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Dayah Halim

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Organization / Workplace
Johor Bahru
Taken Single Enjoying Life **aku hanye 'approve' org yg aku knl atau ade mutual fren yg ramai atau kau kwn aku punye kwn n yg paling penting kalau aku rase nk approve aku wt laa =)** called me dayah 19 years young for this year =D from skudai, jb now current in b.pahat for wander.. i'm difficult to sulk BUT i'm easy to temper.. LOVE to laugh, 'gyle-gyle', n njoyy my life ^^,v DO NOT LIKE to keep anger in my heart for a long time yahh exactly u're ryte,, i'm NOT a vengeful i'm 'easy going' do not like to wait for a long time hate when talk with some people who are bit boring hate people who r seriously judge me arrogant.. u dun know me well, okayy,??! why n