Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
๑۩۞۩๑๑๑It's crazy but I'm falling apart, it's crazy how you're leaving me scarred, it's crazy girl wherevva' you stole my heart๑๑๑۩۞۩
Had an nearby DeAth experience,
Suffered haemmorohage,
Smoked A Cigarette,
Smoked A Cigar,
Tried Weed,
Drank Alcohol,
Been In Love,
Been Dumped,
Been Fired,
Been In A Fist Fight,
Had A teeTh knocked down,
Snuck out Of A Parent's House......
Had Feelings For Someone Who Didn't Have Them Back,
Seen Someone I Know Get Arrested...
Skipped School,
Seen Something Die in front of ma Eyezz
Been On A Plane,
Thrown Up From Drinking,
Loved Someone Who I Couldn't Have,
Been in a bad relationship
(Friendships Count too, don't the
Users following Dipankar Mishra
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla
Secretary at Veer Surendra Sai University of Te...