~ Controls right side of body ~ Controls left side of body
~ Sequential ~ Simultaneous
~ Specializes in text ~ Specializes in context
~ Analyzes the details ~ Synthesizes the big picture
6. High Concept,
High Touch
1. Can someone overseas do it cheaper?
2. Can a computer do it faster?
3. Is what I’m offering in demand in an age of
7. I see us being in the art business.
Art, entertainment and mobile
sculpture, which, coincidentally,
also happens to provide
Bob Lutz, GM
15. DESIGN -- a high-concept aptitude that is difficult
to outsource or automate.
STORY -- high touch because stories almost
always pack an emotional punch.
SYMPHONY -- perhaps most important as an anti-
dote to the variety of psychic woes brought forth
by the remarkable prosperity and plentitude of
our times.
16. EMPATHY -- sometimes we need detachment;
many other times we need attunement... the peo-
ple who thrive will be those who can toggle be-
tween the two.
PLAY -- humor represents many aspects of the
sophisticated thinking required in automated and
outsourced times.
MEANING -- adding the capacity for art and heart
to our penchant for logic and analysis won’t be
easy... few worthwhile things ever are.