This document provides an overview of electronics topics including:
- The basic components of atoms including protons and electrons and how electricity flows between atoms.
- How electric current, voltage, and resistance are defined and their relationships as defined by Ohm's Law.
- The differences between conductors, insulators, and semiconductors and how semiconductors can be doped to alter their properties.
- An introduction to photonics which combines photons and electronics to transmit signals optically rather than electrically, allowing for higher data transmission rates. Silicon is commonly used due to phenomena like total internal reflection that allow light signals to be guided with minimal loss.
2. Chemistry of Electricity
Atoms: An atom is the smallest
constituent unit of ordinary
Protons: A proton is a subatomic
particle, symbol p with a positive
electric charge. (Charge)
Electrons: A electron is a subatomic
particle, symbol p with a negative
electric charge. (Charge)
Electricity: The flow of electrons
from one atom to another atom on
3. Current, Voltage and Resistance
Current : The flow of electrons
jumping between atoms from a
negatively charged to a positively
charged point is called electric
current (I). (Flow direction)
Voltage : Electric potential
difference between two points (V).
Resistance : The opposition to the
flow current. (Dependencies)
Ohms Law : The relation between
voltage, current and
4. Conductors, Insulators &
Conductors: Materials which allows
flow of electricity easily.(Free
electrons, example)
Insulators: Materials which dont
allow the flow electricity.(Valance
electron shell)
Semiconductors: Materials which
conduct electricity after applying
There are two types of
semiconductors pure and impure
semiconductors.(Intrinsic and
5. Doping: P-Type & N-Type Semiconductor
Doping: The conductivity of
semiconductors may easily be modified
by introducing impurities into their
crystal lattice. The process of adding
controlled impurities to a semiconductor
is known as doping.
P-type Doping: P-type semiconductors
are created by doping an intrinsic
semiconductor with an electron acceptor
element during manufacture. The term p-
type refers to the positive charge of a
N-type Doping: N-type semiconductors
are created by doping an intrinsic
semiconductor with an electron donor
element during manufacture. The term n-
type comes from the negative charge of
the electron.
Majority Charge
Carrier's are
Elements: +5
Phosphorus or
Majority Charge
Carrier's are
Elements: +3
valence Boron or
6. What is Photonics
Phonics is the combination of
photons and electronics to transfer
a signal over a channel of photons.
Silicon photonics is an evolving
technology in which data is
transferred among computer chips
by optical rays. Optical rays can
carry far more data in less time than
electrical conductors.
Light can be transmitted through
any transparent medium. Glass fiber
or plastic optical fiber can be used
to guide the light along a desired
7. Why Use Silicon ?
Phenomenon Of Total Internal
Total internal reflection takes place
at the boundary between two
transparent media when a ray of
light in a medium of higher index of
refraction approaches the other
medium at an angle of incidence
greater than the critical angle.(Loss
of signal)
Silicon covered with Silicon dioxide
traps light perfectly.
Presence of silicon in electronics.
When i<c When i=c When i>c