I have managed communities for Yahoo, ReadWriteWeb and Current TV (now Al Jazeera America) and worked with clients like Intel, MTV, Cisco, Mozilla, Facebook, Tasty Labs (now Walmart Labs), Meebo (now Google), Behr Paints, Fleishman Hillard, Get Satisfaction and AT&T.
In 2013:
- 36 Hackathons held across 6 continents, 24 countries, 29 cities
- 2 coding competitions
- 2M impressions of the #FirefoxOSAppDay Hashtag
- 1300 @ responses to @ydn
- 80% increase in Facebook followers to Yahoo Developer Network Facebook page
In my 18 years of community building, I have:
-Increased signups by 400% (in 8 months)
-Tripled online community involvement
-Initiated loyalty and ambassador programs