Dayana Michelle Vargas
Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Cochabamba, Bolivia
Welcome to dayland!! The earth of fun, opportunities, everything-u-want(-as-long-i-want-it-too) free stuff, Not-that-free-stuff, everything-but-free-stuff , EARTH OF THE BEST PERSON IN FUCKIN’ WORLD!! Come on in this first-time-free tour 4 dayland… here in dayland are many interesting things, unicorns here.. rainbows up there, elfs, midgets, trolls, all kind of stuffs and guess what!! U can collect them!! Here in dayland the happy days become longer and the weather is always as u want it!! The earth where ure always healty and ure never tired!! The earth where u can eat everything u want!! U can swim at chocolate rivers if u want to!! U can have chips-trees in ur garden, u can have a
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