Ninua News Reader aims to create a beautiful news experience for non-tech-savvy users by reinventing the traditional press release model. It plans to generate revenue through contextual banner and paid ads within a social, mobile-focused platform led by a team of 3 engineers and designers, with backing from investors and advisors. This could potentially disrupt the news industry as online advertising did in 1999.
#2: - Ninua is an ancient city in Mesopotamia that had one of the earliest libraries in history with 22,000 clay tablets. \n- Writing and Reading are core human needs from the dawn of civilization. \n\n
#10: - Beautiful News Experience. But we have competition there.\n- Flipboard and Pulse are great products, but lack the social and engagement features.\n\n\n
#11: - Social news is not about sharing to Facebook, or putting a pretty interface on the Facebook stream.\n- Social news is to discover and filter news through friends.\n
#16: - News distribution is big industry. Also, an old industry that hasn’t innovated much in a decades. \n
#17: - A more efficient news distribution platform. \n- Use existing user base to grow news reading apps. \n- Embed “featured news” in the stream.\n