This document discusses curcumin/turmeric for reducing pain and inflammation. It notes that while curcumin is safe, high doses are required to be effective. However, Longvida RD uses a patented technology called SLCP to deliver more curcumin to the bloodstream, allowing effectiveness at a lower 500mg dose of just 1-2 capsules per day. A 10% discount is offered for first-time purchases of Longvida RD.
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Curcumin Tumeric for Arthritis
1. Curcumin
Turmeric for Pain
and In鍖ammation
(800) 488 1887
2. The information presented here is not
intended to be medical advice.
Although the products discussed here
are very safe, we recommend
discussing your own medical situation
with your own doctor, pharmacist, or
other health care professional.
Please keep all medications out of the
reach of children.
4. Who should read this?
This report is intended for many people, all If this describes you or a loved
of whom have something in common. one, then this report is for you!
You are looking for all-natural ways to Curcumin (also known as turmeric) is a
reduce the pain and in鍖ammation from: very popular supplement for dealing with
pain and in鍖ammation.
But, there are a a lot of questions about
Osteoarthritis this substance...a substance which has been
used as a spice, a food coloring, and as a
Chronic back pain natural medicine for centuries.
Carpal tunnel syndrome Fortunately, a lot of good, modern science
has uncovered the secrets of curcumin, and
Other in鍖ammation conditions, like
well share some of them with you in this
Crohns Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and
free report.
In鍖ammatory Bowel Disease
6. What is Curcumin?
Curcumin (or, turmeric) comes from
the root of the Turmeric plant, and is
related to ginger root.
Powder from the root has been used as a
spice, a food coloring, and as a natural
textile dye for centuries.
As a medicinal, curcumin has been studies
across many diseases, ranging from pain and The Turmeric Flower (above) and Root
in鍖ammation to Alzheimers Disease, and (below)
even some forms of cancer.
Some of the best proof of the bene鍖ts of
curcumin (turmeric) is in pain and
in鍖ammation, and so well focus on those
two areas.
7. What is Curcumin?
The exact substance present in the root of
the turmeric plant is well-known and
Manufacturers can use highly pure curcumin in
their food products and supplements.
So when you take a curcumin supplement, The chemical structure of curcumin
especially a high-quality one manufactured
under strict FDA guidelines, you are taking
highly puri鍖ed curcumin, and not plant root
powder. Wisdom for your
Health: High quality
supplements contain highly
puri鍖ed curcumin, not just
powdered plant root.
9. Is It Safe?
You bet. Now 12 grams a day is just under half an
ounce, which doesnt sound like much.
As the amount of clinical research grows,
there is an increasing body of strong But, most medicines we take are in the
evidence suggesting that curcumin is very milligram range, so curcumin can be taken at
safe when taken at high doses. doses thousands of times greater than most
prescription drugs without any problem.
Not only that, a lot of research has shown
exactly how curcumin works. The problem with curcumin is that
its not very potent. Meaning you
For example, researchers at Baylor have to take a lot of it in order for it
University and at the MD Anderson Cancer to work.
Center have determined that:
Fortunately, science has 鍖gured out a way
...clinical trials have shown curcumin to be safe for us to take a lot less curcumin, while
even when consumed at a daily dose of maintaining all of the bene鍖ts.
12grams for 3 months. (Reference)
Well talk about that a bit later.
11. Does It Work?
In a word, yes.
There is a great deal of clinical and
anecdotal evidence for using curcumin in
pain and in鍖ammation.
Several studies have shown that it works as
well as ibuprofen in knee osteoarthritis.
But, there is a problem...
Wisdom for your
Health: Since its so safe, we
think its worth a few months of
curcumin. It might be what you
need to reduce your pain and
13. Who Wants To Take 12 grams?
The problem with curcumin is that it is not very potent.
In other words, the dose is way too high to be practical.
What we need is a way to get more curcumin into your
system, without having to take dozens of capsules per day.
Luckily, we have such a product!
15. Longvida RD
Longvida RD is an optimized form of
Longvida RD has a special technology, called
Solid Lipid Curcumin Particles, or SLCP.
This patented technology bundles the
curcumin into tiny microparticles inside the
These microparticles help get more of the
curcumin into the bloodstream, so you take Wisdom for your
less to get the safe effect! Health: Look at the label.
SLCP is a blend of common (and
safe) ingredients, like lecithin,
dextrin, and stearic acid.You wont
鍖nd this in the supermarket
16. Bene鍖ts are Clear
Much lower dose of curcumin required...only
500 milligrams per capsule!
Only need to take 1 or 2 capsules per day.
Reduces pain and in鍖ammation, so you take
less prescription pain killer.
Fewer side effects from dangerous
prescription pain killers!
You save money, because you need to take
more of those cheap supermarket brands.
18. Our Offer
For a limited time, wed like to offer you 10% off your 鍖rst purchase of Longvida RD.
Simply visit to read more about this great
Use the code Longvida4 when you check out, and 10% will be deducted from the list price.
Thats less than one dollar a day for an all-natural pain and in鍖ammation 鍖ghter thats way
safer than those dangerous prescription pain killers youre already taking!
Its not about the amount of curcumin consumed.
Its the amount that enters the bloodstream that really matters.
Forget the cheap supermarket stuff...start taking Longvida RD and start
experiencing pain relief TODAY!