamp Chicago - Industry Cloud Night
"Industry Cloud" - This CloudCamp 'unconference' will focus on how industries are using cloud to capture new business, add value, and create.
Talks Include:
"Shadow Clouds are Coming" - Marcus Hogue, Regional Technology Strategist, Office of the CTO, BMC Software @marcusHogue
"Open Government in Chicago" - Derek Eder, Civic Web Developer at DataMade @derekeder
"What can I run in the cloud?" - Jeff Stricker, IT Services Lead, EarthLink Business
"Artifice: Building an educational ARG with the physical cloud" - Ashley Lane, CEO and co-founder, Artifice & James Crooks, CTO co-founder, Artifice @artificechicago
"Stay Grounded in a Cloud World: Finding Your Zen with Cloud Productivity Tools" - Michael Topalovich President, CTO, Delivered Innovation @topalovich
"The bricks and mortar of the cloud" - Jean Dufresne, Principle & Co-owner, SPACE Architects + Planners @JeanDufresne
Look for photos here:
Next CloudCamp on March 20, 2014!
This document summarizes a presentation about controlling cloud costs with analytics. It discusses how cloud computing is changing IT spending and outlines the speaker's experience founding PlanForCloud. It then explains different cloud computing models and purchasing options. Finally, it describes how RightScale's Cloud Analytics product helps users visualize, forecast, and optimize their cloud spending.
This document summarizes various technology topics including online storage options, security cameras, RFID tags, wireless data speeds, digitizing collections, 3D printers, training programs, and technology competencies. It discusses online backup services, external hard drives, ransomware, camera systems, RFID tag pricing compared to other security methods, wireless network bandwidth guidelines, large format scanners, DSLR scanning, and evaluating online resources. It also outlines regional music projects, oral history initiatives, WordPress themes, logo design, patron time management software, BYOD policies, wireless printing, 3D printing requirements, knitting groups, efficient searching techniques, and potential training topics.
Innovative Kiwanis Membership ConceptsC Todd Smith
Presentation from the Florida Kiwanis District Convention on adapting the traditional Kiwanis club structure to focus more on service, and less on meetings. By increasing flexibility and expanding club satellites, Kiwanis can maintain its traditions, while becoming more attractive to a new generation of community volunteers.
Kiwanis Membership: If You Love Your Club, Share itC Todd Smith
Presented at the 2014 Florida Kiwanis District Convention on methods for membership development through better marketing, networking, and branding of Kiwanis.
Visualize or Fossilize: Growing Your Kiwanis ClubC Todd Smith
A presentation to provide Kiwanis Club leaders with tips and suggestions for growing their Kiwanis Clubs so they can recruit more volunteers to accomplish more service in their communities. This presentation was originally given at the Florida Kiwanis District Convention on August 3, 2013.
This document summarizes tips for creating effective PowerPoint presentations without relying on templates or unnecessary effects. It recommends starting with the core message or reason for the presentation. Visuals should tell the story in a way that moves the narrative forward in a clear sequence. Font sizes should be large, around 30 points, and bullet points should be used sparingly if at all. Transitions and animations should only be used if they enhance understanding rather than just for their own sake. The goal is to engage the audience rather than put them to "PowerPoint hell."
Tips for Lawyers Using PowerPoint in MediationsC Todd Smith
This document provides tips for using PowerPoint effectively for mediation presentations. It suggests starting with a blank slide and using visuals like pictures to tell the client's story rather than relying on text-heavy slides. The presenter should control the story and slides rather than reading slides. Templates and excessive transitions should be avoided. Formatting tips include using a large font size and less text per slide. The presenter needs to know the material, technology, and room in advance to be fully prepared.
Utilizing Social Media in Your BusinessC Todd Smith
A presentation by C. Todd Smith at the Executive Exchange Summer Networking Event on June 1, 2011. Topics include the basics of inbound marketing, social media, and how Executive Exchange can help build relationships that can benefit your business.
Unlock the potential within your corporate team with our carefully curated collection of motivational quotes designed specifically for managers and leaders. This PowerPoint presentation is a treasure trove of inspiration, offering timeless wisdom and powerful insights from renowned thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and visionaries. Each quote is crafted to ignite the drive, resilience, and visionary thinking essential for steering teams towards success. Perfect for team meetings, leadership training, and personal growth, this presentation is your go-to resource for fostering a culture of motivation and excellence.
Key Highlights:
Over 30 impactful quotes to inspire and elevate leadership qualities.
Thought-provoking visuals that complement each quote.
Practical tips for applying motivational insights in the corporate environment.
Ideal for presentations, workshops, and team-building sessions.
Empower your journey to exceptional leadership and create a lasting impact on your team with our motivational quotes presentation. Download now and start inspiring greatness today!
Norman Cooling - Founder And President Of N.LNorman Cooling
Norman Cooling founded N.L. Cooling Strategic Consulting LLC where he serves as President. A man of faith and usher for Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, he lives with his wife, Beth, in High Point, North Carolina. Norm is an active volunteer, serving as a Group Leader for Enduring Gratitude since 2019 and volunteering with the Semper Fi Fund.
Outline of Human Motivation
1. Introduction to Human Motivation
Definition of motivation
Importance of understanding motivation
Overview of motivational theories
2. Theories of Motivation
A. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation
Definitions and differences
Examples of each type
B. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Overview of the five levels of needs
Application of the theory in real-life scenarios
C. Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
Overview of intrinsic motivation and its three basic psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness
The impact of SDT on personal growth and well-being
D. Expectancy Theory
Explanation of how expectations influence motivation
Components: expectancy, instrumentality, and valence
E. Goal-Setting Theory
Importance of setting specific and challenging goals
The SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
3. Factors Influencing Motivation
A. Biological Factors
Role of genetics and neurochemistry in motivation
Impact of physical health and well-being
B. Psychological Factors
Personality traits and their influence on motivation
The role of mindset (fixed vs. growth mindset)
C. Social and Environmental Factors
Influence of culture, family, peers, and society on motivation
The impact of the workplace environment and leadership styles
4. Motivation in Different Contexts
A. Education
How motivation affects learning and academic performance
Strategies to enhance student motivation
B. Workplace
Importance of employee motivation for productivity and job satisfaction
Techniques for fostering motivation in the workplace
C. Personal Development
Motivation for self-improvement and personal goals
The role of habits and routines in maintaining motivation
5. Challenges to Motivation
Common obstacles to motivation (e.g., procrastination, fear of failure)
Strategies to overcome motivational challenges
6. Conclusion
Summary of key points
The significance of understanding motivation for personal and societal growth
7. References
A list of academic sources and literature on motivation
21 Best Crypto Wallet in UAE The complete 2025.pdfDubiz
The cryptocurrency sector worldwide has undergone significant transformation with increasing adoption and acceptance. It is one of the emerging sectors converting cash treasuries into digital currencies. In UAE too, people are heavily being drawn towards investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In fact, it is among the top investment opportunities in Dubai in 2025. You can find some of the best crypto wallet in UAE, offering safe and efficient platforms for storing, managing, and even trading digital assets.
However, with such digital transformation comes an increased risk of cyberattacks and scams. This is why, to ensure your investments are completely safe, you must choose a secure and highly reliable crypto wallet in the UAE.
The Will-Skill Matrix is an essential framework for managers and consultants aiming to optimize team performance. This model divides employees into four quadrants based on their levels of motivation (Will) and competencies (Skill):
1.Contributors (Guide): High Will, Low Skill
2.High Performers (Challenge): High Will, High Skill
3.Low Performers (Direct): Low Will, Low Skill
4.Potential Detractors (Motivate): Low Will, High Skill
This PowerPoint presentation is only a small preview of our content. For more details, visit
Creativity, AI, and Human-Centered InnovationRaj Lal
A 90-minute Design Workshop with David Moore, Lecturer at Stanford Design
Join us for an engaging session filled with actionable insights, dynamic conversations, and complimentary pizza and drinks to fuel your creativity.
Join us as a Volunteer.
Unlocking Creativity & Leadership: From Ideas to Impact
In todays fast-paced world of design, innovation, and leadership, the ability to think creatively and strategically is essential for driving meaningful change. This workshop is designed for designers, product leaders, and entrepreneurs looking to break through creative barriers, adopt a user-centered mindset, and turn bold ideas into tangible success.
Join us for an engaging session where well explore the intersection of creativity, leadership, and human-centered innovation. Through thought-provoking discussions, real-world case studies, and actionable strategies, youll gain the tools to navigate complex challenges, foster collaboration, and lead with purpose in an ever-evolving industry.
Key Takeaways:
From Design Thinking to Design Doing Where are you in the creative process? The best work is multi-dimensional, engaging us on a deeper level. Unlock your natural creative abilities and move from ideation to execution.
Reigniting Innovation: From Firefighting to Fire Starting Weve become so skilled at solving problems that weve forgotten how to spark new ideas. Learn how to cultivate a culture of communication, collaboration, and creative productivity to drive meaningful innovation.
The Human Element of Innovation True creativity isnt just about ideasits about people. Understand how to nurture the deeper, often-overlooked aspects of your teams potential to build an environment where innovation thrives.
AI as Your Creative Partner, Not a Shortcut AI can be an incredible toolbut only if you use it wisely. Learn when and how to integrate AI into your workflow, craft effective prompts, and avoid generic, uninspired results.
Mastering Team Dynamics: Communication, Listening & Collaboration Teams are unpredictable, and clear communication isnt always as clear as we think. Discover strategies for building strong, high-performing teams that listen, collaborate, and innovate effectively. This session will equip you with the insights and techniques needed to lead with creativity, navigate challenges, and drive innovation with confidence.
What PE Teachers and PEX Professionals Have in CommonKaiNexus
Presented by Shawna Forst, Performance Excellence, Quality & Risk Coordinator at MercyOne Newton Medical Center
What do physical education teachers and performance excellence professionals have in common? More than you think! This session will feature one former P.E. Teacher's perspective on the similarities between coaching kids and leading quality and improvement efforts in the workplace while also sharing how to leverage KaiNexus to support and encourage those endeavors.
In this webinar, you'll learn:
To explore the basic fundamentals of being an effective coach, regardless of field.
To identify how KaiNexus can be leveraged in being an effective coach.
To understand how Lean methodology, leveraging KaiNexus, can help eliminate waste, build teamwork, reduce conflicts, reduce or eliminate defects, create IDEAL processes, services, and products as well as improve client satisfaction.
About the Presenter:
Shawna Forst
Shawna is the Performance Excellence Quality & Risk Coordinator and Lean Healthcare Coach at MercyOne Newton Medical Center. Shawna has been a Lean Healthcare facilitator since January 2007 and has two years of experience as a technician in a cardiac unit. Since then, she has had various roles in Healthcare Quality and Safety. Shawna graduated from Simpson College in 2002 with a Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education and a Coaching Endorsement. In 2010, she became a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) and received her LEAN Green Belt certification in 2014. She also received her Masters in Business Administration from Western Governors University in 2018.
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls...Lviv Startup Club
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
In todays digital world, financial transactions are shifting towards seamless, secure, and user-friendly platforms. Among these, Revolut stands out as one of the most innovative financial technology solutions, offering users a robust and versatile digital banking experience. Whether for personal finance management or business transactions, having a fully verified account ensures access to all premium features, heightened security, and regulatory compliance.
Jatin Mansata - A Leader In Finance And PhilanthropyJatin Mansata
Jatin Mansata is a financial markets leader and teacher with a deep commitment to social change. As the CEO and Director of JM Global Equities, hes recognized for his acumen for derivatives and equities. Beyond his professional achievements, Jatin mentors 500 students, empowering them with financial knowledge.
WhatsApp+ 1 8 4 7 6 5 4 7 0 9 6
I Thought Id Lost Everything, My Crops, My Savings, My Future! I'm a third-generation farmer, and like most of my family, I have weathered storms, both the literal and economic varieties. Nothing, though, could have prepared me for the flood that swept through my farm and nearly drowned my future. Over the past five years, I had amassed a $120,000 Bitcoin buffer in silence as a hedge against unstable crop prices. It was my shield against poor harvests and market crashes.
And then the flood came. It wasn't rain, it was the wrath of nature. Water flooded into my office, turning documents into pulp and sending my computers floating around like lumber. My hardware wallet, the sole bulwark between me and that $120,000, was submerged in muddy water. When the skies finally cleared, I held the waterlogged device in my hand, praying fervently that it would still work. It didn't.
Panic ensued. The soybeans were ruined, the barn needed to be repaired, and now my electronic savings, the one thing I thought was sacrosanct was gone. I couldn't tell my wife; she had already been up to her knees helping shovel sludge out of our home.
Desperate, I had put it on an agriculture technology site. I had cried and written, praying that someone somewhere would know what to do. A user responded with a username that turned out to be my savior, Salvage Asset Recovery.
I called them the next day, preparing for robot voice or a bait-and-switch sales pitch. But to my surprise, I spoke with human compassion, patience, and understanding. I unloaded my story, and they listened like neighbors calling after a tornado. They worked immediately, using fancy data reconstruction tools I couldn't even understand.
Every day, they updated me in simple terms. I was anxious, but their professionalism calmed me down. On the ninth day, I got the call. They had recovered my wallet. All the Bitcoins were intact. I was so relieved that I nearly kissed my filthy boots.
When they heard about the flooding damage, they even discounted part of their fee. That touched me more than the rain. Salvage Asset Recovery didn't just restore my savings, they restored my trust in people. They are heroes in my book, and thanks to them, my family's future is once again set on stable ground.
In Pursuit of the Paperless Law Office
1. In Pursuit of the Paperless Law Office
(or at least one with less paper)
Solo & Small Firm Committee Meeting - November 20, 2012
Presented by C. Todd Smith
Twitter: @ctoddsmith
12. So you have a
scannernow what?
Who scans the mail?
How do you name the files?
Where do you save the files?
What do you do with the paper?
What about your old files?
13. Naming Protocols - must be consistent and all
documents stored in central location
2012-11-19 to Client Re ________
2012-11-19 Request to Produce to Defendant A
16. BE TECH LITERATE - Do Your Research
These links and more at:
(Third Thursday Every Other Month)
JANUARY 17, 2013
MARCH 21, 2013
MAY 16, 2013
JULY 18, 2013
All meetings at noon at the OCBA Center
19. C. Todd Smith
Twitter: @ctoddsmith
Editor's Notes
#5: Why go paperlessLess paperLess cost less paper costs, less postage, less storage costs, less staff resources for filingConvenience easily locate documents in seconds, no more tabbing paper, whole punching, and filing
#10: Whats your plan jump in or test the water?First step is equipment (next slide).
#11: Equipment you needScanner My recommendation Fujitsu s1500 (includes Acrobat)Adobe Acrobat
#12: Scanner is $400 - $450 and INCLUDES ACROBAT ($350 value)Now that you have the equipment, NOW WHAT?Must figure out how your going to scan your mail, how will you name it?
#13: Youve got to put some thought into this before you get startedYouve got to create a plan and train your staff TRAINING IS VITALMust promote a positive attitude and discourage negativity
#16: Youve got to have a back-up systemBack-up hard driveBack up to the cloud dropbox, etc. Plan for the worst if youre putting all of your documents in a digital format, you cant afford to lose them.