Neue Formen der Kommunikation und der Meinungsbildung seien in Folge des gerade beginnenden Siegeszuges des multimedialen Social Networking und darauf aufbauender mobiler Internetangebote absehbar: Diese Prognose stellte Sympra. Social Media plus Mobilt辰t durch mobile Datendienste werden gemeinsam ungeheures Potenzial entfalten. In seinem Vortrag wird der Frage nachgegangen, mit welchen neuen Ideen Werbung und Public Relations mobiles Internet und Social Media sinnvoll nutzen k旦nnen. Social Media Relations als Teil einer Kommunikationsstrategie sowie durch Werbung finanzierte Mobilfunkangebote wie j端ngst von E-Plus-Chef Thorsten Dirks ins Spiel gebracht sind vielversprechende Modelle. Es ist aber ein Hype, wenn PR-Agenturen Social Media Releases als Allheilmittel sowie klassische Pressearbeit als veraltet bezeichneten. Mit Zahlen aus einer Umfrage der dpa-Tochter newsaktuell wird belegt, dass viele Redaktionen die M旦glichkeiten des Web 2.0 bislang nicht f端r Recherchezwecke nutzen.
El documento habla sobre la decisi坦n que tom坦 Mois辿s de abandonar Egipto y unirse a su pueblo, los hebreos, a pesar de que significaba renunciar a los privilegios y riquezas de los que gozaba como miembro de la familia real egipcia. La decisi坦n de Mois辿s se bas坦 en su fe en Dios y en la promesa de recompensas eternas m叩s que en los placeres temporales del mundo. El documento insta al lector a no ser corto de miras y a tomar decisiones pensando en el premio eterno
University scientists were surveyed about their views on communicating science to the public. While many scientists see the value in public outreach, they have concerns about the amount of time and effort required and their own communication skills. Additionally, few see public outreach as important for their career advancement despite national funding agencies emphasizing the importance of broader impacts of research. More needs to be done to encourage scientists to participate in science communication and ensure it benefits their careers.
Surviving The Perfect Storm Private BriefingNik Hasyudeen
The document outlines a 5-step process for business leaders to survive in the face of changing trends:
1) Identify trends shaping their industry;
2) Map the impact of trends on their business;
3) Consider options for how to respond;
4) Develop plans to deliver intended results from chosen options;
5) Execute plans and monitor outcomes.
It then provides examples of trends, their potential impacts, and initial options and plans one company is considering to increase efficiency and reposition itself.
This document summarizes a survey of 350 university scientists about their views on communicating science to the public. The survey aimed to understand how scientists view the importance of science communication, what factors help or hinder communication, and where resources should be targeted. The survey was conducted online by the Survey Research Institute at Cornell University and had a 38% response rate.
El documento habla sobre la decisi坦n que tom坦 Mois辿s de abandonar Egipto y unirse a su pueblo, los hebreos, a pesar de que significaba renunciar a los privilegios y riquezas de los que gozaba como miembro de la familia real egipcia. La decisi坦n de Mois辿s se bas坦 en su fe en Dios y en la promesa de recompensas eternas m叩s que en los placeres temporales del mundo. El documento insta al lector a no ser corto de miras y a tomar decisiones pensando en el premio eterno
University scientists were surveyed about their views on communicating science to the public. While many scientists see the value in public outreach, they have concerns about the amount of time and effort required and their own communication skills. Additionally, few see public outreach as important for their career advancement despite national funding agencies emphasizing the importance of broader impacts of research. More needs to be done to encourage scientists to participate in science communication and ensure it benefits their careers.
Surviving The Perfect Storm Private BriefingNik Hasyudeen
The document outlines a 5-step process for business leaders to survive in the face of changing trends:
1) Identify trends shaping their industry;
2) Map the impact of trends on their business;
3) Consider options for how to respond;
4) Develop plans to deliver intended results from chosen options;
5) Execute plans and monitor outcomes.
It then provides examples of trends, their potential impacts, and initial options and plans one company is considering to increase efficiency and reposition itself.
This document summarizes a survey of 350 university scientists about their views on communicating science to the public. The survey aimed to understand how scientists view the importance of science communication, what factors help or hinder communication, and where resources should be targeted. The survey was conducted online by the Survey Research Institute at Cornell University and had a 38% response rate.