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Steel Camel Presentation
Diesel Equipment Rental 1
How To Tackle Water
In Diesel Rental Operations To:
 Prevent Premature Wear of
Fuel Injectors and Pumps
 Reduce Unhappy Customers
 Reduce Equipment Downtime
 Lower Overall Operating Costs
About Steel Camel..
We Solve Problems..
We Lower Maintenance Costs
We Increase Up Time
We Prevent Accidents
Specialists in Water & Corrosion
Experience in Heavy Equipment & Fuel
Symbolic of What is Observed At Rental Yards
4Review of Water
Collection Points In
Fuel Storage Tanks
1. Free
2. Suspended
3. Atmospheric
Xylem has
all three...
All must be
Water and Its Relationship to Diesel Fuel Engine Parts
& Storage Tank Wear & Failure
The particles of debris and unburnt fuel due to
increased water levels is damaging components.
This is particularly true in fuel injectors
Why Is Water So Destructive?
 Creates Pits & Holes
 Causes Expansion of Metal Parts
 Part of Sludge Formation
 Reduces Combustion Energy. Poor
Engine Performance
 Allows Unburnt Fuel  Carbon
Deposits on Injectors Not high
enough temperatures.leads to
Particularly Bad for High Pressure Common Rail
Tier 4 Engines.
Areas To Tackle In Presentation
all related to Water / Moisture
 Dispenser Fuel Filters
 Engine Fuel Filters
 Fuel Tanks
 Fuel Dispensing To and From
Storage Tank
 Fuel Caps
 Venting Caps
 Filtering Fuel in Storage
Tanks, both at shop & in field.
 Water Detection Devices
 Alert Mechanisms for Water
Rental Equipment Can Sit or It Can Utilized 100%.
Customer Fueling Habits and Deliveries Can Also Vary.
Some Issues
1. Many Tech current use paste to detect water in fuel
Major Problem: The paste is only picking up free
water on the bottom of tank. The cloudy fuel in the
column is not being detected, thus creating
Common Poor Practices
2. The fuel returned to the main tank likely has
water based on customer fuel usage habits.
This leads to increased problems for fuel storage tanks.
Confirmed by staff and noticeable water in filter bowls
Both have
excess water
Common Poor Practices
3. Many companies combine particulate filter and water
separator on main tank.
Problem #1 OEM filters and separators are not working 100% to stop water.
Problem #2 Water gets through to rental equipment fuel pump to the injectors
if drain valve is not opened.
Typical Particulate Filter and Water
Separator Set Up.
Common Poor Practices
Many OEMS are set up to employ a dual particulate filter
system with a water on separator their rental equipment.
Problem #3 This situation relies on rental customer to use discharge valve on
water separator. The customers often will not follow directions / drain the valve.
This leads to water getting into injector rack and further related issues.
Common Poor Practices
4. Black Smoke.results of too much water interfering with
4. While customer might not pay
attention. Rental Companies
Should. Many Techs use leaning
More attention should be payed to
excess water.
Common Poor Practices
The Best Defense Against Corrosion, Premature Wear and Part Failures Is
An Aggressive Offensive Strategy Towards Water.
Tackle The Water Early and Often !!
Distributor & Manufacturer
Key Strategies and Techniques To Be Addressed
In This Presentation and Proposal
1. Blocking Water
2. Removing Water
3. Testing For Water
4. Inspections
Lets Take Closer Look At Technology & Water Issues
How Does Water Get Into Rental Equipment Storage & Mobile
Equipment Tanks?
1. General CondensationFrom both temperature changes and with
deliveries. Particularly with tanks maintained with low levels.
2. Rain / Humidity
Rental Equipment Typically Sits
& Works Outside. plus
Over time, operator sloppiness , lack
of attention leads to water intrusion
3. Current Caps on High Usage Machines
are not suited to handle high levels humidity
Therefore, water creeps into tanks.
4. Fuel Transfer Coming Back From The Customers
Detecting Water
Prevention is Better than Cure
Detecting Water- Techniques
- Internal Fuel Testing
- Keep Customers in Check
1. Visual 2. Chemical 3. Filter Alert 4. Lab Karl Fischer
Detecting Water - Technique  Visual Alerts
1. Recommend Field and Yard Techs Check For
Water with the Bailer.. Early and Often. Record
which machines have cloudy fuel.
Address Immediately.
The bailer can detect emulsified water
Use in conjunction with paste.
Inspecting For Water  Inspect The Fuel Filters
2. Recommend companies purchase filter cutter for both shop and field techs.
Find Sludge and You Find Water..Address Immediately.
Find Rust and You Find Water..Address Immediately.
Detecting Water - Water Sensor and Flashing Red Light
Alerts Rental Customer to Empty Bowl in Filter Hooked up to Diesel Craft Water
Separator 3. Recommend for high volume machines
Works in conjunction with
water separator
Inspecting for Water- Technique  Slow Flow
Find Slow Fuel Flow and Typically You Find Water. WaterGuard Filters have swell
mechanism that slows flow and alerts the operatorCommon Filters Employed Do not..
Big Difference when it comes to preventing fuel injector problems. Filter sizes would
need to be researched.
Yes, there are other water absorbing filters on the market..lets compare
1) Volume of Water Held 2) Durability Under Pressure 3) Ability to Deter Sludge
Karl Fischer Lab Test.. If cloudy fuel is found on regular basis.
. Companies with consistent water are advised to have supplier and
customer fuel checked for suspended water do it discretely on
deliveries. Use a visual fuel clarity test to start. If cloudy , send to lab. If
over 350 ppm make changes. Cost is roughly $40.00 per test
Blocking Water
Blocking Water - Technique  Vent Stack Filter 29
Yard Fuel Storage Tanks.. small investmentbig pay off.
Very Effective for High Through-put Tanks
Blocking Water - Technique  Breather Cap on Equipment
Only if the port is available on Tank Top of Rental Unit Needs to be
explored. Particularly for with Machines High Volume Fuel Use.
Blocking Water - Technique  Employ Water Blocking Gel
for Fuel Caps.. Easy to apply with a Caulking Gun.
Use On all equipment until yard and customer until water problems are
under controlthen as preventative maintenance. Less than a dollar
per application. Good idea for preventative maintenance plans.
Removing Water - Yard and in Field
Portable Water
Separator &
Filters Electric.
Removing Free Water off Bottom - Technique
These Units have By-Pass Valve to
Pump Free Water and Debris off Bottom.
Uses Pump Only.
Easy to Drain Into 5 Gallon Bucket
Get Water Early & Often
Removing Suspended Water -
Same Portable Unit:
Suspended Water Remover
25-30 gallons Per Minute
@ 1600-1800 gallons per hour
Same Machine / Switch Valve to Operate
Water Separator
Plug In and Go
Removing Emulsified Water - 35
Suspended Water Remover
Emulsified Water Remover
30 gallons Per Minute
@ 1800 gallons per Hour
Plug In and Go
Can Be Truck Mounted, or
On Wheels For Portable.
This unit is also used to pump fuel and capture water
and debris from units coming back from rental to
facility storage tank.
Both Free and Suspended Water.
Critical to Control Incomimg Water
Fuel Mixture Into Bulk Tank
This unit is also used to filter out fine droplet of water.down to
10 micron.Important for High Common Pressure Rail Engines,
Which Xylem deploys.this needs to be addressed.
Removing Water - Yard and in Field
Ongoing Water Absorption in Equipment Tanks
Camel Tails Water Absorbing Socks. Placed and secured in
tanks. Checked Every 30 Days. Provides ongoing protection
and alert mechanism
Sizes for 2 inch and 3 inch fill port openings.
Large one hold 19 ouncesSmall Ones Hold 6 ounces of
If units swell often, further investigation needs to occur.
Removing Water - Yard Tank
Recommend Water Guard Filter as Secondary Filter
Unit Will Choke off when excess water is present and
produce Slow Flow to alert operator of change.
Review.Water Effects Fuel Quality Which Effects
Operating Costs for Rental Operations
ReviewWater Has Relationship
To High Pressure Common Rail Injectors
The Tolerances of HPCR Engines are much tighter
Specifications are base on clean, dry, debris free fuel.
Rental Customers may not be maintaining fuel
Engine Manufacturers will not warranty water fuel
So Rental Companies Must Take Matters Into Their
Own Hands.
Breakdown of Costs To Rental Companies
1. Costs of Labor for Parts, Maintenance, Repair and
Overhaul Associated with Water in Fuel.
2. Opportunity Cost of Machines Being Down / Not Able
To Be Rented.
3. Costs of Unhappy and Lost Customers
4. Cost of techs being tied up when they can be making
profitable service calls.
Product Costs From Steel Camel
units case
Bailers 12 1 $125
Dispenser Filters 5 x11 6 x $78 1 $468.00
Camel Tails  Small 1 12 1 $215.00
Camel Tail  Large 2 12 1 $421.00
Dieselcraft 1 $9500.00
X 2 = $19,000.00
Vent Filters / with hardware 2 x $95.00 $190.00
Bushings (available upon request)
Equipment Filters - Secondary 6 x $78 1 $468.00
Filter Cutter 6 x $75.00 $450.00

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Diesel Rental Equipment Best Practices: Regarding Fuel Tank Maintenance

  • 1. Steel Camel Presentation Diesel Equipment Rental 1 How To Tackle Water In Diesel Rental Operations To: Prevent Premature Wear of Fuel Injectors and Pumps Reduce Unhappy Customers Reduce Equipment Downtime Lower Overall Operating Costs
  • 2. About Steel Camel.. We Solve Problems.. We Lower Maintenance Costs We Increase Up Time We Prevent Accidents Specialists in Water & Corrosion Experience in Heavy Equipment & Fuel Storage
  • 3. Symbolic of What is Observed At Rental Yards
  • 4. 4Review of Water Collection Points In Fuel Storage Tanks 1. Free 2. Suspended 3. Atmospheric Xylem has all three... All must be addressed
  • 5. Water and Its Relationship to Diesel Fuel Engine Parts & Storage Tank Wear & Failure The particles of debris and unburnt fuel due to increased water levels is damaging components. This is particularly true in fuel injectors
  • 6. Why Is Water So Destructive? Creates Pits & Holes Causes Expansion of Metal Parts Part of Sludge Formation Reduces Combustion Energy. Poor Engine Performance Allows Unburnt Fuel Carbon Deposits on Injectors Not high enough temperatures.leads to damage. Particularly Bad for High Pressure Common Rail Tier 4 Engines.
  • 7. Areas To Tackle In Presentation all related to Water / Moisture Dispenser Fuel Filters Engine Fuel Filters Fuel Tanks Fuel Dispensing To and From Storage Tank Fuel Caps Venting Caps Filtering Fuel in Storage Tanks, both at shop & in field. Water Detection Devices Alert Mechanisms for Water
  • 8. Rental Equipment Can Sit or It Can Utilized 100%. Customer Fueling Habits and Deliveries Can Also Vary. Some Issues
  • 9. 1. Many Tech current use paste to detect water in fuel tank. Major Problem: The paste is only picking up free water on the bottom of tank. The cloudy fuel in the column is not being detected, thus creating problems. Common Poor Practices
  • 10. 2. The fuel returned to the main tank likely has water based on customer fuel usage habits. This leads to increased problems for fuel storage tanks. Confirmed by staff and noticeable water in filter bowls Both have excess water Common Poor Practices
  • 11. 3. Many companies combine particulate filter and water separator on main tank. Problem #1 OEM filters and separators are not working 100% to stop water. Problem #2 Water gets through to rental equipment fuel pump to the injectors if drain valve is not opened. Typical Particulate Filter and Water Separator Set Up. Common Poor Practices
  • 12. Many OEMS are set up to employ a dual particulate filter system with a water on separator their rental equipment. Problem #3 This situation relies on rental customer to use discharge valve on water separator. The customers often will not follow directions / drain the valve. This leads to water getting into injector rack and further related issues. Common Poor Practices
  • 13. 4. Black Smoke.results of too much water interfering with combustion. 4. While customer might not pay attention. Rental Companies Should. Many Techs use leaning techniques. More attention should be payed to excess water. Common Poor Practices
  • 14. The Best Defense Against Corrosion, Premature Wear and Part Failures Is An Aggressive Offensive Strategy Towards Water. Tackle The Water Early and Often !! Distributor & Manufacturer Products
  • 15. Key Strategies and Techniques To Be Addressed In This Presentation and Proposal 1. Blocking Water 2. Removing Water 3. Testing For Water 4. Inspections
  • 16. Lets Take Closer Look At Technology & Water Issues
  • 17. How Does Water Get Into Rental Equipment Storage & Mobile Equipment Tanks? 17 1. General CondensationFrom both temperature changes and with deliveries. Particularly with tanks maintained with low levels.
  • 18. 2. Rain / Humidity Rental Equipment Typically Sits & Works Outside. plus Over time, operator sloppiness , lack of attention leads to water intrusion
  • 19. 3. Current Caps on High Usage Machines are not suited to handle high levels humidity Therefore, water creeps into tanks.
  • 20. 4. Fuel Transfer Coming Back From The Customers
  • 22. Detecting Water- Techniques - Internal Fuel Testing - Keep Customers in Check 1. Visual 2. Chemical 3. Filter Alert 4. Lab Karl Fischer
  • 23. Detecting Water - Technique Visual Alerts 1. Recommend Field and Yard Techs Check For Water with the Bailer.. Early and Often. Record which machines have cloudy fuel. Address Immediately. The bailer can detect emulsified water Use in conjunction with paste.
  • 24. Inspecting For Water Inspect The Fuel Filters 2. Recommend companies purchase filter cutter for both shop and field techs. Find Sludge and You Find Water..Address Immediately. Find Rust and You Find Water..Address Immediately.
  • 25. Detecting Water - Water Sensor and Flashing Red Light Alerts Rental Customer to Empty Bowl in Filter Hooked up to Diesel Craft Water Separator 3. Recommend for high volume machines Works in conjunction with water separator
  • 26. Inspecting for Water- Technique Slow Flow Find Slow Fuel Flow and Typically You Find Water. WaterGuard Filters have swell mechanism that slows flow and alerts the operatorCommon Filters Employed Do not.. Big Difference when it comes to preventing fuel injector problems. Filter sizes would need to be researched. Yes, there are other water absorbing filters on the market..lets compare 1) Volume of Water Held 2) Durability Under Pressure 3) Ability to Deter Sludge
  • 27. Karl Fischer Lab Test.. If cloudy fuel is found on regular basis. . Companies with consistent water are advised to have supplier and customer fuel checked for suspended water do it discretely on deliveries. Use a visual fuel clarity test to start. If cloudy , send to lab. If over 350 ppm make changes. Cost is roughly $40.00 per test
  • 29. Blocking Water - Technique Vent Stack Filter 29 Yard Fuel Storage Tanks.. small investmentbig pay off. Very Effective for High Through-put Tanks
  • 30. Blocking Water - Technique Breather Cap on Equipment Only if the port is available on Tank Top of Rental Unit Needs to be explored. Particularly for with Machines High Volume Fuel Use.
  • 31. Blocking Water - Technique Employ Water Blocking Gel for Fuel Caps.. Easy to apply with a Caulking Gun. Use On all equipment until yard and customer until water problems are under controlthen as preventative maintenance. Less than a dollar per application. Good idea for preventative maintenance plans.
  • 32. Removing Water - Yard and in Field Portable Water Separator & Filters Electric.
  • 33. Removing Free Water off Bottom - Technique These Units have By-Pass Valve to Pump Free Water and Debris off Bottom. Uses Pump Only. Easy to Drain Into 5 Gallon Bucket Diesel Get Water Early & Often
  • 34. Removing Suspended Water - Same Portable Unit: Suspended Water Remover 25-30 gallons Per Minute @ 1600-1800 gallons per hour Same Machine / Switch Valve to Operate Water Separator Plug In and Go Diesel
  • 35. Removing Emulsified Water - 35 Suspended Water Remover Emulsified Water Remover 30 gallons Per Minute @ 1800 gallons per Hour Plug In and Go Can Be Truck Mounted, or On Wheels For Portable. Diesel
  • 36. This unit is also used to pump fuel and capture water and debris from units coming back from rental to facility storage tank. Both Free and Suspended Water. Critical to Control Incomimg Water Fuel Mixture Into Bulk Tank
  • 37. This unit is also used to filter out fine droplet of water.down to 10 micron.Important for High Common Pressure Rail Engines, Which Xylem deploys.this needs to be addressed.
  • 38. Removing Water - Yard and in Field Ongoing Water Absorption in Equipment Tanks Camel Tails Water Absorbing Socks. Placed and secured in tanks. Checked Every 30 Days. Provides ongoing protection and alert mechanism Sizes for 2 inch and 3 inch fill port openings. Large one hold 19 ouncesSmall Ones Hold 6 ounces of water. If units swell often, further investigation needs to occur.
  • 39. Removing Water - Yard Tank Recommend Water Guard Filter as Secondary Filter Unit Will Choke off when excess water is present and produce Slow Flow to alert operator of change.
  • 40. Review.Water Effects Fuel Quality Which Effects Operating Costs for Rental Operations
  • 41. ReviewWater Has Relationship To High Pressure Common Rail Injectors The Tolerances of HPCR Engines are much tighter Specifications are base on clean, dry, debris free fuel. Rental Customers may not be maintaining fuel properly. Engine Manufacturers will not warranty water fuel problems. So Rental Companies Must Take Matters Into Their Own Hands.
  • 42. Breakdown of Costs To Rental Companies 1. Costs of Labor for Parts, Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Associated with Water in Fuel. 2. Opportunity Cost of Machines Being Down / Not Able To Be Rented. 3. Costs of Unhappy and Lost Customers 4. Cost of techs being tied up when they can be making profitable service calls.
  • 43. Product Costs From Steel Camel units case Bailers 12 1 $125 Dispenser Filters 5 x11 6 x $78 1 $468.00 Camel Tails Small 1 12 1 $215.00 Camel Tail Large 2 12 1 $421.00 Dieselcraft 1 $9500.00 delivered X 2 = $19,000.00 Vent Filters / with hardware 2 x $95.00 $190.00 Bushings (available upon request) Equipment Filters - Secondary 6 x $78 1 $468.00 Filter Cutter 6 x $75.00 $450.00

Editor's Notes

  • #9: NIck
  • #18: While we are focusing on on C Stores and Truck Stops..many problems start upstreamregardless of what they tell you. Sludge, Corrosion and Tank Cleaning go on at all facilities. Battelle Report Talks about introduction of bio fuels, cross contamination Tampa Bay Tank Wash
  • #19: Puddles, No Parking Lots are Even Canopies
  • #20: Training..California - Designated Operators
  • #21: Training..California - Designated Operators
  • #30: Explain How Our Filter Works.
  • #31: Explain How Our Filter Works.
  • #34: Show Brochure, Portable Easy to Do. Plug and Play.
  • #41: Costs Money to Treat..Ingredient in Sludge.