This document outlines the rules and expectations for Ms. Butler's class. It discusses guidelines for before class, entering the classroom, classroom rules, rewards, consequences, and ending class. The classroom rules include respecting others, doing your best, following directions, no food or gum, raising your hand to speak or get up, not playing with chairs or computers, and having cell phones off and out of sight. Rewards are given for good behavior and include verbal praise or reduced work, while consequences range from warnings to office referrals.
11. Once you are in class, you are there for 51 minutes.
12. Be on time for class or tardies will be givenEntering the ClassroomEnter the classroom quietlyRemove all necessary class materialsPlace all personal belongings in the BACKPACK ZoneSit in your assigned seatAdjust your chair once at an appropriate height
13. Classroom RulesRespect Ms. Butler, yourself, and others Do your best at all timesSlacking off will reward you with anKeep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.Follow directions the first time they are givenNo GUM, candy, or food allowed in the classThis includes candy from other teachers
14. Classroom RulesDo not talk without permissionRaise your hand and wait until I acknowledge youDo not get out of your seat without permissionRaise your hand and wait until I acknowledge youDo not change or rearrange any settings on the computerThis action will get you in serious, SERIOUS trouble
15. Classroom RulesDo not play with the chairsSpinningRollingGoing up and downThe bell does not dismiss classClass is for learning, NOT SocializingCell phones must be off and out of sightCell phone policy will be strictly enforced