The document discusses the Symfony Cache Component and how it can be used to speed up applications with a new caching layer. It introduces key concepts like PSR-6 and PSR-16 caching interfaces, the Symfony Cache Component which implements these interfaces, and Symfony Simple Cache which provides a simpler interface. Real use cases are presented where caching can improve performance for applications with high traffic by caching queries, API responses, and computationally intensive tasks.
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Symfony Cache Component: speed up your application with a new layer of cache
10. Symfony Cache Component
Symfony Cache Component
Strict implementation of PSR-6: Caching Interface
Provides adapters for the most common caching
Compatible with every Doctrine Cache adapter
12. PSR-6: Caching Interface
PSR6: Caching Interface
Allow developers to create cache-aware libraries that can be
integrated into existing frameworks and systems without the need
for custom development.
Implementing libraries MUST support all serializable PHP data types,
including: strings, integers, floats, boolean, null, arrays, object
13. PSR-6: Key Concepts
PSR6: Caching Interface
Collection of items in a caching system. The pool is a
logical Repository of all items it contains
Single key/value pair within a Pool
14. PSR-6: CacheItemPoolInterface
public function getItem($key);
public function getItems(array $keys = []);
public function hasItem($key);
public function clear();
public function deleteItem($key);
public function deleteItems(array $keys);
public function save(CacheItemInterface
public function
saveDeferred(CacheItemInterface $item);
public function commit();
15. PSR-6: CacheItemInterface
public function getKey();
public function get();
public function isHit();
public function set($value);
public function expiresAt($expiration);
public function expiresAfter($time);
26. PSR-16: Common Interface for Caching Libraries
PSR16: Caching Interface
Simplify PSR-6 Interface for easier use cases
Implementing libraries MUST support all serializable PHP
data types, including: strings, integers, floats, boolean,
null, arrays, object
27. PSR-16: CacheInterface
public function get($key, $default = null);
public function set($key, $value, $ttl = null);
public function delete($key);
public function clear();
public function getMultiple($keys, $default = null);
public function setMultiple($values, $ttl = null);
public function deleteMultiple($keys);
public function has($key);
38. Domain
Real Use Case Scenario
Thousands of unique visitors per day
Millions of page requested per day
Distributed system architecture
Different layers of caching
Performance matters
39. Domain
Real Use Case Scenario
Different caching strategies:
- Slow queries with low refresh rate
- Loading data from external APIs with
low rate limit
- CPU intensive tasks
40. Real use case scenario
default_redis_provider: "%app_cache_redis_provider%"
default_memcached_provider: "%app_cache_memcached_provider%"
adapter: cache.adapter.redis
default_lifetime: 21600
adapter: cache.adapter.memcached
default_lifetime: 3600
adapter: #defaults to cache.adapter.filesystem
default_lifetime: 86400
public: true
41. Real use case scenario
$cache = $this->get('app.cache.customer');
$cacheItem = $cache->getItem('customer14');
if ($cacheItem->isHit()) {
return $cacheItem->get();
Use the service in a Controller, UseCase, whatever
42. Invalidate cache by tags
$cacheItem = $cache->getItem('customer15');
$product = $this->repository->find('customer15');
$cacheItem->tag(['reviews', 'customers', 'customer15']);
$cacheItem->expiresAt(new DateTimeImmutable('tomorrow'));
Tag the cached content in order to invalidate easily
43. Clear cache pools
$ ./bin/console cache:pool:clear <cache pool or clearer 1> [...<cache
pool or clearer N>]
$ ./bin/console cache:pool:clear app.cache.customer
$ ./bin/console cache:pool:clear app.cache.custom_service
Symfony FrameworkBundle provides specific command for clear cache pools.
44. Questa 竪 una diapositiva per linserimento di 1 immagine orizzontale con didascalia
47. Domain
Real Use Case Scenario
Different caching strategies:
- Slow queries with low refresh rate
- Loading data from external APIs with
low rate limit
- CPU intensive tasks
48. Questa 竪 una diapositiva per linserimento di 1 immagine orizzontale con didascalia
49. InstragramFeed
Real Use Case Scenario
Load recent media from user
PSR-6 cache decorator
Easily integration with Symfony