Five random people - Alvaro Guatemala, Juan Baker, Rubn Archilla, Hugo Zambrana, and Monica Freire - have been selected for a crash course on creativity. While they each have different interests like exercise, social networks, food preferences, and music, they all share a willingness to learn new things in this course.
This document describes a new sport called "rowlling" which involves rowing on a wheelchair using a broom to propel yourself. Contestants in rowlling must stay within a designated "safe zone" and if they cross the line while building momentum, it is considered a foul. Each contestant gets three attempts, and the top three distances traveled determine the final rankings.
The document discusses different types of bread including shapes, sizes, flavors. It talks about how bread is used at breakfast, for sandwiches, as an appetizer or with dinner. Bread is commonly found wrapped in plastic or paper in stores. The document also discusses how bread can accompany food, be used as a container, and is a popular junk food pairing. It suggests reframing how we think about bread by focusing on its portability, ability to complement other foods, and how it can nourish. An analogy is made comparing bread to music. There is a suggestion of making bread more colorful and nutritious.
Question One - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge...rbowyermedia
This document summarizes how a media product uses, develops, and challenges conventions of real media. It uses traditional colors and includes a weapon in the trailer to conform to conventions. It challenges conventions by fully showing the villain's face, which is atypical for posters or magazines. The horror film was shot from first and third person perspectives to develop conventions and make the viewer feel present, as seen in The Blair Witch Project.
This document provides a shot list for a film scene taking place at a tube station. It outlines various shots that would be needed, including Jason walking through the station, looking at the train departures board, and a dark figure running by him. The shots become more intense, with a close-up of a knife glinting and a bloodied hand on a staircase handrail. The list culminates with shots from the point of view of a stalker approaching Jason from behind.
RFID technology has many promising applications. Overall, respondents were positive about RFID's potential. Most saw opportunities in inventory control, logistics/supply chain management and library management. Some concerns remain around cost and standardization, but further development is expected in medical uses and other industries. With refinements, RFID may provide significant benefits for tracking, access control and customer services.
This document provides a shot list for a film scene taking place at a tube station. It details shots of a character named Jason walking through the station and platform, looking for an arriving train. Several shots show a dark figure running through the station corridors. The final shots show the stalker approaching Jason from behind and a bloodied hand on a staircase handrail.
To reach one's goals, it is important to identify top goals, be passionate about them, spend quality time working towards them, understand what needs to be done, and motivate yourself. The easiest way to develop desirable qualities is to identify those one admires in others, such as someone you would choose to spend the day with and whose qualities inspire you. Imagining yourself developing those same qualities and thinking of three small actions to emulate them can help you feel motivated to progress towards your goals.
In what ways does your media product userbowyermedia
This document summarizes how a media product uses, develops, and challenges conventions of real media. It uses traditional colors and includes a weapon in the trailer to conform to conventions. It challenges conventions by fully showing the villain's face, which is atypical for posters or magazines. The horror film was shot from first and third person perspectives to develop conventions and make the viewer feel present, as seen in The Blair Witch Project.
Il Lean Thinking una metodologia organizzativa e culturale di ottimizzazione dei processi aziendali che ha l'obiettivo di:
? Aumentare la produttivit
? Migliorare la qualit del prodotto
? Minimizzare il lead time
? Abbattere le scorte
Nuceria Adesivi ha avviato dal 2010 un progetto Lean che ha consentito un notevole incremento della produttivit e garantir nell'immediato futuro costanti miglioramenti.
Conferencia sobre Violencia de gnero en adolescentes CORMAR 10-2-2016Alberto Sillero Gmez
PWP sobre Violencia de Gnero en Adolescentes, empleado en la Conferencia dictada en el Colegio Corazn de Mara, de Madrid, el 10 de febrero de 2016
To reach one's goals, it is important to identify top goals, be passionate about them, spend quality time working towards them, understand what needs to be done, and motivate yourself. The easiest way to develop desirable qualities is to identify those one admires in others, such as someone you would choose to spend the day with and whose qualities inspire you. Imagining yourself developing those same qualities and thinking of three small actions to emulate them can help you feel motivated to progress towards your goals.
In what ways does your media product userbowyermedia
This document summarizes how a media product uses, develops, and challenges conventions of real media. It uses traditional colors and includes a weapon in the trailer to conform to conventions. It challenges conventions by fully showing the villain's face, which is atypical for posters or magazines. The horror film was shot from first and third person perspectives to develop conventions and make the viewer feel present, as seen in The Blair Witch Project.
Il Lean Thinking una metodologia organizzativa e culturale di ottimizzazione dei processi aziendali che ha l'obiettivo di:
? Aumentare la produttivit
? Migliorare la qualit del prodotto
? Minimizzare il lead time
? Abbattere le scorte
Nuceria Adesivi ha avviato dal 2010 un progetto Lean che ha consentito un notevole incremento della produttivit e garantir nell'immediato futuro costanti miglioramenti.
Conferencia sobre Violencia de gnero en adolescentes CORMAR 10-2-2016Alberto Sillero Gmez
PWP sobre Violencia de Gnero en Adolescentes, empleado en la Conferencia dictada en el Colegio Corazn de Mara, de Madrid, el 10 de febrero de 2016
2. Crash course on Creativity. Assignment 1
Alvaro Guatemala Juan Baker
What do they have in common
Rubn Archilla 5 random guys?
Monica Freire
Hugo Zambrana
4. Crash course on Creativity. Assignment 1
They make
exercise regularly
They like
social networks
They like meat
better than vegetables They like music
although they dont
play any instrument
They have MANY things
5. Crash course on Creativity. Assignment 1
But more important,
they are willing to
in this course