hey guYs..it ain't faiR descRibinG myseLf neigh? it's just Like a same sonG with a diFFerent name, right? but anyway.okey!! this Is mEh, PLain and sImpLe, Likes to be with JOLLy & FriendLy pips...
hey guYs..it ain't faiR descRibinG myseLf neigh? it's just Like a same sonG with a diFFerent name, right? but anyway.okey!! this Is mEh, PLain and sImpLe, Likes to be with JOLLy & FriendLy pips...i'm cooL and FooL, fun and run, Hip and
HOp, bip and bop, sLam and JAm,smOOthe and easY, VersatiLe, FLexibLe, heLpfuL, obedieNt, generOus, kind and undersTanding..see what i mean?(it's reaLLy nver faiR describing ourseLF?)I'm harmLess when tamed! painLess when taken, not poisoNous when sWaLLowed, boneL