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Netty Internals
       and Core Concepts
Twitter, Inc.

   企欧 覈
   る 覈
   螳 蟇磯Μ
   ろ磯 ?
       企欧 襭
       危殊 (BiDiCoR)
ろ磯 ?

   Java network application framework



   Asynchronous & event-driven

       High-throughput & highly concurrent connection

       .. with less resources  threads, memory & CPU cycles

   API as an I/O abstraction layer

       Works with NIO, OIO, AIO & more without many changes

   Well-defined event model & thread model

   Flexible event handling with bi-directional chain of responsibility pattern

   Promotes 'separation of concerns'

       I/O layer (Netty)

       Protocol codec (Netty or user)

       Business logic (user)

                                   Business Logic

                          Custom Event Handlers & Codecs

                                    User Code


       TCP      UDP        In-VM                Codec Framework

                                                       Event Handlers

             Transports                                  Handlers

              I/O Abstraction  Channels, Event Loops, and Pipelines


企欧 襭

   Similar to..

       Windows event dispatcher

       Swing event loop


    I/O 豌 豌襴

       企欧 襭 る 伎 豌 蟆曙 讀

       企欧 襭 る 語 豌 蟆曙 企欧 襭   l れ譽

   碁 蠏轟 覦螻 危殊語 襴

       一危磯ゼ 曙企れ

       貅 覯手 蟒 谿殊

   螳    ろ

       One-time or periodic


       Bi-directional Chain of Responsibility pattern

       Similar to Servlet filters and decorator pattern

   Inbound event

       企欧 襭螳 覦 企欧 ( 貅 郁屋 , 一危   )

       螳 燕 inbound event handler 螳   襦  譴

   Outbound event

       螳 豌  ( 郁鍵 , 所鍵 殊 譴  )

       螳 燕 outbound event handler 螳 るジ 碁る 豌  螳襦豈  襦  譴

       豕譬朱 企欧 襭  れ I/O 螳 襦 


       [1:EvLoop]  [2:Protocol Decoder]  [3:Protocol Encoder]  [4:Business Logic]

        : 1  2  4

       ′ : 4  3  1
企欧 覈
   Before, After & Considerations
蠍一ヾ 企欧 覈

   企欧 = 覦 螳豌                                                 Is GC cheap?

                                                                 No at extreme scale

       ChannelOpen (instanceof ChannelStateEvent)
                                                                Can buffer pool beat JVM's memory allocator?

       ChannelBound (instanceof ChannelStateEvent)                 Think memory bandwidth took by memset

       ChannelConnected (instanceof ChannelStateEvent)             Modern concurrency constructs enable close-to-native
                                                                     efficiency in object pooling
       MessageEvent (inbound)
                                                                Too many state events!
       MessageEvent (outbound)
                                                                    Open  bound  connected is an overkill in most TCP conns
       ChannelDisconnected (instanceof ChannelStateEvent)
                                                                    What's interesting to user is 'connected'.
       ChannelUnbound (instanceof ChannelStateEvent)

       ChannelClosed (instanceof ChannelStateEvent)
                                                                New buffer is created on every MessageEvent.

                                                                    GC pressure

                                                                    User has no control over the buffer

                                                                        Heap or direct
                                                                        Bounded or unbounded
                                                                No buffered flush

                                                                    Every write is an immediate flush

                                                                    Sometimes not desired
 企欧 覈

   企欧 = 覃 語                    

                               碁る螳  覦 ′ 覯朱ゼ 襷れ ろ一蟆 螻牛覃
                                      覯 伎  覈覩襦 襷 蟲  螳
                                      企欧語 覯 覲願 
                                  Buffered flush

       ChannelInactive               覯殊 一危磯ゼ 豈  flush 企欧碁ゼ 覦る 蟆朱
                                       MessageEvent 豌
                                       螳 覃讌襯   flush  ろ 貊 

                                    GC 觜

                                      企欧 螳豌   語 ろ

                                       覦 ′ 覯


                                      企欧 覲襦 覃襯 覿 伎  ( 貊 譴覲 )

                                        企欧 豌襴 企れ

                                          覲襦 UserEventTriggered 覃 豢螳
る 覈
   Why is well-defined thread model necessary?
  る 覈語 

     貊螳 企 る 語 ろ 讌 豢覿  伎 

   螳 企  thread safety 襯  貊 (e.g. 企欧 碁る ) 蟆 螻牛 蟆瑚 ?

       企欧 螳 happens-before 蟯螻

       ろ郁 碁る 覃襯  ろ 蟆曙郁 螳

       觜蠍 I/O 豌 危 襭 襴殊 企 る ろ伎 螳

       螳 讌 蠍壱襦   dead lock 覦 讌 螳

    る 覈語 讌 朱  貊 覦伎朱 (  覿蟆 ) 焔

       覿 蠍壱 覦 蠏語 磯ジ dead lock (  覿譟燕 蠍壱襦 誤 race condition)

       焔  覦 讌 覲伎 觜 讀螳

    : ろ一 SSL 碁る

       LoC: 1469  925 (3.5 vs 4.0)
ろ 4 る 覈

   3.x 觜 企欧 覈 螳螻 蟷 螳 譴螻 蠍 覲

   ろ磯 碁る螳 @Sharable 企誤伎 覿  蟆曙郁 覃  螳 碁る 覃襯  語讌  .

         燕 碁る 企れ 覃襯 蠍壱 螳  .

        ,  螳 碁る 語ろ伎るゼ 危殊語  覯 豢螳   .

   ろ郁 碁る 覃襯 語  螳 語 伎 happens-before 蟯螻螳 焔渚 .

        碁る 覃る 覲襯 volatile 襦 誤 螳  .

   企欧碁  炎 る襦 ろ .

       碁る 覃  螳 る襦覿 語 .

   觜蠍 豌  蟆郁骸 給慨 (ChannelFuture)  企欧 襭 る  企伎 .
   ろ  ろ
   ろ 豌伎 ろ
ろ  ろ

   ろ磯 EmbeddedChannel 企 覿襴 Channel 蟲 螻

     燕 碁る襯 EmbeddedChannel  危殊語 豢螳螻 企欧碁ゼ 襦 覦貅 ろ

       public void testLineProtocol() {
           EmbeddedByteChannel ch = new EmbeddedByteChannel(new LineDecoder());

           // Ordinary input
           ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'A' }));
           ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'B' }));
           ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'C' }));
           ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'n' }));
           assertEquals(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'A', 'B', 'C' }),

           // Truncated input
           ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'A' }));
ろ 豌伎 ろ

   螳 碁ろ語   誤蠍  覈 碁ろ 譟壱螻 譯殊 襦貊 譟壱  蟲谿 ろ 

       TCP: NIO x AIO x OIO = 9  1 (OIO x OIO)

       UDP: NIO x OIO = 4

       襦貊 : Echo, SSL, SPDY = 3 * TCP (8) = 24

   豌 螻 碁る 蟆曙磯 EmbeddedChannel  伎



       Animal Sniffer: Build fails on violation before packaging

       Checkstyle: Build fails on violation before compilation
螳 蟇磯Μ
   Dynamic event routing
   Statistical Distributed Performance Analysis on Mesos Cluster
   Management and Monitoring
   Native Transport
   Scalable Community
[E6]2012. netty internals
[E6]2012. netty internals
襷 螻

   螻旧 襭

       伎 - http://netty.io/

       4.0 覲蟆  覈 - http://goo.gl/E2BJ2

   貉るる 襭

       觚襦蠏 覈 - http://goo.gl/2iMKP

       ろる襦 - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/netty

   ろ 襦 語 螻


   ろ 蟲 伎 覈


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[E6]2012. netty internals

  • 1. Netty Internals and Core Concepts 危 Twitter, Inc.
  • 2. CONTENTS 螳 企欧 覈 る 覈 ろ 螳 蟇磯Μ
  • 3. ろ磯 ? 蟲煙 企欧 襭 危殊 (BiDiCoR)
  • 4. ろ磯 ? Java network application framework http://netty.io/ @netty_project Asynchronous & event-driven High-throughput & highly concurrent connection .. with less resources threads, memory & CPU cycles API as an I/O abstraction layer Works with NIO, OIO, AIO & more without many changes Well-defined event model & thread model Flexible event handling with bi-directional chain of responsibility pattern Promotes 'separation of concerns' I/O layer (Netty) Protocol codec (Netty or user) Business logic (user)
  • 5. 蟲煙 Business Logic Custom Event Handlers & Codecs User Code HTTP TCP UDP In-VM Codec Framework Event Handlers Transports Handlers I/O Abstraction Channels, Event Loops, and Pipelines Buffers Core
  • 6. 企欧 襭 Similar to.. Windows event dispatcher Swing event loop Reactor I/O 豌 豌襴 企欧 襭 る 伎 豌 蟆曙 讀 企欧 襭 る 語 豌 蟆曙 企欧 襭 l れ譽 碁 蠏轟 覦螻 危殊語 襴 一危磯ゼ 曙企れ 貅 覯手 蟒 谿殊 螳 ろ One-time or periodic
  • 7. 危殊 BiDiCoR Bi-directional Chain of Responsibility pattern Similar to Servlet filters and decorator pattern Inbound event 企欧 襭螳 覦 企欧 ( 貅 郁屋 , 一危 ) 螳 燕 inbound event handler 螳 襦 譴 Outbound event 螳 豌 ( 郁鍵 , 所鍵 殊 譴 ) 螳 燕 outbound event handler 螳 るジ 碁る 豌 螳襦豈 襦 譴 豕譬朱 企欧 襭 れ I/O 螳 襦 [1:EvLoop] [2:Protocol Decoder] [3:Protocol Encoder] [4:Business Logic] : 1 2 4 ′ : 4 3 1
  • 8. 企欧 覈 Before, After & Considerations
  • 9. 蠍一ヾ 企欧 覈 企欧 = 覦 螳豌 Is GC cheap? No at extreme scale ChannelOpen (instanceof ChannelStateEvent) Can buffer pool beat JVM's memory allocator? ChannelBound (instanceof ChannelStateEvent) Think memory bandwidth took by memset ChannelConnected (instanceof ChannelStateEvent) Modern concurrency constructs enable close-to-native efficiency in object pooling MessageEvent (inbound) Too many state events! MessageEvent (outbound) Open bound connected is an overkill in most TCP conns ChannelDisconnected (instanceof ChannelStateEvent) What's interesting to user is 'connected'. ChannelUnbound (instanceof ChannelStateEvent) ChannelClosed (instanceof ChannelStateEvent) New buffer is created on every MessageEvent. GC pressure User has no control over the buffer Heap or direct Bounded or unbounded No buffered flush Every write is an immediate flush Sometimes not desired
  • 10. 企欧 覈 企欧 = 覃 語 碁る螳 覦 ′ 覯朱ゼ 襷れ ろ一蟆 螻牛覃 讌朱 ChannelRegistered 覯 伎 覈覩襦 襷 蟲 螳 ChannelActive 企欧語 覯 覲願 InboundBufferUpdated Buffered flush Flush ChannelInactive 覯殊 一危磯ゼ 豈 flush 企欧碁ゼ 覦る 蟆朱 MessageEvent 豌 ChannelUnregistered 螳 覃讌襯 flush ろ 貊 GC 觜 企欧 螳豌 語 ろ 覦 ′ 覯 企欧 覲襦 覃襯 覿 伎 ( 貊 譴覲 ) 企欧 豌襴 企れ 覲襦 UserEventTriggered 覃 豢螳
  • 11. る 覈 Why is well-defined thread model necessary?
  • 12. 覈語 貊螳 企 る 語 ろ 讌 豢覿 伎 螳 企 thread safety 襯 貊 (e.g. 企欧 碁る ) 蟆 螻牛 蟆瑚 ? 企欧 螳 happens-before 蟯螻 ろ郁 碁る 覃襯 ろ 蟆曙郁 螳 觜蠍 I/O 豌 危 襭 襴殊 企 る ろ伎 螳 螳 讌 蠍壱襦 dead lock 覦 讌 螳 る 覈語 讌 朱 貊 覦伎朱 ( 覿蟆 ) 焔 覿 蠍壱 覦 蠏語 磯ジ dead lock ( 覿譟燕 蠍壱襦 誤 race condition) 焔 覦 讌 覲伎 觜 讀螳 : ろ一 SSL 碁る LoC: 1469 925 (3.5 vs 4.0)
  • 13. ろ 4 る 覈 3.x 觜 企欧 覈 螳螻 蟷 螳 譴螻 蠍 覲 ろ磯 碁る螳 @Sharable 企誤伎 覿 蟆曙郁 覃 螳 碁る 覃襯 語讌 . 燕 碁る 企れ 覃襯 蠍壱 螳 . , 螳 碁る 語ろ伎るゼ 危殊語 覯 豢螳 . ろ郁 碁る 覃襯 語 螳 語 伎 happens-before 蟯螻螳 焔渚 . 碁る 覃る 覲襯 volatile 襦 誤 螳 . 企欧碁 炎 る襦 ろ . 碁る 覃 螳 る襦覿 語 . 觜蠍 豌 蟆郁骸 給慨 (ChannelFuture) 企欧 襭 る 企伎 .
  • 14. ろ ろ ろ 豌伎 ろ
  • 15. ろ ろ ろ磯 EmbeddedChannel 企 覿襴 Channel 蟲 螻 燕 碁る襯 EmbeddedChannel 危殊語 豢螳螻 企欧碁ゼ 襦 覦貅 ろ @Test public void testLineProtocol() { EmbeddedByteChannel ch = new EmbeddedByteChannel(new LineDecoder()); // Ordinary input ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'A' })); assertNull(ch.readInbound()); ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'B' })); assertNull(ch.readInbound()); ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'C' })); assertNull(ch.readInbound()); ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'n' })); assertEquals(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'A', 'B', 'C' }), ch.readInbound()); // Truncated input ch.writeInbound(Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(new byte[] { 'A' })); assertNull(ch.readInbound()); ch.close(); assertNull(ch.readInbound()); }
  • 16. ろ 豌伎 ろ 螳 碁ろ語 誤蠍 覈 碁ろ 譟壱螻 譯殊 襦貊 譟壱 蟲谿 ろ TCP: NIO x AIO x OIO = 9 1 (OIO x OIO) UDP: NIO x OIO = 4 襦貊 : Echo, SSL, SPDY = 3 * TCP (8) = 24 豌 螻 碁る 蟆曙磯 EmbeddedChannel 伎 蠍壱 Jenkins Animal Sniffer: Build fails on violation before packaging Checkstyle: Build fails on violation before compilation
  • 17. 螳 蟇磯Μ Dynamic event routing Statistical Distributed Performance Analysis on Mesos Cluster Management and Monitoring Native Transport Scalable Community
  • 20. 襷 螻 螻旧 襭 伎 - http://netty.io/ 4.0 覲蟆 覈 - http://goo.gl/E2BJ2 貉るる 襭 觚襦蠏 覈 - http://goo.gl/2iMKP ろる襦 - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/netty ろ 襦 語 螻 https://twitter.com/netty_project ろ 蟲 伎 覈 https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/netty-ko