Doulas (ba mu in Vietnamese), or birth companions, provide physical and emotional support to women during childbirth. Their presence is associated with numerous benefits including decreased rates of cesarean section and other medical interventions, increased rates of breastfeeding, shorter labors, and greater satisfaction with the birthing experience. Doulas help reduce pain and anxiety through massage, positioning advice, and other comfort measures. They also provide informational support by explaining procedures and helping women make informed choices about their care.
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The doula advantage in Vietnamese
1. Ba mu = Doula
Loi ich trong qua trinh
sanh de
Information Technology in Nursing
NR 110. 404
Fall 2010
Trish Bermudez, Kara Cruice, Hai Yen Ho, Lindi Hobongwana, Katya Simon
5. Doulas (ba mu) khuyen khich cha me
tuong lai.
Cha va me giup do lan nhau
6. Ung ho ban
Khuyen khich ban
Chi ban cach hit tho
Co mat trong luc ban dau don va sanh de
Ho tro va ung ho su lua chon va uoc muon cua ban
7. Giup do ban trong luc dau don
Massage cho ban
Cham cuu
Dung phuong phap nong va
lanh lam bot dau
Va nhieu phuong phap giam
dau khac.
8. Tai sao ban muon ba mu (doula)?
Giam ti le mo
Qua trinh sanh de thuan loi
Tang ti le va kha nang cho con bu
9. Khoa hoc chung to rang doula (ba mu) lam
cho qua trinh sanh de khac han voi nhung
nguoi ko co ba mu trong luc sanh de, dac
biet la nhung truong hop de kho khan.
14. Women recovering from a difficult
birth with a help of a doula
breastfeed twice as often.
15. Tram cam sau khi de
Cam giac buon va khoc sau khi de con
85% phu nu- cam giac buon
15% phu nu- tram cam
16. Kinh nghiem sanh duoc suong se, an
toan, va thoai mai. -> nguoi me vui ve
17. Noi tom lai, su co mac cua ba mu lam
cho qua trinh sanh de cua ban.
Khong phai chich thuoc gay me hay thuoc ngu.
De tu nhien.
Tang kha nang cho con bu.
Hai long voi qua trinh sanh de.
Troi gian de ngan hon.
Qua trinh de it kho khan hon
(Hodnett, Gates, & Sakala, 2007)
18. Doula = ba mu
Cho ban mot qua trinh sanh de hai
long va hanh phuc.
Me vui, cha vui, va con vui
19. References
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