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Jyv辰skyl辰, Finland
That's why we sieze the moment, and try to freeze it and own it Squeeze it and hold it, 'cos we consider these minutes golden <3 - 仄亳仍舒从亳, 从仍 仆亠于舒仍从亳, 从仍 仆亠于舒仍从亳, 亊从亳亠 弍舒从亳. 亠 仗亳仄, 仆亠 亳亟亳仄 仍仂亢亳 仆亠 仂亳仄, 仆亠仄 亳 仆仂 仄 仂亳仄, 亠仆 于亠亠仍仂 亰于亠仆亳仄. Ehjimm辰t meist辰 on sirpaleista tehty