The document discusses various topics relating to nuclear technology including what nuclear technology is, how it produces energy through fission and fusion, common perceptions around nuclear power and weapons, how radiation is portrayed in media, basic facts about radiation and its effects on living things, and the uncertainties around predicting health effects of radiation exposure. It argues that public understanding of nuclear technology is limited and shaped heavily by media and that more complete information is needed for informed decision making.
The document outlines suggestions for ending segregation through student clubs and activities. It proposes forming two clubs, the Inter Racial Anti- Segregation Association and the Anti Segregation Association For Human Rights, to bring together students of different races and grade levels to design initiatives to end segregation. The clubs would work on intermixing groups and planning projects to allow students to interact and feel comfortable with those of other races.
Un fotógrafo capturó una imagen de un feto de 21 semanas sacando su mano del útero de su madre y tratando de tomar el dedo del médico durante una cirugía para corregir espina bífida dentro del útero; la foto se convirtió en un símbolo contra el aborto y muestra que la vida del bebé dependía de la cirugía; ahora Samuel Alexander Arms, el bebé de la foto, sobrevivió la cirugía y nació sano.
The document discusses various topics relating to nuclear technology including what nuclear technology is, how it produces energy through fission and fusion, common perceptions around nuclear power and weapons, how radiation is portrayed in media, basic facts about radiation and its effects on living things, and the uncertainties around predicting health effects of radiation exposure. It argues that public understanding of nuclear technology is limited and shaped heavily by media and that more complete information is needed for informed decision making.
The document outlines suggestions for ending segregation through student clubs and activities. It proposes forming two clubs, the Inter Racial Anti- Segregation Association and the Anti Segregation Association For Human Rights, to bring together students of different races and grade levels to design initiatives to end segregation. The clubs would work on intermixing groups and planning projects to allow students to interact and feel comfortable with those of other races.
Un fotógrafo capturó una imagen de un feto de 21 semanas sacando su mano del útero de su madre y tratando de tomar el dedo del médico durante una cirugía para corregir espina bífida dentro del útero; la foto se convirtió en un símbolo contra el aborto y muestra que la vida del bebé dependía de la cirugía; ahora Samuel Alexander Arms, el bebé de la foto, sobrevivió la cirugía y nació sano.
The apothem of a polygon, which is the distance from the center to the midpoint of a side, approaches pi as the number of sides increases. Adding more sides to a polygon causes the apothem to get closer to pi. The document discusses how the apothem of a polygon approaches pi as the number of sides on the polygon increases.
The document discusses various topics related to nuclear technology including nuclear energy, fission, radiation, doses, and effects. It notes that nuclear technology is often misunderstood due to limited knowledge and biased media representations. While high doses of radiation can cause harm, the effects of low doses are unclear and some research has indicated potential health benefits of low radiation exposure.
The document discusses cervical cancer, including its causes, risk factors, symptoms, staging, treatment options, and prognosis factors. Some key points include:
- Cervical cancer is the 2nd most common cancer in women worldwide and the leading cause of cancer deaths in women in developing countries.
- Risk factors include HPV infection, multiple sexual partners, smoking, and other STDs. Early stages often show no symptoms while later stages can cause bleeding, discharge and pain.
- Treatment depends on cancer stage but may involve surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or a combination. Prognosis depends on lymph node status, tumor size and depth of invasion among other factors.
This document provides guidance on evaluating websites for reliability and accuracy. It discusses top-level domains like .com, .org, and .net that can be registered by anyone, and restricted domains like .gov and .edu. It then evaluates several example websites based on criteria like authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and thoroughness. While some sites like those from the CDC are likely appropriate, others show bias, lack citations, or have outdated information. In general, the document stresses carefully evaluating websites based on multiple factors.
This document discusses various techniques for measuring web page performance, including:
- Navigation Timing API for measuring page load times
- Resource Timing API for measuring resource load times
- Headless browsers like PhantomJS and Chrome for automated performance testing
- Speedgun.js for leveraging these APIs and running performance tests from a Node server
- Continuous performance monitoring using Speedgun.js and sending results to a centralized server
Popularizing science in Luova web magazineSuvi Korhonen
The document discusses Luova, a Finnish web magazine that aims to popularize science, mathematics, and technology for youth aged 12 to 18. It does this through informal learning on blogs on various topics. The magazine is non-commercial and funded by organizations. It seeks to make science more familiar and relevant to everyday life in order to increase interest in science fields and careers for young people. Blog posts are short, with one main idea and images to attract readers. Writers are encouraged to write accessibly in an active voice and share personal experiences and ideas.