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EETT Grant, Erie 1BOCES Shannon Logan & Jenny Conklin
EETT Grant by the Numbers 2 year competitive grant  Title II Part D 1 of 28 consortia 19 Districts and 20 Non-Pubs 21 st  Century Leadership Web 2.0 Tools 3 Main Components
The EETT Grant Focus Our focus is to promote   Leadership and System Change! Possible Indicators Administrators and Leaders are …  regularly using Web 2.0 tools and 21 st  Century skills to enhance work  performance  providing professional development for staff incorporating 21 st  Century  skills and technology  integrating 21 st  Century skills and technology into school plans.
Overview of EETT Goals To develop  technology leaders  who are able to;  adopt and regularly use effective  21st Century strategies and skills  collaborate in a sustained  professional learning network  turnkey the learning opportunities  within each leading teams’ school  and district  create and disseminate  high quality, inquiry-based lessons  aligned with  21st Century learning.
Overview of EETT Goals Face to Face Workshops Building Community Professional Development Development Of Models Evaluation Program Interventions Through these various program interventions, EETT facilitators and coordinators are providing teams with support in the following areas of interest:  Leadership and Program Change Professional Development Technology Literacy and ITC Data-Driven Customized Instruction On-line Learning
Overview of EETT Goals There are over 40 individual team projects that will integrate technology and 21 st  Century learning into their districts and schools. The focus of our EETT project is to support  Administrative Leadership Teams  as they seek innovative ways to improve student achievement. EETT Participant Projects Student  Achievement Student Educator Technology &  21st Century Skills  Integration School & Classroom Integration
Overview of EETT Goals What is the plan? How is our EETT community going to use the program resources to show growth in student achievement, increase technology literacy skills  and provide artifacts of classroom integration?  Student  Achievement Student Educator Technology &  21st Century Skills  Integration School & Classroom Integration Face to Face Workshops Building Community Professional Development Development Of Models Evaluation
Three Components Face-To-Face  Workshops Coordinators  Online Environments
July 2008 – December 2008 January 2009 – July 2009 July 2009 – December 2009 Learn, Explore, Discover, Question, Collaborate, Share Focus, Plan Implement, Analyze, Celebrate
Learning Showcases December 2008: Share what you’ve been learning/exploring December 2009: Project Culmination and formal presentation of district/school project
Student Involvement Students on board in Year 2 Grades 4-11 Participate in online and face-to-face collaborations Can play an integral role in development and implementation
Group Projects Online Student Portfolios Differentiated Instruction Administrators’ Wiki/Ning Technology Plan ISS/OSS Lesson Plan Models w/ Embedded 21C Skills Project-Based Learning Online Collaboration Evaluation Authentic Writing Experiences Online Safety Web 2.0 Tools Podcasting/Vodcasting Teacher Pages Supplemental Online Instruction AIS Support NETS/Professional  Portfolios

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Nyscate Presentation 5-2009

  • 1. EETT Grant, Erie 1BOCES Shannon Logan & Jenny Conklin
  • 2. EETT Grant by the Numbers 2 year competitive grant Title II Part D 1 of 28 consortia 19 Districts and 20 Non-Pubs 21 st Century Leadership Web 2.0 Tools 3 Main Components
  • 3. The EETT Grant Focus Our focus is to promote Leadership and System Change! Possible Indicators Administrators and Leaders are …  regularly using Web 2.0 tools and 21 st Century skills to enhance work performance  providing professional development for staff incorporating 21 st Century skills and technology  integrating 21 st Century skills and technology into school plans.
  • 4. Overview of EETT Goals To develop technology leaders who are able to;  adopt and regularly use effective 21st Century strategies and skills  collaborate in a sustained professional learning network  turnkey the learning opportunities within each leading teams’ school and district  create and disseminate high quality, inquiry-based lessons aligned with 21st Century learning.
  • 5. Overview of EETT Goals Face to Face Workshops Building Community Professional Development Development Of Models Evaluation Program Interventions Through these various program interventions, EETT facilitators and coordinators are providing teams with support in the following areas of interest: Leadership and Program Change Professional Development Technology Literacy and ITC Data-Driven Customized Instruction On-line Learning
  • 6. Overview of EETT Goals There are over 40 individual team projects that will integrate technology and 21 st Century learning into their districts and schools. The focus of our EETT project is to support Administrative Leadership Teams as they seek innovative ways to improve student achievement. EETT Participant Projects Student Achievement Student Educator Technology & 21st Century Skills Integration School & Classroom Integration
  • 7. Overview of EETT Goals What is the plan? How is our EETT community going to use the program resources to show growth in student achievement, increase technology literacy skills and provide artifacts of classroom integration? Student Achievement Student Educator Technology & 21st Century Skills Integration School & Classroom Integration Face to Face Workshops Building Community Professional Development Development Of Models Evaluation
  • 8. Three Components Face-To-Face Workshops Coordinators Online Environments
  • 9. July 2008 – December 2008 January 2009 – July 2009 July 2009 – December 2009 Learn, Explore, Discover, Question, Collaborate, Share Focus, Plan Implement, Analyze, Celebrate
  • 10. Learning Showcases December 2008: Share what you’ve been learning/exploring December 2009: Project Culmination and formal presentation of district/school project
  • 11. Student Involvement Students on board in Year 2 Grades 4-11 Participate in online and face-to-face collaborations Can play an integral role in development and implementation
  • 12. Group Projects Online Student Portfolios Differentiated Instruction Administrators’ Wiki/Ning Technology Plan ISS/OSS Lesson Plan Models w/ Embedded 21C Skills Project-Based Learning Online Collaboration Evaluation Authentic Writing Experiences Online Safety Web 2.0 Tools Podcasting/Vodcasting Teacher Pages Supplemental Online Instruction AIS Support NETS/Professional Portfolios