Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Dibrugarh, Assam
alrounder forward player as well as goalkepper
i m from class nobody, its change my mind. ( * ) .I FEl crazzy when i uSEd 2 sdy... I fell XYz... When i m in luv.. I m fans who HATEs me.. I m fund of wrting oPPOSite thingss... As my MinD IS opposite. Its not stable at al... At vkv tingrai . i m interested in making friends , reading books . playing games , makes company with friends etc. i may be crazy.and i dont want 2 share al d imp. Its secret.@ €0£ uingam # € >¥! .,i break every human law... And i always used 2 break d law of gravity...
If... Hell is like o... Then
Hell + o = helloo...
So., hello friendzz..
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