Presentation, e-books, Center for Educational Development Lund University 131024
1. Att l辰ra l辰rare anv辰nda
2. Vad 辰r en e-bok?
1. E-b旦cker som 辰r identiska med den tryckta upplagan
2. B旦cker som enbart kan l辰sas online
3. E-b旦cker som efterliknar tryckta b旦cker
4. Enhanced e-books
5. E-b旦cker som 辰r frist奪ende appar
3. E-b旦cker p奪 LU
Ca 45 leverant旦rer, ca 220 000 titlar
M奪nga olika modeller, filformat, villkor
Information om varje leverant旦r finns i e-boksguiden:
E-books and E-readers FAQ
4. Generella f旦rdelar
Tillg辰ngliga, 奪tkomst via internet
Flera samtidiga anv辰ndare
S旦kbart inneh奪ll
Billiga i f旦rh奪llande till antalet anv辰ndare
Tar ingen fysisk plats
5. Generella nackdelar
Begr辰nsningar i tillg辰nglighet, DRM
Sk辰rm besv辰rligt f旦r 旦gonen
H旦gt pris
Sv奪rt att navigera
Sv奪rt att bearbeta texten
Beroende av teknologi / str旦m
6. Digitalisering
Digitalisering av skrivande
Digitalisering av information
och publiceringsformer
Digitalisering av
undervisning och l辰rande
Digitalisering av l辰sning
7. Nya s辰tt att l辰sa. Och l辰ra?
G旦ra saker p奪 ett annat s辰tt eller g旦ra andra saker?
Textbearbetning en
Mer 旦versiktligt
Dipping in and out
Use rather than read
8. Varf旦r l辰ra l辰rare?
l辰rare l辰r studenter
F旦rst fokusera
p奪 l辰rarens eget behov,
l辰raren som student
Bibliotekarier kan ses
som change agents
9. E-bokens pedagogiska m旦jligheter
The success of any educational technology depends in
part on how its use fits in with the overall design of a
programme of study and the educational goals of learning
activities that employ the technology. If teachers are
distanced from learners because they have little or no
experience of the e-books and e-book readers learners are
increasingly using, the whole educational enterprise is at
(Smith, Kukulska-Hulme & Page 2012)
10. L辰randets ekosystem
Prim辰rt m奪l: individuellt l辰rande
Tenderar att v辰lja material efter
rekommendationer och tillg辰nglighet
V辰gleder studenter till f旦rst奪else
V辰ljer b辰sta m旦jliga material
Kan vara omedveten om utbudet
(Mannonen, Nieminen, & Aaltonen, M. 2012)
M奪ste f旦rst奪 anv辰ndarnas behov
Jobbar f旦r att minimera kr奪ngel
Informera, marknadsf旦ra
Undervisa om anv辰ndning
11. Framtid? (Nutid?)
Allt kursmaterial integrerat i en e-bok
Delad l辰sning, interaktivitet
Stort problem:
inl奪sning hos leverant旦r
13. Referenser
Blummer, B., & Kenton, J. (2012). Best practices for integrating e-books in academic libraries: a literature review
from 2005 to present. Collection Management, 37(2), 65-97.
Mannonen, P., Nieminen, M., & Aaltonen, M. (2012). From Perspectives to Requirements of E-Learning Ecosystems
in University Context: Interlinking Actors, E-Resources, and Technologies. In: Goh, T. ed. E-Books and E-Readers
for E-Learning. Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria Business School, Victoria University of Wellington, pp.126-153
McKiel, A. W. (2012). Ebrary global student e-book survey. Retrieved 23 Oct 2013 from
Nelson, M. R. (2008). Is higher education ready to switch to digital course materials? Chronicle of Higher
Education, 55(14), A29.
QuanHaase, A., & Martin, K. (2011). Seeking knowledge: An exploratory study of the Role of Social Networks in the
adoption of Ebooks by historians. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and
Technology, 48(1), 1-10.
Smith, M., Kukulska-Hulme, A., & Page, A. (2012). Educational Use Cases from a Shared Exploration of E-books
and iPads. In: Goh, T. ed. E-Books & E-Readers for E-Learning, Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria Business
School, Victoria University of Wellington, pp. 25-55.
Staiger, J. (2012). How E-books Are Used. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 51(4), 355-365.
Walton, E. W. (2008). From the ACRL 13th National Conference: e-book use versus users' perspective. College &
Undergraduate Libraries, 14(4), 19-35.
Wong, K., Liong, C., Lin, Z.-X., Lower, M., & Lam, P. (2011). EBooks as teaching strategypreliminary investigation.
Changing Demands, Changing Directions. Proceedings ASCILITE Hobart, 1343-1352.