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KOTA, Rajasthan India
Hi. It's great to meet you.
I've obtaining a Master Degree in TE. Just later I've started doctoral studies, Denish does research in Civil Engineering and TE. Expertise Civil Engnieering.
I am currently working at one of well known Technical Institute.
My interests are focused on new techniques. Denish Jangid is a Member of ACI. My goal in all my courses is
to teach at the level of 100%. Denish Jangid also has a youtube channel for Civil Engieering career guideline and free problem solution,Online teaching & learning tools ,Tips & Tricks
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basic civil engineering notes
denish jangid
waterlogging water resource engineering by dj wre
built-up & carpet area
types of foundation
types of buildings
flood hydrograph
types of chains
waterlogging types & causes of waterlogging
canal its types with design of channels by denish
rise & fall method
design an irrigation channel in a non erodible mat
given the following data at the crossing of a cana
lab problem check the stability of gravity dam
ne hour triangular unit hydrograph of a watershed
full supply discharge
wre by denish jangid
characteristic of contours
surveying subject weightage fo
linear and angular measurement
basic definitions in surveying
divisions of surveying
plain & geodetic surveying
fundamental principles of surv
maps & scale
classification of surveying
chain surveying
methods of linear measurements
accessories used chain
ranging rod/pole or picket
objective uses of surveying
automatic level
design a sarda type fall for following data
check the stability of gravity dam
full supply discharge us/ds = 45 cumec
calculate uplift pressure
drop 1.5m & taking bligh’s coefficient of creep =8
circular curve
a masonry dam 6 meter high
wre notes by dj sir
wre notes by denish jangid
wre notes by denis jangeed
wred water resources engineering design lab record
wred lab record file
wre lab file work
base flow
high flood discharge
canal bed level
catchment area of watershed
elements of simple curve
design a suitable cd work
curve survey by denis jange
water resources engineering design lab by denish
design an irrigation channel using lacey’s theory
water resources engineering design lab record work
design an irrigation channel using kennedy’s theor
a canal was designed to supply the irrigation need
guidance for training
guidance for summer training
summer internship
company for summer training
summer training companies
application format training
pre & post evaluation form
profile leveling
feedback form for training
impact sheet for training
training format for college
reduced level
absolute level
back sight
fore sight
intermediate sight
types of benchmark
height of instrument
temporary benchmark
great trigonometric survey bm
line of collimation
barometric levelling
trigonometric leveling
fly leveling
types of tapes
tape correction
compass surveying
theodolite & methods
wind and seismic analysis
building design notes
shear walls
framed tubes
asymmetry in building forms
types of structures
different type of design load
load path diagram
formed tube
structural systems
aspect ratio
load combination
evaluation of structural
overturning resistance
strength and stiffness
seismic force
building configuration
summer industrial training
training after 4 semester
training after 6 semester
measures to control salinity
prevention of water logging
salinity preventive measures curative measures
water resources engineering types of wells with fi
open wells (dug wells) tube wells
wells with impervious lining
strainer type tube well
wells and tube wells irrigation in india merit
well with pervious lining
classification of tube well based on supply system
classification of open well based on type of linin
cavity tube well
slotted type tube well
water distribution system & warabandi by denish
objectives of warabandi
water resources engineering
rotational system method
patwari girdawari halqa khasrah shudkar
types of warabandi with flow chart figure
spillways: spillway capacity
flood routing through spillways
different types & function of spillways and gate
component parts of spillways
energy dissipation below spillways approach channe
m sand
difference between river sand and m sand
kennedy lacey theory
is code method
drawbacks of kennedy and lacey theory
design of trapezoidal shape channel
hydrology by denish jangid sir.
types of rain gauge
hydrology cycle
nit hydro-graph
rainfall runoff
theisson polygon method
drip irrigation system
sprinkler irrigation
unit 4 vsem cross drainage works & srturcture wate
siphon aqueduct with figure
necessity (merits) of cross drainage works
selection of cross drainage works
uplift pressure on the underside of the trough or
determination of maximum flood discharge
fluming of canal
water logging
effects & its control
effects of waterlogging on plant growth
effects of salinity
fluids definition
type of fluids
ideal fluids
real fluids
newtonian and non-newtonian fluids.
properties of fluids: units of measurement
mass density
specific weight
specific volume
specific gravity
surface tension and capillarity
compressibility and elasticity.
principles of fluid statics: basic equations
pascal law
type of pressure:-atmospheric pressure
gauge pressure
vacuum pressure
absolute pressure
types of canal canal masonry work alluvial soil cr
water logging causes of salinity
waterlogging with figures how to prevention of wat
drainage of irrigated lands
saline and alkaline lands
types of channels lining and design of lined chann
wre water resources engineering lab work by mr. de
denis jangeed
manufactured sand- properties and is specification
introduction of water resource engineering definit
functions and advantages of irrigation
types of irrigation system
field capacity
relationship between duty delta base period
classification of crops
classification of soil water agriculture
soil moisture
irrigation water quality. gross command area consu
principal indian crop seasons and water requiremen
complete all notes water resource engineering (wre
consumptive use of water
principal indian crop seasons
design of channels
kennedy’s theory
lacey’s theory
gravity dams
force acting on a gravity dam
hydrologic cycle
rainfall analysis
unit hydrograph and its determination.
bligh’s and khosla’s methods.
canal irrigation
discharge due to seepage and evaporation
all fluid mechanics (fm) notes by mr. denish jangi
solid wastes swm
classification of solid waste:
systems for solid waste manage
methods for disposal of swm
different stages of composting
vermicomposting process:
management of solid waste:
refuse reuse recycle reduce
factors affecting swm
swm by denis jangeed
bce notes by denis jangeed
notes by denish jangid
chapter wise all notes of bce
scope & specialization civil
role of civil engineer
basic principles of surveying
linear measurements in survey
types of tapes in survey
angular measurements in survey
longitude & latitude
object of levelling
contour maps
layout of building plan
concept of sun light & ventila
modes of transportation
how to avoid water pollution
naaqs aqi level
rainwater harvesting
standard parameters drinking
types of pollution
water pollution & types
basic civil engg by denis
green house effect
hydrological cycle
types of ecosystem
natural artificial ecosystem
component of ecosystem
biotic & abiotic components
producers consumers decomposer
functions of ecosystem
definition ecosystem & biodive
types of biodiversity
genetic biodiversity species
importance of biodiversity
basic civil notes by dj
denis jangeed notes
solid waste management & type
types of swm
liquid wastes gaseous wastes
manufacturing of cement
different types of cement
different properties of cement
opc vs. ppc cement
difference between opc and ppc
grades of cement
different test of cement
cement by denis jangeed
aggregates & its types in ct
use of aggregates
good quality of ideal aggregat
classifications of aggregates
difference in fa & ca
what is coarse aggregates
what is fine aggregates
properties of coarse aggregate
properties of fine aggregates
different test of fine aggrega
different test of coarse
crushing value of aggregates
impact value of aggregates
abrasion value of aggregates
what is cinder
what is surkhi
fineness modulus of aggregates
is code for aggregates
aggregates by denis jangid
various road traffic signs
gate exam tips strategy
subject wise weightage gate
cut-off of gate 2024
paper pattern of gate exam
important dates of gate 2025
syllabus of gate why gate
exam & salary
exam conducting institut
what is gate exam
geotechnical engineering mark
civil engineering gate exam
psu salary
how many psu in gate exam
public sector undertakings
m-tech/ph.d. degree from iits
denis jangeed denis sir
gate qualified psu
maharatna coal india limited
navratna & mini navratna psu
what is cement? define cement
cement production
cement grout cement mortar
constituent of cement bogues
bogues compound
gel/space ratio csh gel
infrared waves in edm
visible light waves in edm
origin of edm
edm and a reflector
classification of edm
tellurometer in edm surveying
geodimeter in edm surveying
errors in edm
total station by dj sir
parts of total station
advantages & application of ts
total station
total station with reflector
basic components of ts
integrated withmicroprocessor
setting out the total station
area calculation by ts
volume calculation by ts
rdm & rem by total station
remote elevation measurement
applications of total station
uses of total station
total station step by step
ts by denis jangeed
total station denis jangeed
transition curve
setting out vertical curves
setting out circular curves
reverse curve
broken-back curve
elements of circular curve
type of curves
point of tangency
tangent distance
mid ordinate
length of tangent
length of chord
methods for setting of curve
rankine method
offset from tangent
degree of curvature
edm by denis jangeed
electronic distance measuremen
types of edm
principle of edm
electromagnetic waves
edm accuracy of 1 in 105
edm range 100 km
electromagnetic spectrum range
microwaves in edm
institutional vs educational
building components & function
shallow and deep foundation
floor area ratio (f.a.r)
what is burjis denis jangeed building notes denish
definition of transportation
importance of transportation
mode of transportation
liners vs tramps
layout airport runway design
traffic signs
types of traffic signs mandatory/regulatory signs
air pollution control
air quality index (aqi) level
air water noise land pollution
causes of air pollution
causes of noise pollution
causes of water pollution
central pollution control b
definition of pollution
effects of air pollution
effects of water pollution
environmental pollution
fossil fuels
practical on total station
trigonometric leveling by dj
methods of observation
base of object accessible
base of object inaccessible
stations not in same plane
angle of elevation
instrument axis at same level
instrument axis at different
height of the instrument
trigonometricleveling example
r.l of top building
rough terrain
levelling on a steep slope
indirect levelling
levelling by denis jangeed
levelling by dj sir
surveying by dj sir
surveying by denis jangeed
first year notes
building notes
selection of site for building
layout of a building
basic concept of sunlight
ventilation in building
national building code of ind
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