Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Delhi, India
LIC India Forever
lets try..
well i am a normal -punjabi deliite mixture...easy goin chilld out..flirty nd a "no nonsense" female..
not an extrovert...i tke time 2 mix wid ppl...but WHN M UR's M TOTALLY URS!!
love natural thns in life...all dat nature has 2 give me i take it..i dnt xpect 2 much outa my i thnk bein over ambitius is a rng thng..
success to me wud mean beain a noble human makin at least 1 person's life beautiful b4 i die..
my biggest weakness in my anger...i loose all my control whn i m angry...
i loose site of evrythn..
bt if u try to win ovr me usin ths..then u're in truble Mr.!!
my biggest strenth wud be my ability to com out of d worst of situations.
Users following Deepali Singh