僚y 仄旅 仆留 留 仆旅侶 蔵y,
皌g 于 ..
"Stage Of Maturity iz nt wen u start tokin'Badi-Badi Baatein'...
Rather it iz wen u start undrstnding'Choti-Choti Baatein'.
wish i could press rewind, and rewrite every line t i 2 留.
留dd 仄 i亳 u 磷d is擢....
W w擢 擢淡 s留y 留B擢 仄..
仄 留wys I亳 淡擢z....
I'仄 C留i亳,淡vY,仄淡擢i淡亳留,C留礆i亳,淡亳s擢,I亳dy,si亳C,J淡y&仄留亳y 仄淡 擢c..
eh'm crazzy bout Meuzik&"FOOTBALL"i love animals,adventure n traveling, dnt like hurtng any1, hav helping nature&hate comparison
i luvv mah frnnns. ....n offcourse i live mah life i