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Enterprise Architecture
                         Enabling Business Change

                    Management Themes:
                                             David Rose
                                           29 March 2012

Our EA Challenge
                                    (University College Falmouth)

? Time to develop and maintain process maps.
? Attitude to change C in time of economic
? What is EA?
? Communicating project.
? Gaining support internally.
? Small amount of funding C just explorer
  support from JISC
11/12/09                    EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 2
Why 'who matters

           There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more
           perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success,
           than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order
           of things. Niccolo Machiavelli The Prince, 1532

       It is not the knowledge that matters, but the successful
       task of putting an untried method into
       practice.successful innovation is not a feat of
       intellect but of will. Joseph Schumpeter 1939

11/12/09                                        EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 3
11/12/09   EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 4
11/12/09   EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 5
11/12/09   EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 6
Dont try this on the VC....
"The fundamental organization of a
system, embodied in its components,
their relationships to each other and the
environment, and the principles
governing its design and evolution."
                   An enterprise architecture (EA) is a conceptual
                   blueprint that defines the structure and operation of an
                   organization. The intent of an enterprise architecture is to
                   determine how an organization can most effectively achieve
                   its current and future objectives.!


11/12/09                                          EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 7
Essence of EA

           A proven. professional way of managing change where
           business and IT come together that delivers results

           Joined up, strategy, business process and IT, enabling
           efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility: cheaper, better,
           quicker to innovate and change

           For example

           An approach (doing EA). And a thing (creating an EA)

11/12/09                                        EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 8
The audience

? Who do you need to get on board?
? What do you want to achieve with them?
? What are they like C what do they respond to

11/12/09                     EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 9
Approaches that work
 1.        Who are we talking to, and why?
            ?     Person, style, priorities, language, thinking style
 ?         What is EA: elevator statement C an approach (and a thing)
           (dont call it EA!)
 ?         For example .
            ?     Real business projects where EA can be used
            ?     Burning platforms.
 4.        What you do
            ?     Strategic Toolkit, As Is to To Be, modelling, repository, getting people
                  together, governance, managing execution,
 ?         Who does it?
            ?     Business, IT, Analysts, Innovation and Change, PMO
 6.        Benefits & Costs
            ?     qualitative, quantitative C different, not also
 7.        What happens next

11/12/09                                                 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 10
What approach?

?   Aggressive projects: sell change and impact
?   Management proposal: burning platform
?   EA driven: governance, structures, demo proj
?   Reaching out & down: Carlsberg approach
?   Reaching up and out: Sponsorship approach
?   Conversations: informal, engaging self interest
?   Presentation: formal C tricky ground
?   Strategic ICT Toolkit: competitive instinct!

11/12/09                        EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 11
Top Down vs Bottom Up

? Top Down                     ?Bottom Up
?Bristol ?                     ?Cardiff
?LJMU                          ?Staffordshire
?Durham ?                      ?Imperial
?UCLAN?                        ?Kings
?Bolton?                       ?Coventry?
?St Andrews?
 The Innovation Paradox   the Innovation Paradox
11/12/09                            EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 12
What is EA? Why do it? What are the benefits?
                                                                            EA Foundations Cohort 1

  Key Themes                                                 Benefits
  Holistic                                                   3Es: Efficiency and Cost Saving
  ?    to link vision, mission, strategy                     ?   the 3Es: efficiency, effectiveness, enabling
  ?    a holistic overall approach to defining and          ?   to streamline organisation and process
       improving process across the whole of an              ?   saving money, cutting out duplication and
       organisation                                              waste
  ?    to take a more holistic approach                      ?   making enterprise as efficient as possible
  ?    getting a holistic approach / overall view            ?   more efficient, more sustainable, more
  ?    end of silos                                              responsive / agile
                                                             ?   to increase efficiencies
  Alignment                                                  ?   save costs
  ?    a framework for whole of business alignment           ?   productivity
  ?    strategic and operational alignment                   ?   efficiency gains / cost savings
  ?    aligning IT strategy with business strategy           ?   more with less
  ?    to align IT, process, business, strategy              ?   system re-use
  ?    joining together / streamlining processes
  ?    integrate all information systems                     3Es:Effectiveness
  ?    to be able to integrate institutional strategy        ?   drive down costs / rationalisation while
       with IT strategy                                          improving quality
                                                             ?   to improve performance eg student retention
  Understanding, Anticipation, Change                        ?   focus on services
  ?   to have a business layer and systems model             ?   to become more agile
  ?   better understanding of organisational
      processes and relationships                            3Es:Enablement
  ?   to be able to articulate and understand
      implications of change                                 ?   to cope with internationalisation / enable
  ?                                                              expansion
      to be able to predict / anticipate problems
      before they happen
  ?   to see how things / changes will impact
  ?   to see implications of proposed changes

11/12/09                                                            EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 13
Next Steps

? How far have you got so far in engaging with
? Whats the most important thing you need to
  do next, and how?

11/12/09                     EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 14
EA Engaging Colleagues

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EA Engaging Colleagues

  • 1. Enterprise Architecture Enabling Business Change Management Themes: Engagement David Rose 29 March 2012 http://emergingpractices.jiscinvolve.org
  • 2. Our EA Challenge (University College Falmouth) ? Time to develop and maintain process maps. ? Attitude to change C in time of economic hardship. ? What is EA? ? Communicating project. ? Gaining support internally. ? Small amount of funding C just explorer support from JISC 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 2
  • 3. Why 'who matters There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Niccolo Machiavelli The Prince, 1532 It is not the knowledge that matters, but the successful task of putting an untried method into practice.successful innovation is not a feat of intellect but of will. Joseph Schumpeter 1939 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 3
  • 4. 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 4
  • 5. 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 5
  • 6. 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 6
  • 7. Dont try this on the VC.... "The fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution." IEEE An enterprise architecture (EA) is a conceptual blueprint that defines the structure and operation of an organization. The intent of an enterprise architecture is to determine how an organization can most effectively achieve its current and future objectives.! SearchCIO.com http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb466232.aspx 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 7
  • 8. Essence of EA A proven. professional way of managing change where business and IT come together that delivers results Joined up, strategy, business process and IT, enabling efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility: cheaper, better, quicker to innovate and change For example An approach (doing EA). And a thing (creating an EA) 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 8
  • 9. The audience ? Who do you need to get on board? ? What do you want to achieve with them? ? What are they like C what do they respond to 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 9
  • 10. Approaches that work 1. Who are we talking to, and why? ? Person, style, priorities, language, thinking style ? What is EA: elevator statement C an approach (and a thing) (dont call it EA!) ? For example . ? Real business projects where EA can be used ? Burning platforms. 4. What you do ? Strategic Toolkit, As Is to To Be, modelling, repository, getting people together, governance, managing execution, ? Who does it? ? Business, IT, Analysts, Innovation and Change, PMO 6. Benefits & Costs ? qualitative, quantitative C different, not also 7. What happens next 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 10
  • 11. What approach? ? Aggressive projects: sell change and impact ? Management proposal: burning platform ? EA driven: governance, structures, demo proj ? Reaching out & down: Carlsberg approach ? Reaching up and out: Sponsorship approach ? Conversations: informal, engaging self interest ? Presentation: formal C tricky ground ? Strategic ICT Toolkit: competitive instinct! 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 11
  • 12. Top Down vs Bottom Up ? Top Down ?Bottom Up ?Bristol ? ?Cardiff ?LJMU ?Staffordshire ?Roehampton ?Durham ? ?Imperial ?UCLAN? ?Kings ?Bolton? ?Coventry? ?St Andrews? ?Falmouth? Remember The Innovation Paradox the Innovation Paradox 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 12
  • 13. What is EA? Why do it? What are the benefits? EA Foundations Cohort 1 Key Themes Benefits Holistic 3Es: Efficiency and Cost Saving ? to link vision, mission, strategy ? the 3Es: efficiency, effectiveness, enabling ? a holistic overall approach to defining and ? to streamline organisation and process improving process across the whole of an ? saving money, cutting out duplication and organisation waste ? to take a more holistic approach ? making enterprise as efficient as possible ? getting a holistic approach / overall view ? more efficient, more sustainable, more ? end of silos responsive / agile ? to increase efficiencies Alignment ? save costs ? a framework for whole of business alignment ? productivity ? strategic and operational alignment ? efficiency gains / cost savings ? aligning IT strategy with business strategy ? more with less ? to align IT, process, business, strategy ? system re-use ? joining together / streamlining processes ? integrate all information systems 3Es:Effectiveness ? to be able to integrate institutional strategy ? drive down costs / rationalisation while with IT strategy improving quality ? to improve performance eg student retention Understanding, Anticipation, Change ? focus on services ? to have a business layer and systems model ? to become more agile ? better understanding of organisational processes and relationships 3Es:Enablement ? to be able to articulate and understand implications of change ? to cope with internationalisation / enable ? expansion to be able to predict / anticipate problems before they happen ? to see how things / changes will impact ? to see implications of proposed changes 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 13
  • 14. Next Steps ? How far have you got so far in engaging with colleagues? ? Whats the most important thing you need to do next, and how? 11/12/09 EA Workshop Governance 29 March 2012: slide 14

Editor's Notes