This document summarizes the plans for a township project by Vedanta Aluminium Ltd. It will include 700 residential units and housing for 256 bachelors, divided into five clusters with amenities like a swimming pool and recreation area in each cluster. Facilities will include a dispensary, primary school, club, market complex, auditorium, open air theatre and temple. Construction is ongoing with excavation and concrete work already completed. The project is being carried out by various agencies and contractors and employs skilled and unskilled labor as well as supervisors and engineers.
 Master Planning & Architecture ECADIMaster Planning & Architecture ECADI
 StructureStructure
 Construction Maytas InfraConstruction Maytas Infra
 Interiors Consultant To be appointedInteriors Consultant To be appointed
 Interior Contractor To be appointedInterior Contractor To be appointed
5. Master PlanMaster Plan
 Residential place away from main roadResidential place away from main road
 Front Green Park separates residence zoneFront Green Park separates residence zone
from trafficfrom traffic
 Green Park area is happening place forGreen Park area is happening place for
township people to enjoy evening together.township people to enjoy evening together.
 Water body and its feature will give coolerWater body and its feature will give cooler
effect in summereffect in summer
 Rich green space for soothing effect in hotRich green space for soothing effect in hot
8. Master Plan of TownshipMaster Plan of Township
 Residence in clustersResidence in clusters
 Each cluster is self sufficient havingEach cluster is self sufficient having
its own swimming pool and recreationits own swimming pool and recreation
area .area .
 Each cluster is surrounded byEach cluster is surrounded by
11. Salient Features of TownshipSalient Features of Township
Designed to accommodate 700 families and 256Designed to accommodate 700 families and 256
The houses are divided into five separate ClustersThe houses are divided into five separate Clusters
with each cluster having its own Amenity Block &with each cluster having its own Amenity Block &
Swimming PoolSwimming Pool
The facilities include one each Dispensary, PrimaryThe facilities include one each Dispensary, Primary
School, Club, Modern Market Complex, Auditorium,School, Club, Modern Market Complex, Auditorium,
Open Air Theatre, Temple, Modern Guest House, etc.Open Air Theatre, Temple, Modern Guest House, etc.