a simple test for publishers (print, digital, and audio-visual publishers) to find out if data is their new oil and if their organization ready to exploit it.
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Is data the new oil for publishers ?
1. is data your new oil ?
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2. Do the Test !
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3. 1
Do you know at least
50% of your consumers
by name ?
4. 2
Do you have consistent
and user friendly
techniques to gather and
maintain individual
consumer data ?
13. Thank you for sharing
Your time
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come to the Yento! booth
attend the in-depth Yento!
Editor's Notes
#2: Hello\nI’m Dirk Milbou from Yento, a new company from the Swedish Group Bisnode, \nWe started up in Belgium at beginning of this year to help publishers to exploit their data\n\nDon’t be afraid\nThe next 7 minutes are not a commercial break, I will not try try to seduce you with an offer you can’t refuse\nI just want to inspire you with ideas to stay ahead of your audience\n\n\n
#3: I want to run a test with you, to help you to sort out if audience data is the new oil for you as publisher\n\nI will give you 7 statements which you can simply answer with yes or no if they are applicable for you\n\nYou can indicate your answers on the reply form you received from us\nand afterwards I will help you to calculate your score\nAnd then I will also tell you what you have to if you want to complete your pair of socks\n\nSo here we go with the first question : \n\n
#4: do you know at least 50% of your consumers by Name ?\n\nIf I’m talking about ‘data’ in this test, I always mean real personal data, with name, surename and all relevant information to get in touch with your audience\nSo this session is not about data behind an anonymous coockie or statistics from google analytics or other aggregation tools\n\nThis question is about identified users : \n- regardless if they are subsribed to your print product,\n- if they are registered online, \n- if they are consuming your content on a tablet or a mobile device are tru social media\n- and regardless if they are buying some line extensions in your shop.\n\nSo let’s say that your total audience is 1 million users, can you give me today at least 500.000 names surnames ànd their personal info ?\n\n
#5: the second question goes along with the previous one.\n\nGetting to know your consumers involves concepts and techniques to gather and update that consumer data\n\nIf you say yes, this means you capture individual consumer data tru all your differnet distribution channels in a consistent and consumer friendly way\nYes would also mean you not only gather static declared information but also proven media behavior, which is of course more dynamic.\n\nSo the quetion is :\nDare you say you have a consistent data gathering system in place in your organization ? \nYes or No\n\n
#6: this question is about the view on your consumers, which of course is very helpful if you want ot stay ahead of your audience\n\nMost publishing companies today have consumer data spread throughout their organisation and don’t have it centralized in a centra database system\n\nGranted, most companies are managing more offline data, but the marriage of both offline and digital data is key to give you that single view on each of your consumers\n\nCLICK\n\nOn top of that a single customer view makes only sense if it is actionable for your organization.\n\nIn real time means that you don’t have to wait for your IT department to make an adjust selections, but you can start up an individual conversation all by yourself\n\nSo do you have a single view on each customer and is that actionalble in real time ?\nYES or NO\n\n\n
#7: I think that the intelligence derived from individual consumer data delivers a company deeper insights and more value than a dashboard with statistical information and extra-polation of surveys\n\nSo the question is : Do you backtrack information directly from your consumer data and aggregate that into a comprehensive dashboard\n\nThat dashboard would of course give you not only reach information, but also on how engaged your consumers are on each of your channels\n\nIt would also tell you what an individual consumer is worth. \nJust like telco companies who are used to report their average revenue per user, I think it is relevant for publishers to use that metric too\nfor publishers the average revenue per user would be composed by for instance his eyball revenue, his subscription fees ànd his spendings for your line extensions.\n\nand equally important : \nis that dashboard available at the finger tips for those who should act upon it ? \nor is it hidden behind weekly manual queries to deliver a weekly report for the managers ?\n\n
#8: The 5th question is about your advertisers\n\nthey are pretty jealous at the publishers for the touch they have with their consumers\nso, they are not only interested in reaching your audience but they are trying to connect with them too\n\nSo the question is : do you help your advertisers enough to engage with your audiences, \nor do you only provide them with solutions for reach and traffic\n\nDo you offer advertisers data driven targeting formulas based upon consumer relevance ?\nDo you support relation marketing for your advertisers with your segmented communities \nand is that offering priced upon their degree of the engagement of your consumers with you\n\nOr are your only selling page views to them with a price per contact ?\n
#9: I think it’s fair to say that consumer data is the new oil \nand \nit is also fair to say that publishers are on top of a terrific source of that kind of oil.\n\nSo this question is about your raffinery to turn that raw oil into powerfull gasoline.\ndo you have the right resources to build that raffinery ?\n \nThese resources should use the latest technischques to gather and maintain consumer data \nthey should have the right competences in 1to1 marketing, \nthey should know the privacy regulations by hard\nand \nknow how to be become pro-active to eliminatie all possible roadblocks on your highway to exploit your consumer data\n\nThe question is if you have internally the right resources, knowledge and skills availalbe to speed up and build a raffinery \nand to mine your raw data and turn it into powerfull gasoline ?\n
#10: this last question is a very sensitive one, especially in Belgium, where we know everything about federation between different communities, different cultures and even different languages and budgets\n\nSo with federation we don’t mean mean you have to share all your information with your conculleagues. \nIn Belgium we know that would be too tricky\n\nThe purpose of federation is be that your data in a federated model has more value than in a non-federated model.\n\nWe are convinced that data federation amongst publishers is needed to \n- create critical mass to build a raffinery \n- to give you economy of scale to build that and maintain the data raffinery\n- to deliver the same type of fuel for all participating publishers\n\nThat kind of federation would enable publishers to compete with other targeting solutions like Facebook \nbut also like retailers as for instance Tesco in UK \nThey have a huge amount of consumer data too and are developing a strong raffinery on top of it \nto offer that gasoline to their suppliers, which are the same companies and brands as your advertisers.\n\nSo do you think that publishers need to federate their data ?\n\n\n \n\n\n
#11: So these were the 7 statements\n\nNow just count the number of NO’s on these 7 topics\n\nIf you have 5 times or more a NO, \n--> you should have been singing up a contract with Yento a year ago : please come to our booth, we definitely need to talk.\nIf you have 3 to 5 times a NO\n--> please come to our extra session on friday 13H in Room VI on this floor to explore Yento! in depth \nIf you have less than 3 times a NO\nI’m afraid I spoiled your time and if that’s a problem, I’ll pay you a beer at the bar tonight\n\nAnd yes, regardless your calculation results, everyone receives a second sock as a thank you for your effort to listen to me.\n\nThank you !\n\n\n\n\n\n