Warren Buffett is one of the most successful entrepreneurs and investors of all time. He graduated from the University of Nebraska and Columbia Business School. Buffett has served as CEO of Berkshire Hathaway since 1965, growing it from a struggling textile business into a highly profitable multinational conglomerate. Critics praise Buffett as the greatest investor ever due to his long-term investment strategies and skills at assessing business value. However, some criticize his strategies as too risky. Buffett is also known for his generous philanthropy.
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Warren buffet ppp
1. Done by : Edmond T.Compaore
Supervised by : Mrs Nadia Douch
5. Warrens Education
He graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School,
Washington, D.C. in 1947
He studied at Wharton School of Finance at
University of Pennsylvania from 1947 to 1949
B. S. from University of Nebraska in 1950;
M.S. in Economics, Columbia University in 1951
6. His Amazing Career
CEO of Berkshire
Hathaway Inc since 1965
General Partner at Buffett
Partnership, Ltd. and
predecessor limited
partnerships from 1956 to
7. Director of Citigroup Global
Markets Holdings, Inc.,
(formerly, Salomon
Inc.) since 1987
the Director of The
Washington Post Co., from
May 9, 1996 to May 2011 and
Director until May 2011.
Mr. Buffett was the
Director of The Coca-
Cola Company from 1989
to April 2006
9. Concern for People
high risk taker
Simple and Immaterialist
Generous and Humility
Highly passionate
Hightly optimistic
A great Dreamer
10. Warrens Buffet
Positive Critics:
o Proved to be the greatest
investor or stockbroker of
all times
o Succesful entrepreneur
o Will remain the greatest one
o Will be a big lost .
o Use of skills in service of
his country
11. Negative Critics
o Strategy of investing too risky
(lost everything if a severe collapse)
o His principle of management in the
long term is quite dangerous
o Overuse of the kindness of Warren
13. Wall Street is the only place that people
ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice
from those who take the subway.
14. References
Jean, E.J., 2010. Le faiseur de milliards et de milliardaires. Le journal Du Net, [online] 17
November. Available at: <http:// www.journaldunet.com/economie/finance/livre warren-
Buffett/milliards.shtml > [Accessed 20 December 2011].
Bloomberg Business week.2011.Warren E. Buffett. [Press release], 29 December 2011,
Available at: <http:// investing. business
week.com/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=255253&ticker=BRKA:GR > [Accessed
19 December 2011].
Forbes.2011.Warren Buffett. [Press release], 29 December 2011, Available at: <http://
www.forbes.com/profile/warren-buffett/ > [Accessed 18 December 2011].
Zen, W. and Lamar. C., 2011.Offline Gurus - Warren Buffett. [Online] Available at: <http://
www.programcritique.com/subcategories/offlinegurus/WarrenBuffett.html > [Accessed 23
December 2011].
Robert, M., 2008.Texas.The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life.Amazon.com.
[Online] 17 November Available at :< http:// www.amazon.com/Snowball-Warren-Buffett-
Business-Life/product-reviews/0553805096 > [Accessed 22 December 2011].
Daniel, B., 2009. Book Review - The Warren Buffett Way by Robert Hagstrom. Ezinearticles.
[online] Available at :< http:// ezinearticles.com/? Book-Review---The-Warren-Buffett-Way-
by-Robert-Hagstrom&id=2764241 > [Accessed 22 December 2011].
Bill, T.2011.Wisdom of Warren Buffett: On Innovators, Imitators, and Idiots.HBR Blog
Network, [blog] 04 January. Available at: <http://
blogs.hbr.org/Taylor/2008/10/wisdom_of_warren_buffet_on_imi.html > [Accessed 23
December 2011].