This document discusses hacking of autonomous systems from cars to biohacking and the Internet of Things. It outlines the evolution of hardware and software over time based on Moore's Law and Proebsting's Law. It then discusses specific examples of autonomous cars from Google and Tesla, biohackers hacking the immune system, home surveillance, and eye-tracking technology. It proposes that cognitive cities could use artificial intelligence and augmented/virtual/mixed reality sensing based on wearables, IoT, and eyes of things to create experience-based decision science.
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Hacking autonomous things, from automobile through IoT to biohack
1. Hacking autonomous things, from automobile
through IoT to biohack
augmented citizen gestalter
d@n romescu
2. Autonomous why is the wrong term
? Simple De?nition of autonomous
: existing or acting separately from other things or people
: having the power or right to govern itself
22. ? Cognitive City = Smart City data ?ow models on AI Acceleration
Infrastructure with + AR/VR/MR sensing Experience based on
Wearable/IoT/EoT -> Decision Science