We developed the exclusive nano-technology for preparing highly effective medicinal gels consisting of nano-capsulated insulin, phosphotidylcholine, 留-lipoic acid and other biological active substances. The technology for preparing medicinal gels imparts the medication with the property, that it can be topically applied to festering wounds and ulcers. The use of these nano-capsulated insulin gels considerably reduces the risk of amputation of the extremities due to complications such as diabetic foot and prevents disability of patients. Our medicated gels can be used in hospitals in the inpatient wards and the outpatient wards under the periodical supervision of a doctor. The therapeutic effect is seen within 5 days after commencing therapy. The medicated gel can also be used for healing cuts and wounds in non-diabetic patients as it increases the rate of regeneration and reparation of tissues.
The gels possess marked regenerative and healing effect and do not cause allergic reactions and irritate the skin.