Dokumen ini berisi soalan-soalan ujian bulanan bahasa melayu untuk murid tahun 2 yang mencakupi soalan pilihan ganda, lengkapkan ayat, garis kata, dan perkataan berlawan. Soalan-soalan ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji pengetahuan dan kemahiran penulisan bahasa melayu murid.
Dokumen ini berisi soalan-soalan ujian bahasa Melayu untuk tingkat 2. Soalan-soalan itu mencakup berbagai topik seperti membaca cerita pendek dan iklan, memahami dialog, dan memahami hubungan antara kata dan gambar. Ujian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetes kemampuan siswa dalam memahami dan menganalisis berbagai teks bahasa Melayu.
Dokumen tersebut menyenaraikan beberapa aktiviti yang dilakukan oleh Ai Ling dan keluarganya untuk menyambut Tahun Baru Cina minggu lalu. Ai Ling memakai cheongsam manakala abangnya memakai samfu. Ibu Ai Ling membuat kuih bulan. Mereka berdiri di luar rumah untuk melihat tarian singa sebelum bermain tanglung pada waktu malam.
Contoh Mid Year Exam Tahun 2 (Bahasa Inggeris)Ahmadi Suratman
The document contains a reading comprehension passage with multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions about a boy named Azman. It asks about Azman's school, friends, favorite food, activities after school at the playground, and the activity he sometimes plays with his friends.
1. The document contains an assessment for a Year 2 English class with multiple sections testing spelling, vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and sequencing skills.
2. The sections include filling in missing letters, naming modes of transportation, underlining correct answers and rewriting paragraphs with proper punctuation, naming flowers, arranging jumbled words into sentences, sequencing a story based on pictures, and answering comprehension questions about a short text.
3. The assessment tests a variety of basic English language skills and was designed to evaluate students in an SJK (C) or Chinese primary school in Malaysia.
This document contains a 40 question multiple choice exam covering topics like vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and spelling. The questions test knowledge of subjects like food, occupations, family, hobbies, numbers, and punctuation. There is also a short reading passage about children's ambitions and a letter discussing travel plans between family members. Students must choose the best answer from the options provided to demonstrate their understanding of the content.
Dokumen ini berisi soalan ujian pertengahan penggal untuk murid tahun 2 tentang dunia sains dan teknologi. Soalan terdiri dari 5 bahagian yang meliputi topik seperti keperluan manusia, proses tumbuh kembang, dan anggota tubuh manusia. Murid diminta menjawab soalan dengan memberi tanda silang, mewarnai, menulis kata kunci, dan melengkapkan kalimat.
This document appears to be an English language exam for Year 2 students in a Malaysian primary school. It consists of 10 sections (A-J) testing different English language skills through exercises like matching words to pictures, filling in blanks, sentence rearrangement, and answering questions based on a map. The exam has a total of 50 questions worth 100 marks. It was prepared by the English subject teacher, checked by the committee head, and approved by the assistant head of administration.
This document is an English test for Year 2 students at SJK(C) Tung Kiew. The test has multiple sections testing listening skills, writing words, rearranging letters to form words, filling in missing letters, making sentences from pictures, filling in blanks, and identifying true/false sentences. It contains a variety of question types to assess different English language skills for primary school students.
1. The document contains an assessment for a Year 2 English class with multiple sections testing spelling, vocabulary, grammar, comprehension and sequencing skills.
2. The sections include filling in missing letters, naming modes of transportation, underlining correct answers and rewriting paragraphs with proper punctuation, naming flowers, arranging jumbled words into sentences, sequencing a story based on pictures, and answering comprehension questions about a short text.
3. The assessment tests a variety of basic English language skills and was designed to evaluate students in an SJK (C) or Chinese primary school in Malaysia.
This document contains a 40 question multiple choice exam covering topics like vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and spelling. The questions test knowledge of subjects like food, occupations, family, hobbies, numbers, and punctuation. There is also a short reading passage about children's ambitions and a letter discussing travel plans between family members. Students must choose the best answer from the options provided to demonstrate their understanding of the content.
Dokumen ini berisi soalan ujian pertengahan penggal untuk murid tahun 2 tentang dunia sains dan teknologi. Soalan terdiri dari 5 bahagian yang meliputi topik seperti keperluan manusia, proses tumbuh kembang, dan anggota tubuh manusia. Murid diminta menjawab soalan dengan memberi tanda silang, mewarnai, menulis kata kunci, dan melengkapkan kalimat.
This document appears to be an English language exam for Year 2 students in a Malaysian primary school. It consists of 10 sections (A-J) testing different English language skills through exercises like matching words to pictures, filling in blanks, sentence rearrangement, and answering questions based on a map. The exam has a total of 50 questions worth 100 marks. It was prepared by the English subject teacher, checked by the committee head, and approved by the assistant head of administration.
This document is an English test for Year 2 students at SJK(C) Tung Kiew. The test has multiple sections testing listening skills, writing words, rearranging letters to form words, filling in missing letters, making sentences from pictures, filling in blanks, and identifying true/false sentences. It contains a variety of question types to assess different English language skills for primary school students.