Presentation given at the Bologna Seminar "Penalized for Being Mobile? National Pension Schemes as an Obstacle to Mobility for Researchers in the EHEA" that took place in Berlin on 12-13 June 2008.
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Mobility and pensions - a personal case study - Bologna Seminar 'Penalized for being mobile', Berlin, 12-13 June 2008
2. A few words about my mobility
Im German. Ive lived in
Ireland (now - employee)
France (postdoc - 2 years employee, 遜 year
stipend )
Spain (PhD student 1 year stipend)
UK (postgrad - 1 year stipend)
Philippines (volunteer - 1 year unpaid)
Canada (student - 2 years stipend)
and of course in Germany!
3. Different pensions schemes Im in
State pension schemes in Germany, France,
Mandatory supplementary schemes in France
and Germany
Private pensions products in Germany (capital
life insurance, Riester contract), France and
Was told by German pensions advisor that I
might be eligible for some benefits in Canada as
I lived there for two years(???)
4. So whats the problem???
Hard to keep track of all the different
schemes and contracts (9 so far probably
more to come)!
Vesting periods many different contracts
Ive paid into for short periods only
At the time of retirement, will have to collect
small amounts from different sources, as
contracts arent portable
5. Some good experiences!
Apparently good cooperation between relevant
offices regarding state pensions (so far at least!)
France/Germany: documentation in both
languages, slow but thorough treatment of my
Ireland/Germany: not much experience so far,
but they seem to communicate (received
letter from Irish authorities requesting info
related to my pensions in Germany)
6. And some not so good ones
Officer of French supplementary pensions
scheme not willing to send mail to address in
Germany (will only use your address of last
employment in France)!!
German company that sold me the Riester
contract unaware of legal issues (tax benefits
etc. have to be returned upon leaving country
currently under scrutiny (?))
Advisor of Irish pensions company could not tell
me whether the product I bought would be
transferable to another country or not
(eventually he found out it isnt to Germany!)
7. And general nuisance related to
bureaucracy and paperwork
Letter from German state pensions office
explaining my entitlements (including
contributions made abroad) is 16 pages
They really made an effort, but: Ive read
it twice, I have a PhD in maths, and I still
dont fully understand it!!