Democratic Politics Chapter 6 Grade 10 CBSE [ Political Parties ]ssh09Political parties are necessary for modern democracies to function effectively. They perform key roles such as contesting elections, developing policy platforms, forming and running governments, providing opposition, and shaping public opinion. While many citizens are critical of political parties, levels of participation and identification with parties have been increasing in India over the past few decades according to surveys. Political parties do not command high levels of trust globally, but party membership and affiliation remains relatively strong in India compared to some advanced democracies.
Use power and politics in organizationMohammad Mydul IslamThis document discusses a term paper on the use of power and politics in organizations. The purpose of the term paper is to identify the sources of power in organizations and how power is required for leadership. It also examines types of political organizations, factors that influence power and politics, and factors contributing to political behavior in organizations. The term paper focuses on organizational politics and how organizations can manage political behavior and power in order to avoid negative consequences like lower morale and productivity. It analyzes the concepts of politics and power, and how power, when used appropriately, can help leaders achieve goals but also needs to be controlled to prevent dysfunction within the organization.
Employee’s Involvement on Organizational Behavior: Political or Stressed.Iktiham Bin TaherThis document discusses organizational politics and job stress. It begins by introducing employees as valuable assets and noting that organizational politics and job stress can impact employee performance. Organizational politics is a common phenomenon that arises from individuals and groups competing for resources and power. Job stress stems from many factors at work and home and can negatively impact both employees and management. This study aims to investigate the perception of organizational politics and job stress among employees in Bangladesh and help managers better understand and deal with stressed employees. It outlines the objectives, methodology involving surveys, and activity schedule for the research.
Organizational Politics - Adapt or DieEmmaline Datey BBA HRM, PHRPower point presentation on Organizational Politics by Emmaline Datey, PHR (Leadership and HR Consultant)
Conflicts in Organization JamilaSaleem2Conflicts can be happen anywhere, at work place, home, school, and among people. In organizations its really important to resolve conflicts timely and wisely.
Interest GroupsChristopher RicePresentation developed for a series of lectures on interest groups for PS 101 American Government at the University of Kentucky, Spring 2007. Dr. Christopher S. Rice, Instructor.
Practice in participation is necessary for the uplifting of the organizationkelvinlanePractice in participation at all levels of an organization is important for its success. Participation allows workers to understand the reasons behind organizational goals and express their thoughts, while also taking part in decision making. There are different scopes and levels of participation, from departmental decisions to serving on boards. Both workers and employers should participate in social, economic, and personnel decisions together. Regular practice of participation at higher levels can help workers feel more committed to their jobs and dedicated to the organization's success.
Practice in participation is necessary for the uplifting of the organizationkelvinlanePractice in participation at all levels of an organization is important for its success. Participation allows workers to understand the reasons behind organizational goals and express their thoughts, while also taking part in decision making. There are different scopes and levels of participation, from departmental decisions to serving on boards. Both workers and employers should participate in social, economic, and personnel decisions together. Regular practice of participation at higher levels can help workers feel more committed to their jobs and dedicated to the organization's success.
Practice in participation is necessary for the uplifting of the organizationkelvinlanePractice in participation at all levels of an organization is important for its success. Participation allows workers to understand the reasons behind organizational goals and express their thoughts, while also taking part in decision making. There are different scopes and levels of participation, from departmental decisions to serving on boards. Both workers and employers should participate in social, economic, and personnel decisions together. Regular practice of participation at higher levels can help workers feel more committed to their jobs and dedicated to the organization's success.
We continually hear about interest groups in the news. Understanding.pdffeelinggiftWe continually hear about interest groups in the news. Understanding this, what is the
relationship between interest groups and government? How does this apply to government-
created interest groups? In addition, what are the effects of bureaucrats as interest groups? Do
you believe this crossover between bureaucrats and interest groups to be right? Please be sure to
provide specific examples in your response.
No copy and paste or screenshot pictures also please cite your sources and provide a reference.
The answer must be 2 paragraphs please write out answer no copy and Paste or screenshot
pictures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interest groups are policy maximisers who are generally a group of people who try to influence
the public policy with common interest or goal. These interest groups pressures elected parties to
enact legislation favourable to its causes with common interest.
Government generally does not create interest groups. The interst groups which are having
interst on government activities are called special interst interest groups. These groups have their
common interest of people and gives pressure on govenment to act favouable on peoples cause.
They try to get attention from govenment and the officials to act on the interest and needs of the
people with favorable causes.
Interest groups are also known as lobby groups who have great role in policy making of political
system and developments. Interest groups are directly influence the govenment bureaucrats in
policy making. Well financed interest groups have high influence for the political campaigns of
the various officials.
Interest groups are also influence the bureaucrats political campaign with narrow effect and
cause for the general public. Well supported interest groups financial and support of various
causes with bureaucrats also aims to get favorable legislative actions on general public needs and
Assessment of factors responsible for organizational politics Alexander DeckerThis document summarizes a research paper that examined the factors responsible for organizational politics and its implications in the workplace. It finds that promotion and power tussles are major factors fueling politics in organizations. Organizational politics negatively impacts both individuals and organizations by causing stress, lower performance and perceptions of unfairness. The document recommends minimizing politics by prioritizing organizational goals over personal interests, improving relationships between management and employees, and involving employees in important decision making.
Assessment of factors responsible for organizational politics Alexander DeckerThis document discusses organizational politics and its implications in the workplace. It identifies several key factors that contribute to politics in organizations, including the quest for equality, promotion, and power struggles. The political landscape in an organization is shaped by its goals, size, resources, and leadership. Organizational politics can negatively impact both employees and the organization if not minimized. The document recommends improving communication, addressing employee needs, using committees for decision making, and fostering teamwork to reduce the negative effects of politics.
Running head ETHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1 (Including a Running h.docxsusanscheiRunning head: ETHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1
(Including a Running head and page numbers help to keep your assignment organized.)
Are Contributions to Political Campaigns Ethical?
Joanna Student
SOC120: Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility
Dr. Ashford Instructor
June 20, 20XX
Sticky Note
Please be sure to note the format for the Final Paper. This paper contains an organized heading, a succinct and relevant title, page numbers, and a running header.
Ethical Contributions to Political Campaigns
A question that comes up frequently in political discussions is whether organizations
like corporations have too much influence over the political landscape today. Corporations
have many resources through which to effect political change, including lobbyists, quid pro
quo back door arrangements and campaign contributions. Because these funds can have a
large influence on who wins elections and the legislation that politicians support, it is
important for an educated citizenry to be aware of these contributions, and to consider their
ethical implications. I will argue that from the utilitarian perspective, indirect contributions to
political campaigns by organizations like corporations and unions can be ethical and should
be allowed so long as there are sufficient regulations in place to prevent undue harm that
might result from giving large organizations too much influence over the political process. I
will contrast this view with that of ethical egoism, which would argue that such contributions
are ethical inasmuch as they allow corporations to pursue their own long term interests.
According to the Federal Elections Commission (2004), “The Federal Election Campaign
Act (the Act) places monetary limits on contributions to support candidates for federal office
and prohibits contributions from certain sources.” However, corporations are allowed to create
separate bank accounts and then make donations from these accounts to political campaigns as
long as they are not connected directly to the operation of the business. The Final Paper will
discuss what happens when corporations set up political action committees or PACs.
Utilitarianism is the moral theory that actions are right or wrong in proportion to the
degree to which they promote the happiness of all concerned (Mill, 2008). Accordingly,
whether or not corporate campaign contributions are ethical will depend on the overall
Sticky Note
Begin the paper by identifying a social issue clearly and accurately.
Sticky Note
This section includes a comprehensive introduction and a clear thesis statement that effectively reflects the argument of the paper and links the chosen ethical theories and perspective to the chosen social issue.
Sticky Note
Government websites can be useful sources of information. Consider using information from relevant Government websites to support an argument related ...
Organizational design mini projectJJUDITHESTHERMARTINAChan discovered a potential breakthrough for combating diabetes but his coworker Jürgen took credit for the work during a team meeting. Examples of other office politics include being passed over for promotions or not understanding the unwritten rules of an organization. While some office politics can be negative, politics can also be defined neutrally as efforts to influence outcomes or decisions. Whether politics are positive or negative depends on the outcomes, such as benefiting the company or an individual, and the means used, such as following rules with integrity or manipulating situations. To effectively manage politics, people should live by their values, understand power structures and priorities in their organization, build networks of supporters, and remain aware of political undercurrents.
Power politics and the human resource professional/tutorialoutletEdonsFOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
Power, Politics, and the
Human Resource Professional
Anthony Raia Anthony; Raia, Professor of Management with the Graduate School of Management at the University; of California in Los Angeles, spoke to the Conference
PS 101 Interest GroupsChristopher Riceݺߣ show prepared for a series of lectures on Interest Groups for PS 101 American Government at the University of Kentucky, Fall 2007. Dr. Christopher S. Rice, Lecturer.
PS 101 Interest GroupsChristopher Riceݺߣ show prepared for a series of lectures on Interest Groups for PS 101 American Government at the University of Kentucky, Fall 2007. Dr. Christopher S. Rice, Lecturer.
Respond to each peer intial post with a response 3-4 sentences lon.docxkhanpaulitaRespond to each peer intial post with a response 3-4 sentences long.
Peer 1
The Organizational conflicts:
There are more than one type of organizational conflict. There are 1). Differences in power, status, and culture. 2). Competition for scarce resources, 3). Drive for autonomy. 4). Bifurcation of subunit interest. 5). Interdependence, and 6). Organizational ambiguity. All 6 of these different types of conflicts, makes up a lot of what goeson in many different organizations. Lets start with Differences in power. This conflict proves to be out of place on the conflict chart. Whenever there is a struggleand power is at the forefront, conflictbecomes inevitable. Next, there is Competition for scarce resources. When it comes to scarce resources, many organizations stand up and fight for the resources that would help their brand and organization succeed. There is also Drive for autonomy. When an organization has drive, it would go above and beyond to accomplish the goals of the organization. Even going up against other members in the organization in order to reach the goals of the organization. Another conflict is Bifurcation of subunit interest. Bifurcation is a naturalsource of conflict. In the world of organizational conflict, there is also Interdependence. The conflict of Interdependence, occurs when there is a mutual interdependence in the organization in order to achievethe goals of the organization. Last but not least, there is Organizational ambiguity. When there is ambiguity in the organization, there is substantive conflict between managers and their subordinates.
How best to handle the issues of the conflicts?
In order to handle these types of issues in the workplace of any organization, their must be equality for everyone in the organization. In order to manage employees of an organization, the manager of the organization must keep order amongsttheir employees. In many organizations, there is chaos, struggle, hardships, and many other conflicts that organizations face, as stated above. It is the job of the organization's manger to createdifferent strategies and techniques in order to be able to keep the peace in the organization. Many organizations have many different people from different backgrounds and different race and ethnicity (Hayward, 2015). With this being said, there are many different opinions and different ways of thinking, as well as different ways to run the organization. Tempers flares, arguments happen, and fights break out in some instances, when there is conflict between employees. In rare instances there are deaths, caused by other employees of the same organization. This is why it is a must that the managers take control of the different types of Organizational conflicts, that may occur in the organization. Haveningstrategies and techniquesare supportive resources that help keep conflicts out of organizations and that makes for a better environment in organizations.
Peer 2
Top of Fo ...
Running head ETHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1 (Including a Runni.docxsusanscheiRunning head: ETHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1
(Including a Running head and page numbers help to keep your assignment organized.)
Are Contributions to Political Campaigns Ethical?
Joanna Student
SOC120: Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility (Course Section)
Week 5 Final Paper
Dr. Ashford Instructor
July, 1, 20XX
Sticky Note
Please be sure to note the format for the final paper. This paper contains a an organized heading, a succinct and relevant title, page numbers and a running header.
Ethical Contributions to Political Campaigns
A question that comes up frequently in political discussions is whether organizations like
corporations have too much influence over the political landscape today. Corporations have
many resources through which to effect political change, including lobbyists, quid pro quo back
door arrangements and campaign contributions. Because these funds can have a large influence
on who wins elections and the legislation that politicians support, it is important for an educated
citizenry to be aware of these contributions, and to consider their ethical implications. I will
argue that from the utilitarian perspective, indirect contributions to political campaigns by
organizations like corporations and unions can be ethical and should be allowed so long as there
are sufficient regulations in place to prevent undue harm that might result from giving large
organizations too much influence over the political process. I will contrast this view with that of
ethical egoism, which would argue that such contributions are ethical inasmuch as they allow
corporations to pursue their own long term interests.
According to the Federal Elections Commission (2004), "The Federal Election Campaign
Act (the Act) places monetary limits on contributions to support candidates for federal office and
prohibits contributions from certain sources." However, corporations are allowed to create
separate bank accounts and then make donations from these accounts to political campaigns as
long as they are not connected directly to the operation of the business. Regarding this type of
donation, the FEC (2004) stated that, "Contributions may…be made from separate segregated
funds (also called political action committees or PACs) established by corporations, labor
organizations, national banks, and incorporated membership organizations.” In other words,
corporations can set up PACs that in turn give large amounts of money to support candidates.
Because these funds can have a large influence on who wins elections and the legislation that
Sticky Note
This section includes a comprehensive introduction and a clear thesis statement that effectively reflects the argument of the paper and links the chosen ethical theories and perspective to the chosen social issue.
Sticky Note
Government websites can be useful sources of information. Consider using info ...
ݺߣ share 3hendaljabawiThis document discusses conflict management in hospitals. It defines conflict and explains that conflicts occur in all workplaces, including hospitals, and unaddressed conflicts waste time and hurt organizations. The document recommends using a human resources approach to view conflicts as opportunities for growth. It also stresses the importance of communication, such as using strategies like "underscore and explore" and "identify and reply," to resolve conflicts. The Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument can help individuals understand their own conflict styles. Overall, the document provides guidance on understanding, addressing, and resolving conflicts in healthcare workplaces.
All about stake holders and types od organisational strategiesarshi28American Airlines has chosen a strategy of growth and market expansion. Its strategic objectives include achieving $1 billion in annual revenues and maintaining profitability. To implement its strategy of penetrating the US market and venturing into Vietnam, American Airlines will need additional physical resources like aircraft and offices. It will also require hiring local staff in Vietnam and directors to oversee international operations. Establishing a new office in Vietnam is a priority that requires experienced leadership to navigate the local business culture successfully.
Concept of state and governmentMdMojibulHoqueRonyThis document discusses concepts related to states, governments, and political parties. It defines key elements of a state as people, territory, government, sovereignty, and supreme power. A government is the organization that exercises authority over a state. Political parties exist to represent different interests and opinions in society and mediate conflicts in a democratic process. Parties articulate social interests, recruit politicians, and integrate various interests into a political program to gain majority support. They also socialize citizens and participate in elections to gain political power. Intra-party democracy and transparent financing are important for legitimate party functions in a democratic system.
Interest Groups And LobbyistsJessica CannellaThis document discusses interest groups and lobbyists in Texas. It begins by stating that limits cannot be placed on the money companies and groups spend on lobbying because this money comes from voluntary donations, not taxes or the government. It then explains that lobbyists seek face time with legislators to influence them, and that some individuals join interest groups to play a larger role in the political process beyond just voting. The document also touches on how interest groups bring issues to the attention of legislators and apply pressure to advance their views.
Public Policy EssayCheap Paper Writing Services This essay analyzes gun control as a public policy issue by outlining the problem definition, agenda setting, and policy formulation stages. It examines how the National Rifle Association frames gun ownership as a problem and lobbies against restrictions. The essay also considers differing viewpoints on gun control and the challenges policymakers face in balancing Second Amendment rights with efforts to reduce gun violence.
Worker s participation in managementDr. Saswat BarpandaThis document discusses worker participation in management. It defines industrial democracy as giving workers representation in decision making similar to political democracy. Worker participation means giving workers influence over managerial decisions through information sharing, joint consultation, and suggestion schemes. The objectives of worker participation include improving efficiency, establishing harmonious relations, developing social education, and maximizing profits. It discusses the growth of the concept in India and its current status with implementation in over 1,400 units covering 25 million workers.
Practice in participation is necessary for the uplifting of the organizationkelvinlanePractice in participation at all levels of an organization is important for its success. Participation allows workers to understand the reasons behind organizational goals and express their thoughts, while also taking part in decision making. There are different scopes and levels of participation, from departmental decisions to serving on boards. Both workers and employers should participate in social, economic, and personnel decisions together. Regular practice of participation at higher levels can help workers feel more committed to their jobs and dedicated to the organization's success.
We continually hear about interest groups in the news. Understanding.pdffeelinggiftWe continually hear about interest groups in the news. Understanding this, what is the
relationship between interest groups and government? How does this apply to government-
created interest groups? In addition, what are the effects of bureaucrats as interest groups? Do
you believe this crossover between bureaucrats and interest groups to be right? Please be sure to
provide specific examples in your response.
No copy and paste or screenshot pictures also please cite your sources and provide a reference.
The answer must be 2 paragraphs please write out answer no copy and Paste or screenshot
pictures !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interest groups are policy maximisers who are generally a group of people who try to influence
the public policy with common interest or goal. These interest groups pressures elected parties to
enact legislation favourable to its causes with common interest.
Government generally does not create interest groups. The interst groups which are having
interst on government activities are called special interst interest groups. These groups have their
common interest of people and gives pressure on govenment to act favouable on peoples cause.
They try to get attention from govenment and the officials to act on the interest and needs of the
people with favorable causes.
Interest groups are also known as lobby groups who have great role in policy making of political
system and developments. Interest groups are directly influence the govenment bureaucrats in
policy making. Well financed interest groups have high influence for the political campaigns of
the various officials.
Interest groups are also influence the bureaucrats political campaign with narrow effect and
cause for the general public. Well supported interest groups financial and support of various
causes with bureaucrats also aims to get favorable legislative actions on general public needs and
Assessment of factors responsible for organizational politics Alexander DeckerThis document summarizes a research paper that examined the factors responsible for organizational politics and its implications in the workplace. It finds that promotion and power tussles are major factors fueling politics in organizations. Organizational politics negatively impacts both individuals and organizations by causing stress, lower performance and perceptions of unfairness. The document recommends minimizing politics by prioritizing organizational goals over personal interests, improving relationships between management and employees, and involving employees in important decision making.
Assessment of factors responsible for organizational politics Alexander DeckerThis document discusses organizational politics and its implications in the workplace. It identifies several key factors that contribute to politics in organizations, including the quest for equality, promotion, and power struggles. The political landscape in an organization is shaped by its goals, size, resources, and leadership. Organizational politics can negatively impact both employees and the organization if not minimized. The document recommends improving communication, addressing employee needs, using committees for decision making, and fostering teamwork to reduce the negative effects of politics.
Running head ETHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1 (Including a Running h.docxsusanscheiRunning head: ETHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1
(Including a Running head and page numbers help to keep your assignment organized.)
Are Contributions to Political Campaigns Ethical?
Joanna Student
SOC120: Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility
Dr. Ashford Instructor
June 20, 20XX
Sticky Note
Please be sure to note the format for the Final Paper. This paper contains an organized heading, a succinct and relevant title, page numbers, and a running header.
Ethical Contributions to Political Campaigns
A question that comes up frequently in political discussions is whether organizations
like corporations have too much influence over the political landscape today. Corporations
have many resources through which to effect political change, including lobbyists, quid pro
quo back door arrangements and campaign contributions. Because these funds can have a
large influence on who wins elections and the legislation that politicians support, it is
important for an educated citizenry to be aware of these contributions, and to consider their
ethical implications. I will argue that from the utilitarian perspective, indirect contributions to
political campaigns by organizations like corporations and unions can be ethical and should
be allowed so long as there are sufficient regulations in place to prevent undue harm that
might result from giving large organizations too much influence over the political process. I
will contrast this view with that of ethical egoism, which would argue that such contributions
are ethical inasmuch as they allow corporations to pursue their own long term interests.
According to the Federal Elections Commission (2004), “The Federal Election Campaign
Act (the Act) places monetary limits on contributions to support candidates for federal office
and prohibits contributions from certain sources.” However, corporations are allowed to create
separate bank accounts and then make donations from these accounts to political campaigns as
long as they are not connected directly to the operation of the business. The Final Paper will
discuss what happens when corporations set up political action committees or PACs.
Utilitarianism is the moral theory that actions are right or wrong in proportion to the
degree to which they promote the happiness of all concerned (Mill, 2008). Accordingly,
whether or not corporate campaign contributions are ethical will depend on the overall
Sticky Note
Begin the paper by identifying a social issue clearly and accurately.
Sticky Note
This section includes a comprehensive introduction and a clear thesis statement that effectively reflects the argument of the paper and links the chosen ethical theories and perspective to the chosen social issue.
Sticky Note
Government websites can be useful sources of information. Consider using information from relevant Government websites to support an argument related ...
Organizational design mini projectJJUDITHESTHERMARTINAChan discovered a potential breakthrough for combating diabetes but his coworker Jürgen took credit for the work during a team meeting. Examples of other office politics include being passed over for promotions or not understanding the unwritten rules of an organization. While some office politics can be negative, politics can also be defined neutrally as efforts to influence outcomes or decisions. Whether politics are positive or negative depends on the outcomes, such as benefiting the company or an individual, and the means used, such as following rules with integrity or manipulating situations. To effectively manage politics, people should live by their values, understand power structures and priorities in their organization, build networks of supporters, and remain aware of political undercurrents.
Power politics and the human resource professional/tutorialoutletEdonsFOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
Power, Politics, and the
Human Resource Professional
Anthony Raia Anthony; Raia, Professor of Management with the Graduate School of Management at the University; of California in Los Angeles, spoke to the Conference
PS 101 Interest GroupsChristopher Riceݺߣ show prepared for a series of lectures on Interest Groups for PS 101 American Government at the University of Kentucky, Fall 2007. Dr. Christopher S. Rice, Lecturer.
PS 101 Interest GroupsChristopher Riceݺߣ show prepared for a series of lectures on Interest Groups for PS 101 American Government at the University of Kentucky, Fall 2007. Dr. Christopher S. Rice, Lecturer.
Respond to each peer intial post with a response 3-4 sentences lon.docxkhanpaulitaRespond to each peer intial post with a response 3-4 sentences long.
Peer 1
The Organizational conflicts:
There are more than one type of organizational conflict. There are 1). Differences in power, status, and culture. 2). Competition for scarce resources, 3). Drive for autonomy. 4). Bifurcation of subunit interest. 5). Interdependence, and 6). Organizational ambiguity. All 6 of these different types of conflicts, makes up a lot of what goeson in many different organizations. Lets start with Differences in power. This conflict proves to be out of place on the conflict chart. Whenever there is a struggleand power is at the forefront, conflictbecomes inevitable. Next, there is Competition for scarce resources. When it comes to scarce resources, many organizations stand up and fight for the resources that would help their brand and organization succeed. There is also Drive for autonomy. When an organization has drive, it would go above and beyond to accomplish the goals of the organization. Even going up against other members in the organization in order to reach the goals of the organization. Another conflict is Bifurcation of subunit interest. Bifurcation is a naturalsource of conflict. In the world of organizational conflict, there is also Interdependence. The conflict of Interdependence, occurs when there is a mutual interdependence in the organization in order to achievethe goals of the organization. Last but not least, there is Organizational ambiguity. When there is ambiguity in the organization, there is substantive conflict between managers and their subordinates.
How best to handle the issues of the conflicts?
In order to handle these types of issues in the workplace of any organization, their must be equality for everyone in the organization. In order to manage employees of an organization, the manager of the organization must keep order amongsttheir employees. In many organizations, there is chaos, struggle, hardships, and many other conflicts that organizations face, as stated above. It is the job of the organization's manger to createdifferent strategies and techniques in order to be able to keep the peace in the organization. Many organizations have many different people from different backgrounds and different race and ethnicity (Hayward, 2015). With this being said, there are many different opinions and different ways of thinking, as well as different ways to run the organization. Tempers flares, arguments happen, and fights break out in some instances, when there is conflict between employees. In rare instances there are deaths, caused by other employees of the same organization. This is why it is a must that the managers take control of the different types of Organizational conflicts, that may occur in the organization. Haveningstrategies and techniquesare supportive resources that help keep conflicts out of organizations and that makes for a better environment in organizations.
Peer 2
Top of Fo ...
Running head ETHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1 (Including a Runni.docxsusanscheiRunning head: ETHICAL CONTRIBUTIONS 1
(Including a Running head and page numbers help to keep your assignment organized.)
Are Contributions to Political Campaigns Ethical?
Joanna Student
SOC120: Introduction to Ethics & Social Responsibility (Course Section)
Week 5 Final Paper
Dr. Ashford Instructor
July, 1, 20XX
Sticky Note
Please be sure to note the format for the final paper. This paper contains a an organized heading, a succinct and relevant title, page numbers and a running header.
Ethical Contributions to Political Campaigns
A question that comes up frequently in political discussions is whether organizations like
corporations have too much influence over the political landscape today. Corporations have
many resources through which to effect political change, including lobbyists, quid pro quo back
door arrangements and campaign contributions. Because these funds can have a large influence
on who wins elections and the legislation that politicians support, it is important for an educated
citizenry to be aware of these contributions, and to consider their ethical implications. I will
argue that from the utilitarian perspective, indirect contributions to political campaigns by
organizations like corporations and unions can be ethical and should be allowed so long as there
are sufficient regulations in place to prevent undue harm that might result from giving large
organizations too much influence over the political process. I will contrast this view with that of
ethical egoism, which would argue that such contributions are ethical inasmuch as they allow
corporations to pursue their own long term interests.
According to the Federal Elections Commission (2004), "The Federal Election Campaign
Act (the Act) places monetary limits on contributions to support candidates for federal office and
prohibits contributions from certain sources." However, corporations are allowed to create
separate bank accounts and then make donations from these accounts to political campaigns as
long as they are not connected directly to the operation of the business. Regarding this type of
donation, the FEC (2004) stated that, "Contributions may…be made from separate segregated
funds (also called political action committees or PACs) established by corporations, labor
organizations, national banks, and incorporated membership organizations.” In other words,
corporations can set up PACs that in turn give large amounts of money to support candidates.
Because these funds can have a large influence on who wins elections and the legislation that
Sticky Note
This section includes a comprehensive introduction and a clear thesis statement that effectively reflects the argument of the paper and links the chosen ethical theories and perspective to the chosen social issue.
Sticky Note
Government websites can be useful sources of information. Consider using info ...
ݺߣ share 3hendaljabawiThis document discusses conflict management in hospitals. It defines conflict and explains that conflicts occur in all workplaces, including hospitals, and unaddressed conflicts waste time and hurt organizations. The document recommends using a human resources approach to view conflicts as opportunities for growth. It also stresses the importance of communication, such as using strategies like "underscore and explore" and "identify and reply," to resolve conflicts. The Thomas-Kilmann conflict mode instrument can help individuals understand their own conflict styles. Overall, the document provides guidance on understanding, addressing, and resolving conflicts in healthcare workplaces.
All about stake holders and types od organisational strategiesarshi28American Airlines has chosen a strategy of growth and market expansion. Its strategic objectives include achieving $1 billion in annual revenues and maintaining profitability. To implement its strategy of penetrating the US market and venturing into Vietnam, American Airlines will need additional physical resources like aircraft and offices. It will also require hiring local staff in Vietnam and directors to oversee international operations. Establishing a new office in Vietnam is a priority that requires experienced leadership to navigate the local business culture successfully.
Concept of state and governmentMdMojibulHoqueRonyThis document discusses concepts related to states, governments, and political parties. It defines key elements of a state as people, territory, government, sovereignty, and supreme power. A government is the organization that exercises authority over a state. Political parties exist to represent different interests and opinions in society and mediate conflicts in a democratic process. Parties articulate social interests, recruit politicians, and integrate various interests into a political program to gain majority support. They also socialize citizens and participate in elections to gain political power. Intra-party democracy and transparent financing are important for legitimate party functions in a democratic system.
Interest Groups And LobbyistsJessica CannellaThis document discusses interest groups and lobbyists in Texas. It begins by stating that limits cannot be placed on the money companies and groups spend on lobbying because this money comes from voluntary donations, not taxes or the government. It then explains that lobbyists seek face time with legislators to influence them, and that some individuals join interest groups to play a larger role in the political process beyond just voting. The document also touches on how interest groups bring issues to the attention of legislators and apply pressure to advance their views.
Public Policy EssayCheap Paper Writing Services This essay analyzes gun control as a public policy issue by outlining the problem definition, agenda setting, and policy formulation stages. It examines how the National Rifle Association frames gun ownership as a problem and lobbies against restrictions. The essay also considers differing viewpoints on gun control and the challenges policymakers face in balancing Second Amendment rights with efforts to reduce gun violence.
Worker s participation in managementDr. Saswat BarpandaThis document discusses worker participation in management. It defines industrial democracy as giving workers representation in decision making similar to political democracy. Worker participation means giving workers influence over managerial decisions through information sharing, joint consultation, and suggestion schemes. The objectives of worker participation include improving efficiency, establishing harmonious relations, developing social education, and maximizing profits. It discusses the growth of the concept in India and its current status with implementation in over 1,400 units covering 25 million workers.
1. About Politics
What is Politics?
Politics is mainly the method and process of taking
decisions for the group. The word politics integrates all
the domestic and international policies. These are mainly
the activities of government on state level or national level political affairs. Since these are mainly
the activities of government this does not mean that only government is responsible for carrying out
all politics or government alone is involved in all political matters or politics is always carried out in
national or state level affairs.
As defined in very first line politics is mainly the method and process of taking decisions for the
groups. So politics can be from any group any group like politics can be from opposition party of the
ruling party. Whenever the issue of protection of rights of group of members rises there the politics
enters into scene. Politics can affect our system both ways that is negatively as well as positively. It
can affect negatively because many times people leave their jobs due to politics at their workplace
which they feel that is just the wastage of time and they should just avoid that it is because they dont
want to waste their time in any other activity except their work.
This led to increase of pending of jobs and thus adversely affects the organization. Sometimes people
may also leave their jobs which would result in lose of human resource of the company. Sometimes it
happens that people form groups at their workplace and do not want others to join their group and
also promote members of their own group against the other search engines members and sometimes
they may also try to let down the other members which are not from their groups and which may
also cause rivalries between groups in the company and thus the workplace becomes the war place.
These type of group rivalries are mostly seen in those offices where lot of people work. These types
of group rivalries are the main reason for collapse of work in the organization because of non
cooperation from all the workers of company. Mainly those workers cause problems who are
engaged in group politics. But sometimes this politics can also be useful to groups as well as
company. Lets see how:
Politics can also remove the root cause of misunderstandings between the workers and the top
management in the organization. Politics can help to prevent the rights and interests of workers in
the company.
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