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Chapter 1
Database Systems
Database Systems:
Design, Implementation, and Management,
Sixth Edition, Rob and Coronel
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 2
In this chapter, you will learn:
 The difference between data and information
 What a database is, about different types of
databases, and why they are valuable assets
for decision making
 Why database design is important
 How modern databases evolved from files
and file systems
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 3
In this chapter, you will learn:
 About flaws in file system data management
 How a database system differs from a file
system, and how a DBMS functions within the
database system
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 4
Data vs. Information
 Raw facts; building blocks of information
 Unprocessed information
 Data processed to reveal meaning
 Accurate, relevant, and timely information is
key to good decision making
 Good decision making is key to survival in
global environment
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 5
Sales per Employee for Each of
ROBCORs Two Divisions
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 6
Introducing the Database
and the DBMS
 Databaseshared, integrated computer
structure that houses:
 End user data (raw facts)
 Metadata (data about data)
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 7
Introducing the Database
and the DBMS (continued)
 DBMS (database management system):
 Collection of programs that manages
database structure and controls access to
 Possible to share data among multiple
applications or users
 Makes data management more efficient and
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 8
DBMS Makes Data Management
More Efficient and Effective
 End users have better access to more and
better-managed data
 Promotes integrated view of organizations
 Probability of data inconsistency is greatly
 Possible to produce quick answers to ad hoc
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 9
The DBMS Manages the Interaction
Between the End User and the Database
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 10
Types of Databases
 Supports only one user at a time
 Single-user database running on a personal
 Supports multiple users at the same time
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 11
Types of Databases (continued)
 Multi-user database that supports a small
group of users or a single department
 Multi-user database that supports a large
group of users or an entire organization
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 12
Location of Databases
 Supports data located at a single site
 Supports data distributed across several sites
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 13
Uses of Databases
 Transactional (or production):
 Supports a companys day-to-day operations
 Data warehouse:
 Stores data used to generate information
required to make tactical or strategic decisions
 Such decisions typically require data massaging
 Often used to store historical data
 Structure is quite different
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 14
Why Database Design is Important
 Defines the databases expected use
 Different approach needed for different types
of databases
 Avoid redundant data (unnecessarily
 Poorly designed database generates errors
 leads to bad decisions  can lead to
failure of organization
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 15
Brief History of Information Systems -1
 Early human records-clay tablets, hieroglyphics, cave
paintings, paper records of family histories, treaties,
inventories, and so on
 Hollerith used punched cards in 1890 US census
 Punched paper tape introduced in 1940s
 Magnetic tape introduced about 1950-used in
 Cards, paper tape, magnetic tape are sequential
access devices
 Used in sequential processing applications such as
 Batch processing uses master file and transaction
file as input; produces new master file as output
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 16
Brief History of Information Systems
Sequential Processing
Transaction file with this
weeks new payroll data
and stubs
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 17
Brief History of Information Systems - 2
 Magnetic disk introduced in 1950s - direct access device
 Programming languages COBOL and PL/1 developed in 1960s
 Early database models developed
 Hierarchical model
 IBM IMS developed for Apollo moon landing project
 IMS product released in 1968
 Most popular pre-relational DBMS
 SABRE airline reservation system used IMS
 Network model
 GE IDS developed by Charles Bachman in early 1960s
 CODASYL DBTG proposed standards published in 1971
 ANSI rejected proposal
 New standards published in 1973, 1978, 1981 and 1984
 Provided standard terminology, notion of layered database
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 18
Brief History of Information Systems-3
 Relational model
 Proposed by E.F. Codd in 1970 paper, "A Relational Model of Data
for Large Shared Data Banks"
 Strong theoretical foundation
 System R, late 1970s
 IBMs prototype relational system
 Introduced SQL, Structured Query Language, now standard language
 Peterlee Relational Test Vehicle at IBM UK Scientific Laboratory
 INGRES at University of California, Berkeley
 ORACLE used some System R results
 Early microcomputer relational DBMSs :dBase, R:Base, Foxpro,
 Microsoft Access most popular microcomputer-based DBMS
 Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase, and Microsofts SQL Server most
popular enterprise DBMSs
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 19
Brief History of Information Systems-4
 Entity Relationship model
 P.P. Chen, 1976
 Semantic model  tries to capture meaning
 Object-oriented model
 Can handle complex data
 Introduced in 1990s
 Object-relational model: object-oriented capabilities added to
relational databases
 Data warehouses developed in 1990s
 Take data from many sources
 May store historical data
 Used for data mining, finding trends in data
 Internet provides access to vast network of databases
 Wireless computing
 Thin clients such as PDAs
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 20
The Historical Roots of Database:
Files and File Systems
 Although managing data through file systems is
largely obsolete
 Understanding relatively simple characteristics of
file systems makes complexity of database
design easier to understand
 Awareness of problems that plagued file systems
can help prevent similar problems in DBMS
 Knowledge of file systems is helpful if you plan to
convert an obsolete file system to a DBMS
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 21
Manual File Systems
 Traditionally composed of collection of file
folders kept in file cabinet
 Organization within folders was based on
datas expected use (ideally logically related)
 System was adequate for small amounts of
data with few reporting requirements
 Finding and using data in growing collections
of file folders became time-consuming and
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 22
Conversion from Manual File System
to Computer File System
 Could be technically complex, requiring hiring
of data processing (DP) specialists
 DP specialists created file structures, wrote
software, and designed application programs
 Resulted in numerous home-grown systems
being created
 Initially, computer files were similar in design
to manual files (see Figure 1.3)
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 23
Contents of Customer File
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 24
Basic File Terminology
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 25
Example of Early Database Design
 DP specialist wrote programs for reports:
 Monthly summaries of types and amounts of
insurance sold by agents
 Monthly reports about which customers should
be contacted for renewal
 Reports that analyzed ratios of insurance types
sold by agent
 Customer contact letters summarizing coverage
 Additional reports were written as required
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 26
Example of Early Database Design
 Other departments requested databases be
written for them
 SALES database created for sales department
 AGENT database created for personnel
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 27
Contents of the Agent File
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 28
Evolution of Simple File System
 As number of databases increased, small file
system evolved
 Each file used its own application programs
 Each file was owned by individual or
department who commissioned its creation
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 29
A Simple File System
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 30
Example of Early Database Design
 As system grew, demand for DPs
programming skills grew
 Additional programmers hired
 DP specialist evolved into DP manager,
supervising a DP department
 Primary activity of department (and DP
manager) remained programming
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 31
Problems with
File System Data Management
 Every task requires extensive programming in
a third-generation language (3GL)
 Programmer must specify task and how it
must be done
 Modern databases use fourth-generation
language (4GL)
 Allows user to specify what must be done
without specifying how it is to be done
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 32
Programming in 3GL
 Time-consuming, high-level activity
 Programmer must be familiar with physical
file structure
 As system becomes complex, access paths
become difficult to manage and tend to
produce malfunctions
 Complex coding establishes precise location
of files and system components and data
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 33
Programming in 3GL (continued)
 Ad hoc queries are impossible
 Writing programs to design new reports is time
 As number of files increases, system
administration becomes difficult
 Making changes in existing file structure is
 File structure changes require modifications in
all programs that use data in that file
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 34
Programming in 3GL (continued)
 Modifications are likely to produce errors,
requiring additional time to debug the
 Security features hard to program and
therefore often omitted
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 35
Structural and Data Dependence
 Structural dependence
 Access to a file depends on its structure
 Data dependence
 Changes in database structure affect
programs ability to access data
 Logical data format
 How a human being views the data
 Physical data format
 How the computer sees the data
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 36
Field Definitions
and Naming Conventions
 Flexible record definition anticipates reporting
requirements by breaking up fields into their
component parts
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 37
Sample Customer File Fields
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 38
Data Redundancy
 Data redundancy results in data inconsistency
 Different and conflicting versions of the same
data appear in different places
 Errors more likely to occur when complex
entries are made in several different files and
recur frequently in one or more files
 Data anomalies develop when required
changes in redundant data are not made
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 39
Data Anomalies
 Modification anomalies
 Occur when changes must be made to
existing records
 Insertion anomalies
 Occur when entering new records
 Deletion anomalies
 Occur when deleting records
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 40
Database vs. File System
 Problems inherent in file systems make using
a database system desirable
 File system
 Many separate and unrelated files
 Logically related data stored in a single logical
data repository
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 41
Contrasting Database and File
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 42
The Database System Environment
 Database system is composed of 5 main
1. Hardware
2. Software
 Operating system software
 DBMS software
 Application programs and utility software
3. People
4. Procedures
5. Data
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 43
The Database System Environment
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 44
DBMS Functions
 Performs functions that guarantee integrity and
consistency of data
 Data dictionary management
 defines data elements and their relationships
 Data storage management
 stores data and related data entry forms, report
definitions, etc.
 Data transformation and presentation
 translates logical requests into commands to
physically locate and retrieve the requested data
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 45
DBMS Functions (continued)
 Security management
 enforces user security and data privacy within
 Multi-user access control
 creates structures that allow multiple users to
access the data
 Backup and recovery management
 provides backup and data recovery procedures
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 46
DBMS Functions (continued)
 Data integrity management
 promotes and enforces integrity rules to eliminate
data integrity problems
 Database access languages and application
programming interfaces
 provides data access through a query language
 Database communication interfaces
 allows database to accept end-user requests
within a computer network environment
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 47
Illustrating Metadata
with Microsoft Access
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 48
Illustrating Data Storage Management
with Oracle
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 49
 Information is derived from data, which is stored
in a database
 To implement and manage a database, use a
 Database design defines its structure
 Good design is important
Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 50
Summary (continued)
 Databases were preceded by file systems
 Because file systems lack a DBMS, file
management becomes difficult as a file
system grows
 DBMS were developed to address file
systems inherent weaknesses

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  • 1. Chapter 1 Database Systems Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management, Sixth Edition, Rob and Coronel
  • 2. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 2 In this chapter, you will learn: The difference between data and information What a database is, about different types of databases, and why they are valuable assets for decision making Why database design is important How modern databases evolved from files and file systems
  • 3. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 3 In this chapter, you will learn: About flaws in file system data management How a database system differs from a file system, and how a DBMS functions within the database system
  • 4. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 4 Data vs. Information Data: Raw facts; building blocks of information Unprocessed information Information: Data processed to reveal meaning Accurate, relevant, and timely information is key to good decision making Good decision making is key to survival in global environment
  • 5. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 5 Sales per Employee for Each of ROBCORs Two Divisions
  • 6. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 6 Introducing the Database and the DBMS Databaseshared, integrated computer structure that houses: End user data (raw facts) Metadata (data about data)
  • 7. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 7 Introducing the Database and the DBMS (continued) DBMS (database management system): Collection of programs that manages database structure and controls access to data Possible to share data among multiple applications or users Makes data management more efficient and effective
  • 8. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 8 DBMS Makes Data Management More Efficient and Effective End users have better access to more and better-managed data Promotes integrated view of organizations operations Probability of data inconsistency is greatly reduced Possible to produce quick answers to ad hoc queries
  • 9. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 9 The DBMS Manages the Interaction Between the End User and the Database
  • 10. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 10 Types of Databases Single-user: Supports only one user at a time Desktop: Single-user database running on a personal computer Multi-user: Supports multiple users at the same time
  • 11. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 11 Types of Databases (continued) Workgroup: Multi-user database that supports a small group of users or a single department Enterprise: Multi-user database that supports a large group of users or an entire organization
  • 12. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 12 Location of Databases Centralized: Supports data located at a single site Distributed: Supports data distributed across several sites
  • 13. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 13 Uses of Databases Transactional (or production): Supports a companys day-to-day operations Data warehouse: Stores data used to generate information required to make tactical or strategic decisions Such decisions typically require data massaging Often used to store historical data Structure is quite different
  • 14. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 14 Why Database Design is Important Defines the databases expected use Different approach needed for different types of databases Avoid redundant data (unnecessarily duplicated) Poorly designed database generates errors leads to bad decisions can lead to failure of organization
  • 15. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 15 Brief History of Information Systems -1 Early human records-clay tablets, hieroglyphics, cave paintings, paper records of family histories, treaties, inventories, and so on Hollerith used punched cards in 1890 US census Punched paper tape introduced in 1940s Magnetic tape introduced about 1950-used in UNIVAC I Cards, paper tape, magnetic tape are sequential access devices Used in sequential processing applications such as payroll Batch processing uses master file and transaction file as input; produces new master file as output
  • 16. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 16 Brief History of Information Systems Sequential Processing Transaction file with this weeks new payroll data Payroll Program Paychecks and stubs Payroll report Payroll Master File New Payroll Master File
  • 17. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 17 Brief History of Information Systems - 2 Magnetic disk introduced in 1950s - direct access device Programming languages COBOL and PL/1 developed in 1960s Early database models developed Hierarchical model IBM IMS developed for Apollo moon landing project IMS product released in 1968 Most popular pre-relational DBMS SABRE airline reservation system used IMS Network model GE IDS developed by Charles Bachman in early 1960s CODASYL DBTG proposed standards published in 1971 ANSI rejected proposal New standards published in 1973, 1978, 1981 and 1984 Provided standard terminology, notion of layered database architecture
  • 18. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 18 Brief History of Information Systems-3 Relational model Proposed by E.F. Codd in 1970 paper, "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks" Strong theoretical foundation System R, late 1970s IBMs prototype relational system Introduced SQL, Structured Query Language, now standard language Peterlee Relational Test Vehicle at IBM UK Scientific Laboratory INGRES at University of California, Berkeley ORACLE used some System R results Early microcomputer relational DBMSs :dBase, R:Base, Foxpro, Paradox Microsoft Access most popular microcomputer-based DBMS Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase, and Microsofts SQL Server most popular enterprise DBMSs
  • 19. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 19 Brief History of Information Systems-4 Entity Relationship model P.P. Chen, 1976 Semantic model tries to capture meaning Object-oriented model Can handle complex data Introduced in 1990s Object-relational model: object-oriented capabilities added to relational databases Data warehouses developed in 1990s Take data from many sources May store historical data Used for data mining, finding trends in data Internet provides access to vast network of databases E-commerce Wireless computing Thin clients such as PDAs
  • 20. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 20 The Historical Roots of Database: Files and File Systems Although managing data through file systems is largely obsolete Understanding relatively simple characteristics of file systems makes complexity of database design easier to understand Awareness of problems that plagued file systems can help prevent similar problems in DBMS Knowledge of file systems is helpful if you plan to convert an obsolete file system to a DBMS
  • 21. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 21 Manual File Systems Traditionally composed of collection of file folders kept in file cabinet Organization within folders was based on datas expected use (ideally logically related) System was adequate for small amounts of data with few reporting requirements Finding and using data in growing collections of file folders became time-consuming and cumbersome
  • 22. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 22 Conversion from Manual File System to Computer File System Could be technically complex, requiring hiring of data processing (DP) specialists DP specialists created file structures, wrote software, and designed application programs Resulted in numerous home-grown systems being created Initially, computer files were similar in design to manual files (see Figure 1.3)
  • 23. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 23 Contents of Customer File
  • 24. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 24 Basic File Terminology
  • 25. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 25 Example of Early Database Design DP specialist wrote programs for reports: Monthly summaries of types and amounts of insurance sold by agents Monthly reports about which customers should be contacted for renewal Reports that analyzed ratios of insurance types sold by agent Customer contact letters summarizing coverage Additional reports were written as required
  • 26. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 26 Example of Early Database Design (continued) Other departments requested databases be written for them SALES database created for sales department AGENT database created for personnel department
  • 27. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 27 Contents of the Agent File
  • 28. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 28 Evolution of Simple File System As number of databases increased, small file system evolved Each file used its own application programs Each file was owned by individual or department who commissioned its creation
  • 29. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 29 A Simple File System
  • 30. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 30 Example of Early Database Design (continued) As system grew, demand for DPs programming skills grew Additional programmers hired DP specialist evolved into DP manager, supervising a DP department Primary activity of department (and DP manager) remained programming
  • 31. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 31 Problems with File System Data Management Every task requires extensive programming in a third-generation language (3GL) Programmer must specify task and how it must be done Modern databases use fourth-generation language (4GL) Allows user to specify what must be done without specifying how it is to be done
  • 32. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 32 Programming in 3GL Time-consuming, high-level activity Programmer must be familiar with physical file structure As system becomes complex, access paths become difficult to manage and tend to produce malfunctions Complex coding establishes precise location of files and system components and data characteristics
  • 33. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 33 Programming in 3GL (continued) Ad hoc queries are impossible Writing programs to design new reports is time consuming As number of files increases, system administration becomes difficult Making changes in existing file structure is difficult File structure changes require modifications in all programs that use data in that file
  • 34. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 34 Programming in 3GL (continued) Modifications are likely to produce errors, requiring additional time to debug the program Security features hard to program and therefore often omitted
  • 35. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 35 Structural and Data Dependence Structural dependence Access to a file depends on its structure Data dependence Changes in database structure affect programs ability to access data Logical data format How a human being views the data Physical data format How the computer sees the data
  • 36. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 36 Field Definitions and Naming Conventions Flexible record definition anticipates reporting requirements by breaking up fields into their component parts
  • 37. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 37 Sample Customer File Fields
  • 38. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 38 Data Redundancy Data redundancy results in data inconsistency Different and conflicting versions of the same data appear in different places Errors more likely to occur when complex entries are made in several different files and recur frequently in one or more files Data anomalies develop when required changes in redundant data are not made successfully
  • 39. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 39 Data Anomalies Modification anomalies Occur when changes must be made to existing records Insertion anomalies Occur when entering new records Deletion anomalies Occur when deleting records
  • 40. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 40 Database vs. File System Problems inherent in file systems make using a database system desirable File system Many separate and unrelated files Database Logically related data stored in a single logical data repository
  • 41. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 41 Contrasting Database and File Systems
  • 42. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 42 The Database System Environment Database system is composed of 5 main parts: 1. Hardware 2. Software Operating system software DBMS software Application programs and utility software 3. People 4. Procedures 5. Data
  • 43. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 43 The Database System Environment (continued)
  • 44. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 44 DBMS Functions Performs functions that guarantee integrity and consistency of data Data dictionary management defines data elements and their relationships Data storage management stores data and related data entry forms, report definitions, etc. Data transformation and presentation translates logical requests into commands to physically locate and retrieve the requested data
  • 45. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 45 DBMS Functions (continued) Security management enforces user security and data privacy within database Multi-user access control creates structures that allow multiple users to access the data Backup and recovery management provides backup and data recovery procedures
  • 46. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 46 DBMS Functions (continued) Data integrity management promotes and enforces integrity rules to eliminate data integrity problems Database access languages and application programming interfaces provides data access through a query language Database communication interfaces allows database to accept end-user requests within a computer network environment
  • 47. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 47 Illustrating Metadata with Microsoft Access
  • 48. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 48 Illustrating Data Storage Management with Oracle
  • 49. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 49 Summary Information is derived from data, which is stored in a database To implement and manage a database, use a DBMS Database design defines its structure Good design is important
  • 50. Database Systems: Design, Implementation & Management / Rob & Coronel 際際滷 1- 50 Summary (continued) Databases were preceded by file systems Because file systems lack a DBMS, file management becomes difficult as a file system grows DBMS were developed to address file systems inherent weaknesses