This document discusses using machine learning techniques to analyze self-reported data from people with chronic pain and identify their health status. It evaluates different feature selection methods and classification algorithms to determine an optimal approach for supporting self-management. The best performing method was found to be a multilayer perceptron classifier with high accuracy and area under the ROC curve, suggesting it could effectively classify health status levels from the self-reported data.
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Feature selection and classification in supporting report based self-management with chronic pain
1. Feature Selection and Classification in
Supporting Report-Based Self-
Management for People with Chronic
Author:Yan Huang, Huiru Zheng, Chris Nugent, Paul McCullagh, Norman
Black, Kevin E. Vowles, and Lance McCracken
Source: Information Technology in Biomedicine, IEEE
Transactions on Jan. 2011, Journals & Magazines
Advisor: Ben-Jye Chang
I. Introduction
II. Issue
III. Motivations
VI. Approaches
VI. Numerical results
V. Conclusion
3. Introduction
Older people has increased, that two thirds of
people who reached retirement age had at
least two chronic conditions.
4. Introduction
Machine learning approach, self-reporting
data collected from the integrated
biopsychosocial treatment, in order to identify
an optimal set of features for supporting self
6. Introduction
We assess the feasibility of applying
automated classification techniques to
identify "low" and "better" health status levels
from self-reporting data and explore an
appropriate classification algorithm.
I. Introduction
II. Issue
III. Motivations
VI. Approaches
VI. Numerical results
V. Conclusion
8. Issue
Numbers of selected questions and
classification performance of a persons health
status level.
Which ranking method and which classification
model had the best performance.
I. Introduction
II. Issue
III. Motivations
VI. Approaches
VI. Numerical results
V. Conclusion
10. Motivations
Traditional health care, expensive, consuming
significant resources , inconvenient.
PWCP, self-management of their health care has
been shown to be effective in terms of
improving their QoL.
PWCP: People With Chronic Pain
QoL: Quality of Life
I. Introduction
II. Issue
III. Motivations
VI. Approaches
VI. Numerical results
V. Conclusion
12. Approachs
187 subjects who suffered from chronic pain
8 types of questionnaire
total number of questions was 329, answers had values
"pretreatment stage as " low health level ,
"posttreatment stage as " better health level
16 (8.6%) of the patients withdrew ,
171 (91.4%) of the patients completed the treatment
training sets:114 patients, testing sets:57 patients
13. Approachs
Four feature selection methods, rank the questions.
1.SVM-RFE(Support Vector Machine With Recursive
Feature Elimination):
The ranking criterion for feature i :
Methods: Step 1: Train an SVM on the dataset.
Step 2: Rank features according to the criterion c.
Step 3: Eliminate the lowest ranked feature.
Step 4: If more than one feature remains, return to step 1.
14. Approachs
2.OneR: 1-level decision tree 1 21
2 16
3 22
For each feature fi
For each value v from the domain of fi 4 20
Select the set of instances where feature fi has value v 5 35
Let c = the most frequent class in that set
Add the clause if feature fi has value v then the class is cto
the rule for feature fi
Output the rule with the highest classification accuracy.
15. Approachs
3.Information Gain:based on Shannons information
theory and can be calculated from (1)(3)
A represents a feature (question) of an instance, which has n values
two classes(pre. and post.),each has 114 instances
17. Approachs
4. X2 Statistic:
m, number of answers for one question(feature)
ni , frequency of that answer i
Pi , probability of that answer i
n , total frequency for all the questions
answers, 228329
I. Introduction
II. Issue
III. Motivations
VI. Approaches
VI. Numerical results
V. Conclusion
21. Numerical results
There were no significant differences between the feature
ranking methods in overall classification accuracy.
(any of the four feature ranking methods can be used)
There were significant differences between the
classifiers for each ranking method.
The MLP classifier has been identified as the best option
to build the classification model for PSMS in the sense
that both overall accuracy and AUC were very high.
I. Introduction
II. Issue
III. Motivations
VI. Approaches
V. Numerical results
IV. Conclusion
23. Conclusion
Feedback information for their self-
Changing their behavior,lifestyle, and care
plan in order to achieve effective self-
management of their chronic condition