Trying to teach to some students the value of History¡£šsÊ·½ÌŽŸ¡£·ÔUÕß¡£GACKT,XJAPAN,VERSAILLES,VAMPS,Ayumi Hamasaki,Within Temptation¡î¡£Ö§³Ö¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤ SHOW YOUR HEART ¡£¡î ÎÒ¡©¤Ë¤¢¤Ê¤¿¤Î΢Ц¤òÒŠ¤»¤Æ¤¯¤À¤µ¤¤¡£¡îAdministrator at "Camui Gakuen Paradise" Forum ¡î Currently working on translate GACKT Blog, GACKT Staff Blog and Yellow Fried Chicken'z Blog.¡î Freelace Translator¡îLivejournal Blogger¡îTraductora sin fines de lucro de Japon¨¦s¡î
Just a normal girl living in South America...well, not normal.¡î¡î¡î