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Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3
Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3
"Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the
needless wants of life, and the labours of life reduce
themselves."  Edwin Way Teale
Focus on Business
                  "Even if youre on the
                  right track-youll get
                  run over if you just sit
                  there." ~Will Rogers

                  "Dont wait. The time
                  will never be just
                  right". ~Napoleon Hill
Register Maintenance

Irregular   No Records   Physical Records
Last Minute Approach
becomes an
 when you
 bow to it
 - Ray Davis

                  Fall prey            Directors List
on dos and
  donts          to show

      Cost involved               Compliance
        Penalties,                 of other
           etc.                    compliant
                  No track of

  Comfort                            Retrieval of
 levels for                          information
certification                          is highly
     fall           Cannot              difficult
                  support vital

        Failure to
          satisfy             Diversion of
         investor             focus from
       with respect            other vital
            to                   areas
Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3
Rich Experience
Technology Savvy
Value Addition
Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3
Analysis of      Follow        updation of
Assignment    Complete Cycle      online
1     Update Task in Zoho(a tool for work
                   Task Assigned                       flow management)
SMART GENIE                                           2
                                           Work Relevant Check List
                      4                                                   5
              Note Information                             Prepare documents for
              Required & the filing                        Directors Signatures          7
              fee details                                                                       Send
                                               6                              8
                                                      9 Update IPRO (a tool for record        to clients
                                   Verification                      and Generate
                                   by Quality              Forms ( if Applicable)
                                   Control                                    10
          Mark Task as             Executive
        Complete in Zoho                                     Send Forms for Main                    12
                                                             Verification & Certification
            Update:                                                           11
   1.Transaction Status               Track the
                                                           Upload Certified Forms & save
   2.Company Information              Status of
                                                           their Acknowledgement Receipts
   3.Corporate Information             Forms
Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3
Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3
Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3
Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3
Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3
Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3
Smart Genies Vision
Team & Contact us
CS. T. Sandhya with an experience of about 7 years
with a team of 10 (Asst. Managers & Secretarial
Executives) will exclusively handle your Company.

                     Reach us at -
                   Ph: 8499849988
           Email ID: sandhya@rna-cs.com
Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3

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Smart genie ver 1.3.5-ppsx3

  • 3. "Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labours of life reduce themselves." Edwin Way Teale
  • 5. Procrastination "Even if youre on the right track-youll get run over if you just sit there." ~Will Rogers "Dont wait. The time will never be just right". ~Napoleon Hill
  • 6. Register Maintenance Irregular No Records Physical Records
  • 8. A Challenge only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it - Ray Davis
  • 9. Consequences Errors /mistakes No appropriate Default knowledge Fall prey Directors List on dos and donts to show cause notices Hinders Cost involved Compliance Penalties, of other etc. compliant Companies
  • 10. Unpreparedness No track of Compliance Status Comfort Retrieval of levels for information certification is highly fall Cannot difficult support vital Diligences Failure to satisfy Diversion of investor focus from with respect other vital to areas compliance
  • 16. Immediate Analysis of Follow updation of Assignment Complete Cycle online information
  • 17. 1 Update Task in Zoho(a tool for work Task Assigned flow management) SMART GENIE 2 Work Relevant Check List 3 4 5 Note Information Prepare documents for Required & the filing Directors Signatures 7 fee details Send 6 8 documents 9 Update IPRO (a tool for record to clients Verification and Generate maintenance) by Quality Forms ( if Applicable) Control 10 Mark Task as Executive Complete in Zoho Send Forms for Main 12 Verification & Certification 14 Update: 11 1.Transaction Status Track the Upload Certified Forms & save 2.Company Information Status of their Acknowledgement Receipts 3.Corporate Information Forms 13
  • 18.
  • 26. Team & Contact us CS. T. Sandhya with an experience of about 7 years with a team of 10 (Asst. Managers & Secretarial Executives) will exclusively handle your Company. Reach us at - Ph: 8499849988 Email ID: sandhya@rna-cs.com

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Welcome to Smart Genie A service offering to ensure efficient services with value addition utilising our rich domain knowledge to the optimum
  • #3: Through this presentation, we will look at how compliance is handled by most of the closely held companies and challenges the Companys face in that scenario. Then, we will see the Role of Smart Genie - its benefits & processes.
  • #4: Before elaborating on benefits of our services to you, we will see how the Company Law Compliance is handled at most of the closely held unlisted companies. Either knowingly or unknowingly, things are made unnecessarily complicated
  • #5: A promoter or senior management would be interested to spend more time on business and its development. And hence could spare little / no attention on compliances specifically with MCA / RoC. This would lead to adverse consequences.
  • #6: General tendency is No adverse consequences now, so let us procrastinate, let us comply the provisions when there is a pressure. Agreed that penal provisions are not very stringent for closely held Companies, but there are certain other adverse effects which are usually least bothered. Look at the procrastinators clock time runs off at the end of the hour.
  • #7: Coming to the Statutory Records maintenance either No records are maintained or maintained but irregularly maintained and mostly where maintained physical records are maintained. Sometimes even the minutes are not properly recorded and maintained. Minutes are prominent source of evidence for the operations of the Company and the activities of the Board.
  • #8: Because of non-compliances in past the ensuing compliances will also be paralysed making things difficult - If we fail in annual filings for more than 3 years, it will not allow us to file the forms for charge registration. Impact - Banker will not be ready to release the funds unless the charge is registered. Then, we initiate at the nick of the moment
  • #9: Let us see the challenges faced by the Company and/or Legal Counsel in the current scenario.
  • #10: Irregular maintenance of records lead errors/mistakes, overlap of information with various stakeholders. Directors fall under Defaulters List crippling the compliances of other compliant companies too. Recent amendment made the penalty to 10 times if compliance not done in 90 days unlike 2 years earlier. For example for a normal form filing fees is say Rs.500/- if done within statutory time, will cost Rs.5000/- if done after 90 days of due date. May even fall prey to show cause notices. And if you wish to apply for condonation of an offence, you should undergo lengthy compounding processes.
  • #11: Many times we find that compliances are in chaos no proper track. We cannot retrieve the required data. Recently one client approached us it is in operation past few years and has yielded consistently good financial results, but to our utter surprise it was under the process of strike-off. Why? They defaulted in annual filings from the date of incorporation. They have been complying other statutory laws. But neglected Companies Act compliance. Consequence, existence of the Company itself is at stake. The awareness of MCA 21 is so intense, believe it or not, that every stakeholder right from employment seeker to prospective investor including the vendor, banker, etc., would be interested in your Company Law compliance status. Further the Comfort levels of certifying professionals would be low.
  • #12: Challenge is not an obstacle in itself. There n no. of ways to address these challenges. Here comes the role of Smart Genie KPO for Corporate Law Compliances, a division of R & A Associates.You are absolutely right in asking what makes Smart Genie distinctive. Lets see.
  • #13: R & A is in the field of Corporate Secretarial Services past 15 years and has vast experience in domain knowledge. With us your Company would be in safe hands. You can be rest assured and focus 100% on your core business. You would be relieved from the statutory Company Law compliances from time to time.
  • #14: Towards serving more efficiently, we use the latest Information Technology Tools. Combination of our experience with IT tools would enable seamless experience of our services.
  • #15: We would continue to provide our services but with some Value addition to it. Our thought process is always to assure you of our best services in an efficient way and technology driven. In coming slides well see the details of our Value addition.
  • #16: Rich domain knowledge with 15 years experience is the greatest benefit. Further, besides taking care of core compliances, we provide online access to Companys historic data, will alert you on upcoming statutory time limits and ensure that compliances are met within statutory time limits.
  • #17: We follow standardised systems and processes to ensure complete cycle of the Compliances is made for a given task. For example, if there is an allotment of shares its not simply done away with filing return of allotment with RoC. Infact, it starts with Share Application Forms and includes make necessary entries in share application & allotment register, Members Register, Filing of return, Issue of Share Certificates, Recording of Minutes and related documents and last but not least, revise the online information pertaining to client.
  • #18: We follow system of maker & checker policy for every process. We have pre-determined work flow for each identified activity, which are reviewed periodically.
  • #19: Let us see, few screen shots on how online access is provided. This is Home page for entering Login credentialsTry to add smart Genie
  • #20: Dash Board where you can know the latest updates from all the users of a particular project
  • #21: This is the Documents section where you can access all the documents of Company like Statutory Registers, E-Forms filed with RoC, Certificates, Minutes, Corporate Information Summary of all Corporate Secretarial transactions
  • #22: The entire secretarial information is classified into various sections for easy access. We can go to the desired section to view its complete details. For example, if wish to look at Capital details.
  • #23: On selecting the Capital section, it will throw details of authorised and paid-up capitals. We can view the details of changes in Authorised Capital along with the Forms. Similarly we can glance at the allotment details done during the year. Further, we can view all the Registers relevant to Capital details with real time information, within two working days of filing the returns.
  • #24: Similarly if we need information on Directors It will give details of Directors as on date and changes during the current year i.e., appointments and cessations at a glance. Will also provide with relevant registers like Directors Register, Directors shareholding, Interest of Directors, Contracts in which Directors are interested, etc.
  • #25: If went to filing section It will throw the details of all the Forms filed with the Registrar of Companies along with the link of the Forms and its acknowledgement receipts, in a chronological order. These are few of the sections.
  • #26: There will be n no. of options if you are looking only for Secretarial Compliances. Our vision is not to just efficiently meet your Corporate Law Compliances, but our efforts are to putforth our entire domain experience of above 15 years to your complete utility and ensure on time compliances, accurate & upto date maintainence of records, reduced service time, alert on upcoming obligations, update on amendments, give access to your information at your finger tips at any time and from any place on the globe. That is what Smart Genie does take up tasks smartly and efficiently like Genie
  • #27: We would be pleased to attend you for any kind of clarifications