The first of its kind, ZSRx was a MOOC-like course built and facilitated by librarians. Using free tools and third-party content, we created a web literacy course that attracted more than 700 participants, mostly parents and alumni in the Wake Forest University community. We see great potential for libraries offering open online courses to their communities as platforms for informal learning of critical 21st century literacies.
50. Interesting sharing. Thankyou. I
have been moving about the course
in a somewhat random pattern, but it
is awonderfullearningexperience. And
it is stimulating sharing ideas at
home and at work. Thankyou.
51. Another thing Ive learned so far that has
made me gladIsignedup was that Google
tends to produce Q&A links when you type a
question. Ive never liked searching the
actual question and have preferred
searching on the important terms of the
question... NowIknowwhyIdontlikethe
53. Ilearnedsomuch from the videos and
articles in Module 1. Most of my
frustrations in doing searches are
nowcleartome from what I learned
about how searches are executed.
54. Becoming exposed to even more has made
my searching even more manageable.
Working in the medical profession and
having to search things I often come back
with a lot more hits than desired or needed.
Now I have greatly minimized the
information that comes back to me when
searching. PRICELESS!
55. I learned how to filter search results
by date - thataloneisworththeprice
56. I've been veryimpressed by the
thoughtful comments from group
members and the willingness to
share and help others. This is a new
on-line experience for me and I'm
60. Image Credits
Lightbulb photo by user gaymay on Flickr:
Spice Drops photo by user Cape Cod Cyclist on Flickr:
Emerging Student Patterns in Coursera-style MOOCs from Phil Hill: