Second Grade Open House - Shanghai American School, Pudong Campussperobinson
Second Grade Open House - Shanghai American School, Pudong Campus: This slide show outlines the curriculum taught in second grade. It also outlines the units of study, assessment tools, information for parent volunteers, and homework expectations.
Mrs. Thomas is hosting an open house for her classroom, Room 107, on September 22, 2008. The open house is for both parents and kids and will provide lots of information about the classroom. Mrs. Thomas thanks all who attend the open house for her classroom.
This document provides information for parents of students in Mrs. Rhyne's second grade class. It outlines the daily schedule, behavior system, homework policy, volunteer opportunities, and dismissal procedures. Students are expected to bring their "STAR binder" to school every day to help stay organized. The binder contains class materials, homework, and notes to take home. Parents are also encouraged to check in at the front office when picking up their child to ensure their safe dismissal.
Curriculum night power point 1st grade 2014 2015tlyday
The document provides information about the first grade curriculum and classroom procedures for three teachers - Tricia Lyday, Rachel Elder, and Alex Levine. It outlines the daily schedule, academic expectations, homework and assessment policies, and other logistics for parents of first grade students. Behavior and classroom management systems are also described.
This document provides information for parents about Mrs. Frashure's 3rd grade class at Baldwin Elementary for the 2011-2012 school year. It outlines the school's mission and goals. It also details classroom policies and procedures around attendance, homework, behavior, testing, and communication. Parents are informed about arrival and dismissal times, dress code, medication administration, and volunteering opportunities. The document serves to introduce parents to the classroom routines and expectations for the upcoming school year.
Assessment of Learning is the assessment that becomes public and results in statements or symbols about how well students are learning. It often contributes to pivotal decisions that will affect students futures. It is important, then, that the underlying logic and measurement of assessment of learning be credible and defensible.
爐爐оた爐爐 爐爐 爐爐爐迦え 爐朽す 爐爐爐迦え 爐項 爐爛 爐伍ぞ爐萎爐朽爐爐逗 爐項爐むぞ 爐項 爐爐 爐爐鉦い爛爐萎爐 爐爛 爐爐оた爐爐 爐爛 爐爛 爐朽爐爐鉦爛爐爐 爐謹が爛爐爛爐 爐爐ムさ爐 爐爛爐萎い爛爐爛爐 爐爛 爐萎爐 爐爛爐 爐爐萎い爐 爐項爛 爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍ぐ 爐朽た爐爛爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐ムた爐爛爐 爐爛 爐爐朽た爐劇爐 爐伍 爐伍ぎ爛爐爐爐оた爐 爐爐項い爛爐朽お爛爐萎爐 爐爐逗ぐ爛爐爐爐 爐爛爐 爐伍す爐鉦く爐 爐項爐むぞ 爐項爛 爐爐 爐むが 爐爐 爐爛 爐爐項い爛爐朽お爛爐萎爐 爐項 爐爐鉦い爐 爐項 爐爐 爐爐оた爐爐 爐爛 爐爐爐迦え 爐爐 爐爐鉦お 爐爐 爐爐伍ぎ爛 爐爐爛爐むぐ爛爐爐逗す爐逗い 爐むぐ爛爐 爐朽た爐謹爐朽じ爐爛爐 爐爐 爐萎爛爐劇ぞ爐む爐爐 爐項爛も
understanding disciplines and subjects.pptxDiksha Verma
Indicators of quality learning
Teaching and learning as interactive process
Major issues in classroom learning; catering individual differences
Learning beyond textbooks- other sources of learning
This Presentation Talks about Descriptive Research, Its types, How it is different from Experimental Study. It discusses about different types of survey research, cohort Studies , trend studies, longitudinal Study
Action research 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐Ravi Prakash
爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爐萎た爐爐鉦し爐
爐謹た爐爛爐劇ぞ 爐爛 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爐萎た爐爐鉦し爐
爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐 Use Of Action Research
Types of Research 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ぐ
Types of Action Research 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ぐ
Individual Action Research
爐朽爐爐爛爐むた爐爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐
Collaborative Action Research
爐伍す爐爛爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐
School-Wide Action Research
爐伍爐爛爐-爐朽爐爐鉦お爛 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐
District-Wide Action Research
爐爐逗げ爐-爐朽爐爐鉦お爛 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐
Process of Action Research 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爛爐萎た爐爐
Steps of Action Research 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爐萎ぃ
Characteristics of Action Research 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐朽た爐謹爐劇い爐鉦踱
爐爛爐萎爐÷た爐爐 爐踱 爐謹爛爐むた爐謹ぞ爐迦 爐爐爐爐萎ぃ 爐爐逗じ爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐 爐謹た爐爛爐劇 爐爐爐爛 爐爐鉦い爛爐萎爐, 爐伍す爐爐萎爐爐逗く爛爐 爐爐 爐伍爐伍爐ムぞ爐爛爐 爐爛 爐伍ぞ爐-爐伍ぞ爐 爐爐鉦す爐萎 爐伍爐伍爐ムぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐伍ぞ爐 爐伍爐朽ぞ爐 爐爐萎え爛 爐爛 爐迦た爐 爐爐爐爛爐 爐爐萎い爐 爐項爛 爐爛爐萎き爐鉦さ爛 爐爛爐萎爐÷た爐爐 爐伍 爐むぞ爐む爐爐萎爐 爐爐爛爐劇ぞ 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐÷た爐爐 爐爛 爐爐оた爐 爐爐逗し爛爐爐爛爐, 爐爐оた爐 爐伍ぎ爐-爐爛爐謹げ 爐爐 爐爐爛爐爛爐迦た爐 爐爐оた爐爐 爐項爐む 爐伍爐爐鉦さ 爐爛爐萎じ爛爐む爐 爐爐萎え爐 爐項爛
Grading is a powerful tool that teachers use to communicate with their students, colleagues, and institutions, as well as external institutions. "Effective grading refers to class grading to provide suggestions for more fair, more time-efficient and customized learning.
understanding disciplines and subjects.pptxDiksha Verma
Indicators of quality learning
Teaching and learning as interactive process
Major issues in classroom learning; catering individual differences
Learning beyond textbooks- other sources of learning
This Presentation Talks about Descriptive Research, Its types, How it is different from Experimental Study. It discusses about different types of survey research, cohort Studies , trend studies, longitudinal Study
Action research 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐Ravi Prakash
爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爐萎た爐爐鉦し爐
爐謹た爐爛爐劇ぞ 爐爛 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爐萎た爐爐鉦し爐
爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐 Use Of Action Research
Types of Research 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ぐ
Types of Action Research 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ぐ
Individual Action Research
爐朽爐爐爛爐むた爐爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐
Collaborative Action Research
爐伍す爐爛爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐
School-Wide Action Research
爐伍爐爛爐-爐朽爐爐鉦お爛 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐
District-Wide Action Research
爐爐逗げ爐-爐朽爐爐鉦お爛 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐
Process of Action Research 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爛爐萎た爐爐
Steps of Action Research 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐爐萎ぃ
Characteristics of Action Research 爐爛爐萎た爐爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐爛爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐爛 爐朽た爐謹爐劇い爐鉦踱
爐爛爐萎爐÷た爐爐 爐踱 爐謹爛爐むた爐謹ぞ爐迦 爐爐爐爐萎ぃ 爐爐逗じ爐爐 爐爐爐爛爐 爐謹た爐爛爐劇 爐爐爐爛 爐爐鉦い爛爐萎爐, 爐伍す爐爐萎爐爐逗く爛爐 爐爐 爐伍爐伍爐ムぞ爐爛爐 爐爛 爐伍ぞ爐-爐伍ぞ爐 爐爐鉦す爐萎 爐伍爐伍爐ムぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐伍ぞ爐 爐伍爐朽ぞ爐 爐爐萎え爛 爐爛 爐迦た爐 爐爐爐爛爐 爐爐萎い爐 爐項爛 爐爛爐萎き爐鉦さ爛 爐爛爐萎爐÷た爐爐 爐伍 爐むぞ爐む爐爐萎爐 爐爐爛爐劇ぞ 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐÷た爐爐 爐爛 爐爐оた爐 爐爐逗し爛爐爐爛爐, 爐爐оた爐 爐伍ぎ爐-爐爛爐謹げ 爐爐 爐爐爛爐爛爐迦た爐 爐爐оた爐爐 爐項爐む 爐伍爐爐鉦さ 爐爛爐萎じ爛爐む爐 爐爐萎え爐 爐項爛
Grading is a powerful tool that teachers use to communicate with their students, colleagues, and institutions, as well as external institutions. "Effective grading refers to class grading to provide suggestions for more fair, more time-efficient and customized learning.
3. Assistive technology
爐伍す爐鉦く爐 爐逗爐爛爐爛
Independent living skills
爐ムさ爐逗爐む爐 爐むえ爐朽た爐項え 爐爛爐謹げ
Recreation and leisure skills
爐爐爛爐萎爐逗え 爐踱朽 爐爐朽爐鉦ざ 爐伍う爛爐爐爛爐 爐爛爐謹げ
Career education
爐朽爐爐朽じ爐鉦く 爐伍ぎ爛爐爐爛爐о 爐迦ざ爐爛爐劇ぞ
4. Needs Assessment
爐爐逗ざ爛爐萎爐爐むぞ 爐爐爐爐迦た
Just as good physicians get to know their
patients and make diagnoses before
undertaking treatment. 爐爐逗じ 爐爛爐萎爐鉦た 爐踱 爐爐爛爐爐
爐÷爐爛爐爐 爐爐爐逗 爐逗爐爛 爐爛 爐爐爐爐鉦た 爐伍 爐爛爐逗く 爐爛爐爐鉦た爛 爐爛
爐爐項爐鉦た 爐爐逗た爛 爐爛 爐迦げ爐 爐爐逗爛爐爐鉦じ爛 爐項爐むぞ 爐項|
Good Curriculum planners must get to know the
population under study and define its
problems before recommending actions. 爐爐伍
爐爛爐萎爐鉦た 爐踱 爐爐爛爐爐 爐爐鉦爛爐萎爐爛爐萎ぎ 爐爐逗ぎ爐鉦く爐むぞ 爐爛 爐爐爐逗
爐爐鉦げ爐爛爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦た爛 爐爛爐 爐逗ぞ爐逗た爐 爐爐鉦す爐項|
5. Needs Assessment
1. N.A. is a systematic process for
determining and addressing needs,
or "gaps" between current
conditions and desired conditions
or "wants".
爐爛爐爛 爐踱 爐朽爐萎爐逗爐伍爐逗い 爐爛爐萎爛爐萎爛爐萎ぐ爛爐 爐項
爐爐逗じ爐伍 爐爐逗ざ爛爐萎爐爐むぞ 爐爐 爐爐逗ぇ爐鉦く爐逗ぃ
爐項爐むぞ 爐項 爐爐逗た爐 爐逗い爐爐爐鉦た 爐爐伍爐逗え爐 爐むた爐
爐逗ぞ爐爐爐爐 爐爐伍爐逗え爐 爐爛爐 爐爐爐むた 爐爐萎爐鉦く爐萎爐
爐逗ぞ爐むぞ 爐項|
6. 2. The discrepancy between the
current condition and wanted
condition must be measured to
appropriately identify the need.
爐爐爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ぐ 爐伍 爐爐朽ざ爛爐爐爐逗ぞ 爐爛
爐むえ爐оぞ爐逗ぐ爐 爐爛 爐迦げ爐 爐朽た爐逗ぎ爐鉦え 爐逗ぅ爐
爐朽ぞ爐爐むた爐 爐伍爐ムぅ爐むた 爐爛爐 爐朽さ爐伍爐爐むた 爐爐 爐爐鉦お爐
爐爐萎え爐 爐爐鉦す爐項|
7. 3. Needs Assessment focuses on
the outcomes to be attained,
rather than the process.
Reading achievement : Outcome
Reading instruction : Process
爐爛爐爛 爐爐萎た爐爐鉦ぎ爛爐 爐爐 爐爐逗ぐ爛爐爐 爐爐逗い爐 爐項
爐 爐爛爐萎 爐爛爐萎爛爐萎爛爐萎ぐ爛爐 爐爐|
爐爐爐 爐爐爐迦じ爛爐оぇ : 爐爐萎ぐ爐爐鉦ぎ
爐爐爐 爐爐爛爐爛爐 : 爐爛爐萎爛爐萎た爐爐
8. 4. N.A. gathers data by means of
established procedures and
methods designed for specific
爐爛爐爛 爐爛爐 爐朽た爐迦ぐ爛爐劇爐 爐爐爛爐爛爐謹爐萎爛爐 爐爛
爐迦げ爐 爐爛爐逗く 爐爐逗ぇ爐鉦く爐萎た爐 爐爛爐萎爛爐萎爛爐萎ぐ爛爐鉦爐 爐むた爐
爐朽た爐оぇ爐萎爛爐 爐爛爐逗ぞ爐逗ぞ 爐爐爐爐÷ 爐踱爐む爐 爐爛爐萎爐萎爛
爐逗ぞ爐む 爐項|
9. 5. N.A. sets priorities and
determines criteria for solutions
so that Curriculum designers can
make sound decisions.
爐爛爐爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗げ爐爐爐むぞ爐萎爛爐 爐むぐ爛 爐爐逗い爐 爐項
爐むた爐 爐伍ぎ爐鉦ぇ爐鉦た 爐項爐む 爐爐鉦た爐爐爐 爐爐逗ぇ爐鉦く爐萎た爐
爐爐逗い爐 爐項 爐爐逗じ爐伍 爐爐鉦爛爐萎爐爛爐萎ぎ 爐爐逗ぎ爐鉦く爐むぞ
爐爐爛爐爛 爐爐逗ぃ爐爐萎 爐迦 爐伍爛 |
10. 6. N.A. sets criteria for
determining how best to allocate
available money, people,
facilities, and other resources.
爐爛爐爛 爐爐伍 爐爐鉦た爐爐爐 爐爐逗ぇ爐鉦く爐萎た爐
爐爐逗い爐 爐項 爐爐逗じ爐伍 爐萎爐 爐爐逗ぇ爐鉦く爐萎た爐
爐爛爐萎爐萎爐 爐逗ぞ 爐伍爛 爐爛爐萎 爐爐爐迦が爛爐 爐爛爐伍,
爐朽爐萎爐爐爛爐, 爐伍爐朽た爐оぞ爐萎爛爐 爐むた爐 爐爐爛爐萎
爐伍爐伍ぞ爐оた爛爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦た 爐伍が爐伍
爐爐爛爐爛 爐むた爐 爐爛爐萎ぐ爛爛爐 爐爛爐萎爐萎爐 爐逗ぞ 爐伍爛 |
11. 7. N.A. leads to action that will
improve teaching-learning
爐爛爐爛 爐踱 爐爐伍 爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐爐逗ぞ爐項 爐爛
爐伍爐爐逗爐謹爐爐 爐爐逗い爐 爐項 爐爐逗じ爐伍 爐迦ぐ爛爐爛爐劇ぃ
爐爐оぇ爐爐 爐爛爐萎爛爐萎爛爐萎ぐ爛爐 爐爛爐 爐伍爐оぞ爐 爐項
爐伍爛 |
12. Basic assumptions in N.A.
爐爛 爐爛 爐爛爐 爐爐оぞ爐逗ぐ爛爛爐 爐爐萎た爐爐迦爐爐逗ぞ爐踱
Need is a discrepancy or gap between what is
and what should be. 爐爐逗ざ爛爐萎爐爐むぞ 爐逗 爐項 爐むた爐
爐逗 爐項爐逗ぞ 爐爐鉦す爐項 爐爛 爐爐о爐萎 爐爐爐むた 爐爛 爐爐萎爐鉦く爐むぞ 爐項|
N.A. is a systematic set of procedures that are
used to determine needs, examine their nature
and causes, and set priorities for future action.
爐爛 爐爛 爐踱 爐朽爐萎爐逗爐伍爐逗い 爐爛爐萎爛爐萎爛爐萎ぐ爛爐 爐爐 爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐項
爐爐逗じ爐伍 爐爐逗ざ爛爐萎爐爐むぞ 爐爐 爐爐逗ぇ爐鉦く爐逗ぃ, 爐爐伍爛 爐爛爐萎爛 爐爐
爐むた爐 爐爐鉦た爐 爐爛 爐逗ぞ爐鉦爐, 爐むた爐 爐萎爐朽た爐劇爐萎 爐爛 爐迦げ爐
爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗げ爐爐爐むぞ爐萎爛爐 爐むぐ爛 爐爛 爐逗ぞ爐む 爐項|
13. There is never enough money to meet all
needs. N.A. is conducted to help us to identify
and select the right job before doing the job
爐伍ぐ爛爛 爐爐逗ざ爛爐萎爐爐むぞ爐爐 爐爛 爐爛爐逗ぞ 爐爐逗た爛 爐爛 爐迦げ爐 爐оた
爐爐萎爛 爐爐萎爐鉦く爐爛爐 爐逗す爛爐 爐項爐むぞ| 爐伍す爛 爐爐鉦く爐 爐爛 爐爐逗た爛
爐伍 爐爛爐逗く 爐爐鉦く爐 爐伍す爛 爐爐逗た爛 爐爛爐 爐爛 爐爛 爐爐爐
爐爐逗い爐 爐項|
14. Balancing the Need for Information With Time and
Financial Constraints.
爐逗ぞ爐逗爐鉦ぐ爐逗ぐ爛爛爐 爐爛 爐爐逗ざ爛爐萎爐爐むぞ 爐爛 爐伍ぎ爐萎 爐むた爐 爐爐оた爐爐
爐爐鉦ぇ爛爐萎爐むぞ爐爐 爐伍 爐伍爐む爐迦げ爐 爐爐逗た爐 爐項爐むぞ 爐項|
Types of Information 爐伍爐爐逗ぞ爐爐 爐爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦た
Demographics and Setting (gender, age, race/ethnicity, and
geographic location/inner city/urban, suburban, or rural).
爐逗た 爐伍ぞ爐爐爐爐萎爐爛 爐むた爐 爐朽爐萎爐逗じ爛爐逗ぞ (爐迦げ爐爐, 爐爐萎爛, 爐爛爐萎た爐鉦え爐/爐逗ぞ爐爐,
爐萎爛爐爛爐迦げ爐 爐爐伍爐逗え爐, 爐萎爐項た爛/爐爛爐萎ぞ爐爛爐 爐爐項う)
Risk and Protective Factors: 爐逗爐爐逗ぎ 爐むた爐 爐伍爐逗爛爐劇ぞ爐む爐爐
School Risk Factors. 爐朽た爐爛爐萎爐鉦げ爐萎爛 爐逗爐爐逗ぎ 爐爐鉦た爐
Community Risk Factors 爐伍ぞ爐爛爐爐鉦え爐萎爐 爐逗爐爐逗ぎ 爐爐鉦た爐
Process of Need Assesment
爐爛 爐爛 爐爛 爐爛爐萎爛爐萎爛爐萎ぐ爛爐
15. School Risk Factors
爐朽た爐爛爐萎爐鉦げ爐萎爛 爐逗爐爐逗ぎ 爐爐鉦た爐
Act implementation norms. 爐爐оぇ爐爐逗ぐ爛爐
爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐鉦く爐爛爐逗ぐ爛爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦た爐
Availability of resources in or near the school.
爐朽た爐爛爐萎爐鉦げ爐萎 爐爛爐 爐むた爐 爐伍ぎ爛爐 爐伍爐伍ぞ爐оた爛爐 爐爛 爐爐爐迦が爛爐оい爐
Poor school academic climate.
爐爐逗ぎ爛爐 爐伍爐むた爛爐萎 爐朽た爐爛爐萎爐鉦げ爐萎爛 爐萎爛爐爛爐劇爛爐劇 爐逗ぞ爐むぞ爐逗た爐
Lack of, unclear, or poor enforcement of school
policies related integrated/inclusive education.
爐伍ぎ爛爐爛爐萎爐/爐伍ぎ爐鉦た爛爐迦ぐ爛爐 爐迦ぐ爛爐爛爐劇ぞ 爐伍ぎ爛爐爐爛爐о 爐萎爛爐逗た爐鉦爐 爐爛
爐爐爛/爐爐伍爐爐劇爐爐むぞ/爐爐逗ぎ爛爐 爐伍爐むた爛爐萎 爐爛爐萎た爐むく爐
16. Community Risk Factors
爐伍ぞ爐爛爐爐鉦え爐萎爐 爐逗爐爐逗ぎ 爐爐鉦た爐
Lack of positive afterschool academic
programming. 爐朽た爐爛爐萎爐鉦げ爐萎爛爐爐逗ぞ爐爐 爐伍爐鉦た爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐萎爛爐爛爐劇爛爐劇
爐萎爛爐逗た爐 爐爛 爐爐爛
Lack of positive afterschool and weekend
recreational programming. 爐朽た爐爛爐萎爐鉦げ爐萎爛爐爐逗ぞ爐爐 爐踱逗
爐伍お爛爐むぞ爐項ぞ爐爐 爐伍爐鉦た爐鉦い爛爐爐 爐爐逗爐逗爐逗た 爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐爐爛爐萎ぎ爛爐 爐爛
Low levels of law/Act enforcement.
爐爐逗ぐ爛爐/爐爐оぇ爐爐逗ぐ爛爐 爐爛爐萎爛爐萎ぐ爛爐鉦え爛爐逗ぐ爛爐 爐爛爐 爐爐爛
Attitudes. 爐爛爐爐劇爐爐爛爐
Poverty. 爐爐逗爐爛
17. Needs Assessment is a way of assessing
problems - a way to define the differences
between the way things are and the way we
wish they were (actuals and optimals), and to
help determine what solutions will "close the
gap". It is a systematic effort to gather facts,
opinions and ideas from a variety of sources.
The goal of a needs assessment is to be able
to derive learning objectives and strategies-
if training is the right solution to the problem.
19. Explore What is
Prepare a Plan
爐萎爛爐逗た爐 爐爐逗ぞ爐逗ぞ
Identify Concerns
爐伍爐爐萎爛爐 爐爛 爐爐項爐鉦た
Determine Measurable Indicators
爐爐鉦お爐 爐萎爛爐爛爐萎 爐爛爐爐鉦た爛爐 爐爐 爐爐逗ぇ爐鉦く爐逗ぃ
Consider Data Sources
爐爐爐爛爛 爐伍爐萎爐 爐爐 爐朽た爐爐鉦た
Decide Preliminary Priorities
爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗爐迦ぐ爛爐 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗げ爐爐爐むぞ爐爐 爐爐 爐爐逗ぃ爐爐萎
20. Purpose of Phase I
To investigate what is already known about the
needs of the target group; to determine the focus
and scope of the needs assessment; and to gain
commitment for all stages of the assessment;
including the use of the findings for program
planning and implementation.
爐朽た爐劇ぐ爛爛 爐爛 爐爛爐逗く 爐爛爐爐鉦い 爐爐逗ざ爛爐萎爐爐むぞ爐爐 爐爐 爐爐爛爐逗爐劇ぃ;
爐爛 爐爛 爐爐 爐爛爐 爐爛爐 爐むた爐 爐爛爐劇爐む爐 爐爐 爐爐逗ぇ爐鉦く爐逗ぃ 爐踱逗
爐爐爐爐迦た 爐爛 爐伍ぐ爛爛 爐爐逗ぃ爛爐 爐爛爐 爐爛爐萎え爐むが爐爛爐оい爐; 爐爐鉦ぐ爛爐爐爛爐萎ぎ
爐萎爛爐逗た爐 爐むた爐 爐爛爐萎爛爐萎ぐ爛爐鉦え爛爐逗ぐ爛爐 爐項爐む 爐爐逗し爛爐爐劇爐 爐爐 爐爛爐萎ぐ爛爛爐
爐爐 爐伍爐爛爐爐迦た|
22. Make Decisions 爐むえ爐爐逗く爐
Set Priority Needs
爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗げ爐爐 爐爐逗ざ爛爐萎爐爐むぞ爐踱 爐爛 爐爐逗ぇ爐鉦く爐萎た爐 爐爐逗た爐
Identify Possible Solutions
爐伍爐萎爐鉦さ爐逗い 爐項げ 爐爛 爐爐項爐鉦た
Select Solution Strategies
爐伍ぎ爐鉦ぇ爐鉦た 爐逗ぃ爐逗爐爐むぐ爛爛爐 爐爐 爐爐萎爐
Propose Action Plan
爐爛爐萎爛爐萎ぐ爛爐 爐萎爛爐逗た爐 爐爛 爐爛爐萎じ爛爐むぞ爐朽た爐 爐爐逗た爐
Prepare Report
爐萎た爐爛爐爐 爐爐逗ぞ爐逗ぞ
23. What Kind of Information Do I Get from a Needs Assessment?
爐爛 爐爛 爐伍 爐爛爐萎爐 爐爛爐萎爐鉦ぐ 爐爛 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐鉦ぐ爛 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐爛爐 爐項爐爛?
Your learners' current performance 爐爐鉦げ爐 爐爐 爐逗い爐爐爐鉦た
爐爛爐萎う爐萎爐爐 爐伍爐むた
Desired performance levels - what learners should be
able to do. 爐逗ぞ爐爐爐爐 爐爛爐萎う爐萎爐爐 爐伍爐むた- 爐爐鉦げ爐 爐爛爐萎爐 爐爐
爐伍爐むぞ 爐項|
Causes of poor performance - what the learners and
others think is causing problems with performance.
爛爐逗ぞ爐 爐爛爐萎う爐萎爐爐 爐爛 爐爐鉦た爐- 爐爐鉦げ爐 爐踱逗 爐爐爛爐萎 爐爛 爐爐逗爐伍ぞ爐|
Solutions - what the learners and others think might
solve the problems 爐伍爐萎爐鉦さ爐逗い 爐伍ぎ爐鉦ぇ爐鉦た- 爐爐鉦げ爐 爐踱逗
爐爐爛爐萎 爐爛 爐爐逗爐伍ぞ爐|
Impressions, reactions, opinions, and priorities of
learners & others. 爐爐鉦げ爐 爐踱逗 爐爐爛爐萎 爐爛 爐爐,
爐爛爐萎え爐む爛爐萎爛爐萎ぐ爛爐, 爐朽た爐爐鉦た 爐踱逗 爐爛爐萎ぞ爐逗げ爐爐爐むぞ爐萎爛爐
24. 5-Step Approach to Needs Assessment
爐爛 爐爛 爐爐 爐爐爐 爐ムた爐萎爐 爐爐爐鉦爐
Step 1: Consider the context and people affected by the
curriculum 爐爐鉦爛爐萎爐爛爐萎ぎ 爐伍 爐爛爐萎ぐ爛爐鉦さ爐逗い 爐項爐逗 爐逗ぞ爐迦 爐爐 爐伍え爛爐爐萎爐
爐むた爐 爐爐鉦げ爐爛爐 爐爐 爐朽た爐爐鉦た
Step 2: Involve others. 爐爐爛爐萎 爐爛 爐伍爐爛爐爐迦げ爐 爐爐逗た爐
Step 3: Plan your needs assessment. 爐萎爛爐逗た爐 Decide:
What questions to ask
Who to ask/what to look at (sources of information)
How to ask them (techniques)
Step 4: Conduct your needs assessment 爐爛 爐爛 爐爐逗た爐
Step 5: Analyze and communicate your results. 爐爐萎た爐爐鉦ぎ爛爐
爐爐 爐朽た爐謹爐迦爐劇ぃ 爐踱逗 爐爐伍 爐伍爐о爐 爐爐逗た爐|