Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
There are many things I like to do, to see, and to experience. I like to read, I like to write; I like to think, I like to dream; I like to talk, I like to listen.I like to see the moonlight at night.But my dream is still alive.
If you really want to know something about me.. READ ON..
A HaPi-Go-LuCky, fUN LovINg & caN oSo b a SaRcAsTic pErsOn. QuiEt 2wARds tHose wHo dUnno mE weLL eNuf bUt dUn aSSume taT I am pRouD oR cHooSy iN mAkinG FreNs. LikeS 2 joKe arD wiF aLL my FreNz, a Str8 4wArd pErsON wHo pRefeR HoNestY & siNceRiTy iN fRienDsHips...Be cLosE 2 mE & deN U wiLL noE hoW cRazy I aM!! ahakz.. wiLL aLwaYs bE tHere 2 giVe LisTeniNg EaRs & ShOuLder 2 CrY oN.. the baD siDe of me, mmmm
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