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Organization / Workplace
English Teacher
my dream guy
a man hu wud write leters to me evryday and read it to me wen i grow old.
a man hu wud take me in 2 places at a tym.
a man hu will do evrything dat he did bfore wen i got sick to remember.
da 1 hu wil nver hesitate to tel he love me.
as people describe me,they say that im hardheaded bcoz i do wat i want, im a sadist bcoz im having fun seeing other people suffer, im childish cuz even if im 17 i enjoy watching cartoons., im sn emotional pal cuz i always cry even on very simple things im an emo,cuz i always wan to be alone,. but for me im just a loves to have fun, and hu laughs a lot, im a spongebob maniac, i love cats,and im soo afraid in the dark,in heights a
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