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Strategy & Knowledge Information Days
10-11 October 2012, Kyiv - Ukraine

Understand, Compete and Grow in Global Markets
Baltica                                   Western Europe                                   India and China
                                                           (as of 1.10.2012)

               Special invitation on behalf of Information Days Board
In today¡¯s volatile and highly competitive business climate, it is crucial to achieve and maintain a
competitive edge to develop and improve your Strategy & Knowledge. With a slow recovery,
and a sluggish market in many industries, companies face lower margins and less capital
spending. Good competitive Intelligence (CI) is recognized across Europe as a key method of
helping companies make the very best strategic decisions, so that limited company resources
are put to best use to drive profit margins up.

2013 will be a lean year at best for many companies with many struggling to maintain margins
not just in Europe and the US, but globally. In essence Strategy & Knowledge will have to
find new ways to leverage existing resources and infrastructure at companies to better help
strategic and tactical decision-making. CI and the tools that lie behind good CI will ensure that
your organization is best equipped to make the right decisions in these difficult times.

With this in mind, we need to be open to learning new skills and networking, and sharing with
fellow Strategy & Knowledge professionals is a key way to achieve this. Strategy & Knowledge
Information Days offer a unique opportunity to meet with and learn from fellow practitioners and
world-class experts representing a wide range of industries and strategy disciplines.

Strategy & Knowledge Information Days coincide with The European SME Week and The
European Single Market Week which is taking place across Europe 15-21 October 2012.

We look forward to meeting you in Kyiv!

            Wishing you success,

            Kyryll Zhyvotovskyy
            Deputy Director General, RAPPORT UKRAINE
            National Adviser to OBI-Consulting (Vilnius, Lithuania) and SRP (London, UK)
10 October (Wednesday)                                     11 October (Thursday)
      Round table discussion                                  Discussion with business media
¡°20 Years of European Single Market:                           ¡°Ukraine`s Strategy: how local
    opportunities and challenges                                    business can better
             for Ukraine¡±                                            expand globally¡±

10:00-12:30, Embassy of Lithuania, Buslisvska str, 21     12:00-13:30, Media Brand Press-center, Kreschatic, 10-b
                                                                 - Live at www.regionews.com.ua

Hosted by:                                                Hosted by:

 Organized by:                          Venue partners:                       Communication partners:

  This leading event will help you to improve your competitive intelligence know-how. The
 Information Days offer a variety of session formats ¨C keynote addresses, seminar, individual
meetings, web-translation, panel discussions and press-conference. It¡¯s the ultimate forum
        at which to meet other professionals and to make valuable professional contacts.

                            REGISTRATION DEADLINE ¨C 9 OCTOBER 2OI2, 16:00 CET
                                                                         Key speakers and guests:

                                                                                         Stephan Chevalier,      Mr. Yaroslav Hobta,       Mr. Matt Barney ,
                               Mr. Giles Cattermole,            EU founded Project       Managing Director,      Managing Director,        Consultant, SRP
                               Senior Consultant, SRP          Sector Policy Support     OBI-Consulting          PRT Group                 Mktg CIM has six year
                               Giles Cattermole has            Programme                 Stephane holds a        He managed the            of consulting and CI
                               degrees from                    "Promoting mutual         PhD in Sciences and     projects of               experience covering a
Welcoming                                                      trade by removing         a Master in             international and         wide range of industries,
                               [Engineering and                technical barriers to
remarks from H.E.                                                                        Telecoms. He knows      European                  across the world.
                               Philosophy],                    trade between             well the public         organizations. IPO
Ambassador                     NCAE/Cranfield                  Ukraine and the                                   Expert since 2007.
                               [Design], and INSEAD                                      research sector
Petras                                                         European Union"           (CNRS, France) and      Jaroslav VP to KCAE
Vaitiekunas                                                                              the private industry    (Ukraine-Chine
                                                                                         led research (Giat,     Cooperation Council)
                                                                                         Areva, Nortel).

                                                                                                                                           Ms. Natalya
                               Mr. Kyryll                      EU Project Crimean                                Mr. Shevardnadze.         Artiukhovska, Director
Moderated by
                               Zhyvotovskyy,                   Tourism diversification                           Adviser to Head of        of CRDF Global Ukraine
Mr. Vadym Triukhan,
                               Deputy General                  and Support Project                               All-Ukrainian Special     Office. CRDF Innovation
partner with IMG
                               Director, RAPPORT               (TBD)                                             Collegium for             Forum in Ukraine
Partners Attorneys at
                               UKRAINE; National                                                                 Combating Corruption      presented advanced
Law, former Director
                               Adviser to OBI-                                                                   and Organized Crime.      Ukrainian technologies
of the Coordination
                               Consulting and SRP                                                                                          and innovations to
Bureau of European
and Euroatlantic                                                                                                                           business and trust.

          Learn how to:

     1. Get inside your competitor¡¯s head
     2. Adapt to EU business related directives
     3. Monitor the action of competitor in Eastern Europe and NIS
     4. Achieve better results and get home on Friday evening

Strategy & Knowledge Information Days
10-11 October 2012 , Kyiv - Ukraine                                                                                        by:

Understand, Compete and Grow in Global Markets
Baltica / Western Europe / India and China

                        http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/initiatives/sme-week/                               http://www.singlemarket20.eu/

    Strategy & Knowledge Information Days coincide with The European SME Week and The European Single Market Week
                                  which is taking place across Europe 15-21 October 2012.
Ukraine Single Market Week Launch
                                                    Wednesday, 10 October 2012
                                                      Provisional Programme

                                                                    (as of 30.09.2012)

                                                          Round table discussion
                                         ¡°20 Years of European Single Market:
                                       opportunities and challenges for Ukraine¡±
                                           Embassy of Lithuania, Buslisvska Str., 21, Kyiv ¨C Ukraine

09:40 ¨C Entrance check-in, welcoming materials presented by partners, ice-breaking

10:00 ¨C Welcoming remark               10:10 ¨C Welcoming remark               10:15 ¨C Welcoming remark              10:20 ¨C Welcoming remark,
(TBD), H.E. Ambassador                 Baltic Business Club                   European SME Week/                    Information Days Organizing
Petras Vaitiekunas                                                            Single Market Week                    Board (OBI/SRP/RU/

                                 After that, discussion ¡°20 Years of European Single Market: opportunities and
                                 challenges for Ukraine¡±, moderated by Vadym Triukhan, partner with IMG
                                 Partners Attorneys at Law, head of International & European law practice, and
                                 PhD student at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President
                                 of Ukraine (Topic of research: ¡°Institutional aspects of European integration¡±).

10:25 - Getting inside your competitor¡¯s head¡­                                10:50                             11:10
Competitive advantages and The road to Strategy by

                                                                              Mr. Oleg Ustenko                  Natalya Artiukhovska, Director of
                                       Matt Barney ,                          Executive Director, The Bleyzer   CRDF Global Ukraine TBD
Giles Cattermole,
                                       Consultant, SRP (UK)                   Foundation TBD
Senior Consultant, SRP (UK)
                                         Has carried out a competitive
He worked as an engineer for Rolls
                                       performance review of the world¡¯s
Royce, Ford Motor, Shell, BP,
                                       hop production industry, covering      11:00                             11:20
                                       Europe, the Americas, Asia and
Deutsche Entwicklungsdienst.
                                       Australasia. He has also worked in
As a consultant since 1982, he has
                                       IT [including IT counter-
concentrated on client firms¡¯ costs,
                                       intelligence] in secure printing and
service and marketing, as levers for
                                       in government services. Most
competitive success. Giles
                                       recently he has spearheaded an                                           Mr. Shevardnadze.
developed Reverse Costing as a                                                Mr. Yaroslav Hobta,
                                       advanced elicitation programme in                                        Adviser to Head of All-Ukrainian
tool to serve this, applying it to                                            Managing Director, PRT Group
                                       a competitive industrial sector in                                       Special Collegium for Combating
manufacturing industry, services,
                                       the US and central America.                                              Corruption and Organized Crime
finance and defense. He speaks
English, French and some German.

 11:40 ¨C 12:00 - Q&A session + group discussion

Key topics for discussion:

     ? Single Markets ¨C what does this mean for competition and growth
     ? European and World Markets ¨C common and different going abroad

 12:00 - Networking, interview for media


                        Special Invitation for Members of:


Registration details:

call Information Days Board at Rapport Ukraine (+ 097 550 51 23 ) to
reserve your seat for the event or to
arrange face-to-face presentation for your company in Kyiv on October 10-11

Coming soon:

Business & Intelligence Information Days
Mark the date!                       10-11 April 2013, Kyiv - Ukraine                           by:

                                       Register here - www.businessintelligenceukraine.com.ua

                                                        EVENT MAP

    10OCT - Embassy of Lithuania, Kyiv, Buslisvska str, 21            11OCT - Media Brand Press-center, Kyiv, Kreschatic, 10-b
                  Registartion from 9:40                                             Registartion from 11:40
Information Days Board

RAPPORT UKRAINE is           OBI-Consulting was             Strategy Resource               Media Brand company
a team of highly             founded in 2006 and            Partners (SRP)                  was founded in 2008
experienced state            its HQ is based in             concentrates on                 and provides a full range
regulators, lawyers          Vilnius, Since its first       competitive strategy.           of services in the field of
and specialists in           year, OBI-Consulting           Nothing else: we help           strategic PR-consulting,
marketing,                   has grown every year           successful organisations,       media communications
government and               to pass 600 missions           working on the linkage          and public relations.
public relations. We         done early 2012. OBI           between a firm's market         Among the clients of
know the Ukraine¡¯s           have a keen sense of           presence, its cost              Media Brand - central
state regulatory as          service to our                 structure and its success.      authorities, political
well as competitive          customers with a               SRP is based in London,         parties and regional
market environment           constant concern to            with associates across          political leaders,
inside and out. The          provide best possible          the world.                      international
company is based in          answers to relevant                                            corporations. Based in
the City of Kyiv.            and practical issues.                                          Kyiv.
                             HQ is based in
                             Lithuania,with offices
                             in Ukraine, India and

                               www.obi-consulting.eu             www.strategyresource
www.rapportukraine.com                                                                      www.mediabrand.com.ua

                                                                                   4 key Benefits for attending!

 1. Widen your understanding and competence. Learn how           3. Cooperative intelligence The S&K Days is the perfect
 to improve S&K research and analysis. State-of-the-art-         setting to network with peers and share experiences.
 presentations with the latest findings from industry practice   Priceless contacts will be made and existing ones
 will provide food for thought and inspiration. The sessions     maintained. Check out the social agenda when you are
 contain directly applicable knowledge from basic principles     having a look at the overall Information Days schedule.
 to expert level practices.
                                                                 4. Invite World Class Strategy Consultants to your
 2. Find the Optimal Technical Solutions. Visit tutorial         company. Call now and schedule a time to meet SRP in
 presentations, expert talks and practitioner sessions to        person - 10 October (1-8 PM) or 11 October (7-11 AM).
 learn about innovative and exciting tools & techniques for      This is your opportunity to have a personal meeting with
 professionals. The exhibition, right in the center of the       leading London based, global Strategy Consultants, Strategy
 conference area, provides the opportunity to meet leading       Resource Partners. SRP have more than 30 years
 S&K solution providers in one place.                            experience advising global companies.
Recent events where we have been speakers:

Vilnius, October 2012                                     Stockholm, Sept 2012

Dr. Stephan Chevalier, Managing Director of OBI-          SRP and RAPPORT UKRAINE speak to VOLVO, SAAB,
Consulting conduct a seminar "From Competitive            Sandvik AB, SAP and 17 biggest Sweden companies.
Intelligence to the Economic War: Myth and reality"       Here is some attendances titles: Director(Analysis and
during the business breakfast organized by French-        Information Services), CI & Benchmarking Advisor,
Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce.                           Market Intelligence Director, Vice President Strategies.

Kyiv, Sept. 2012                                          Berlin, June 2012
 On 10-th of September 2012 partner of IMG                SRP speak to Eaton Industries B.V., Evonik Industries
Partners Attorneys at Law Vadym Triukhan                  AG, GE Wind Energy SR, JT International SA (JTI), AIR
took part in a press conference "The EU-                  FRANCE KLM, Airbus S.A.S., Allianz Deutschland AG,
Ukraine Association Agreement: guideline for
                                                          Alstom Transport, Baker Hughes GmbH, Carl Zeiss AG,
reforms", held at the press center of the
information agency Ukrinform.                             Lufthansa AG, Philips Healthcare, PHILIPS
                                                          HEALTHCARE, Rockwool International A/S, Shell,
                                                          Siemens AG Healthcare, Siemens Energy, Statoil,
                                                          Thomson Reuters, UPM-Kymmene

                 Strategy & Knowledge Information Days coincide with The European SME Week and
              The European Single Market Week which is taking place across Europe 15-21 October 2012.

                                                      Kyiv, 2012

More Related Content

Ukraine Single Market Week Invitation

  • 1. Strategy & Knowledge Information Days 10-11 October 2012, Kyiv - Ukraine Understand, Compete and Grow in Global Markets Baltica Western Europe India and China (as of 1.10.2012) Special invitation on behalf of Information Days Board In today¡¯s volatile and highly competitive business climate, it is crucial to achieve and maintain a competitive edge to develop and improve your Strategy & Knowledge. With a slow recovery, and a sluggish market in many industries, companies face lower margins and less capital spending. Good competitive Intelligence (CI) is recognized across Europe as a key method of helping companies make the very best strategic decisions, so that limited company resources are put to best use to drive profit margins up. 2013 will be a lean year at best for many companies with many struggling to maintain margins not just in Europe and the US, but globally. In essence Strategy & Knowledge will have to find new ways to leverage existing resources and infrastructure at companies to better help strategic and tactical decision-making. CI and the tools that lie behind good CI will ensure that your organization is best equipped to make the right decisions in these difficult times. With this in mind, we need to be open to learning new skills and networking, and sharing with fellow Strategy & Knowledge professionals is a key way to achieve this. Strategy & Knowledge Information Days offer a unique opportunity to meet with and learn from fellow practitioners and world-class experts representing a wide range of industries and strategy disciplines. Strategy & Knowledge Information Days coincide with The European SME Week and The European Single Market Week which is taking place across Europe 15-21 October 2012. We look forward to meeting you in Kyiv! Wishing you success, Kyryll Zhyvotovskyy Deputy Director General, RAPPORT UKRAINE National Adviser to OBI-Consulting (Vilnius, Lithuania) and SRP (London, UK)
  • 2. 10 October (Wednesday) 11 October (Thursday) Round table discussion Discussion with business media ¡°20 Years of European Single Market: ¡°Ukraine`s Strategy: how local opportunities and challenges business can better for Ukraine¡± expand globally¡± 10:00-12:30, Embassy of Lithuania, Buslisvska str, 21 12:00-13:30, Media Brand Press-center, Kreschatic, 10-b - Live at www.regionews.com.ua Hosted by: Hosted by: Organized by: Venue partners: Communication partners: _________________________________________________________________________ This leading event will help you to improve your competitive intelligence know-how. The Information Days offer a variety of session formats ¨C keynote addresses, seminar, individual meetings, web-translation, panel discussions and press-conference. It¡¯s the ultimate forum at which to meet other professionals and to make valuable professional contacts. REGISTRATION DEADLINE ¨C 9 OCTOBER 2OI2, 16:00 CET
  • 3. ENG Key speakers and guests: Dr. Stephan Chevalier, Mr. Yaroslav Hobta, Mr. Matt Barney , Mr. Giles Cattermole, EU founded Project Managing Director, Managing Director, Consultant, SRP Senior Consultant, SRP Sector Policy Support OBI-Consulting PRT Group Mktg CIM has six year Giles Cattermole has Programme Stephane holds a He managed the of consulting and CI degrees from "Promoting mutual PhD in Sciences and projects of experience covering a Cambridge Welcoming trade by removing a Master in international and wide range of industries, [Engineering and technical barriers to remarks from H.E. Telecoms. He knows European across the world. Philosophy], trade between well the public organizations. IPO Ambassador NCAE/Cranfield Ukraine and the Expert since 2007. [Design], and INSEAD research sector Petras European Union" (CNRS, France) and Jaroslav VP to KCAE [MBA]. Vaitiekunas the private industry (Ukraine-Chine led research (Giat, Cooperation Council) Areva, Nortel). Ms. Natalya Mr. Kyryll EU Project Crimean Mr. Shevardnadze. Artiukhovska, Director Moderated by Zhyvotovskyy, Tourism diversification Adviser to Head of of CRDF Global Ukraine Mr. Vadym Triukhan, Deputy General and Support Project All-Ukrainian Special Office. CRDF Innovation partner with IMG Director, RAPPORT (TBD) Collegium for Forum in Ukraine Partners Attorneys at UKRAINE; National Combating Corruption presented advanced Law, former Director Adviser to OBI- and Organized Crime. Ukrainian technologies of the Coordination Consulting and SRP and innovations to Bureau of European and Euroatlantic business and trust. integration. Learn how to: 1. Get inside your competitor¡¯s head 2. Adapt to EU business related directives 3. Monitor the action of competitor in Eastern Europe and NIS 4. Achieve better results and get home on Friday evening Strategy & Knowledge Information Days 10-11 October 2012 , Kyiv - Ukraine by: Understand, Compete and Grow in Global Markets Baltica / Western Europe / India and China http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/initiatives/sme-week/ http://www.singlemarket20.eu/ Strategy & Knowledge Information Days coincide with The European SME Week and The European Single Market Week which is taking place across Europe 15-21 October 2012.
  • 4. Ukraine Single Market Week Launch Wednesday, 10 October 2012 Provisional Programme (as of 30.09.2012) Round table discussion ¡°20 Years of European Single Market: opportunities and challenges for Ukraine¡± Embassy of Lithuania, Buslisvska Str., 21, Kyiv ¨C Ukraine 09:40 ¨C Entrance check-in, welcoming materials presented by partners, ice-breaking 10:00 ¨C Welcoming remark 10:10 ¨C Welcoming remark 10:15 ¨C Welcoming remark 10:20 ¨C Welcoming remark, (TBD), H.E. Ambassador Baltic Business Club European SME Week/ Information Days Organizing Petras Vaitiekunas Single Market Week Board (OBI/SRP/RU/ MB/UAGO) After that, discussion ¡°20 Years of European Single Market: opportunities and challenges for Ukraine¡±, moderated by Vadym Triukhan, partner with IMG Partners Attorneys at Law, head of International & European law practice, and PhD student at the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (Topic of research: ¡°Institutional aspects of European integration¡±). 10:25 - Getting inside your competitor¡¯s head¡­ 10:50 11:10 Competitive advantages and The road to Strategy by Mr. Oleg Ustenko Natalya Artiukhovska, Director of Matt Barney , Executive Director, The Bleyzer CRDF Global Ukraine TBD Giles Cattermole, Consultant, SRP (UK) Foundation TBD Senior Consultant, SRP (UK) Has carried out a competitive He worked as an engineer for Rolls performance review of the world¡¯s Royce, Ford Motor, Shell, BP, hop production industry, covering 11:00 11:20 UN/UNIDO, UN/FAO, USAID and Europe, the Americas, Asia and Deutsche Entwicklungsdienst. Australasia. He has also worked in As a consultant since 1982, he has IT [including IT counter- concentrated on client firms¡¯ costs, intelligence] in secure printing and service and marketing, as levers for in government services. Most competitive success. Giles recently he has spearheaded an Mr. Shevardnadze. developed Reverse Costing as a Mr. Yaroslav Hobta, advanced elicitation programme in Adviser to Head of All-Ukrainian tool to serve this, applying it to Managing Director, PRT Group a competitive industrial sector in Special Collegium for Combating manufacturing industry, services, the US and central America. Corruption and Organized Crime finance and defense. He speaks English, French and some German. 11:40 ¨C 12:00 - Q&A session + group discussion Key topics for discussion: ? Single Markets ¨C what does this mean for competition and growth ? European and World Markets ¨C common and different going abroad 12:00 - Networking, interview for media
  • 5. Partners: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Special Invitation for Members of: REGISTRATION AND PARTICIPATION IS FREE OF CHARGE, though REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. REGISTRATION DEADLINE ¨C 9 OCTOBER 2OI2, 16:00 CET Registration details: FOR REGISTRATION GO TO WWW.BUSINESSINTELLIGENCEUKRAINE.BLOGSPOT.COM call Information Days Board at Rapport Ukraine (+ 097 550 51 23 ) to reserve your seat for the event or to arrange face-to-face presentation for your company in Kyiv on October 10-11 Coming soon: Business & Intelligence Information Days Mark the date! 10-11 April 2013, Kyiv - Ukraine by: Register here - www.businessintelligenceukraine.com.ua EVENT MAP 10OCT - Embassy of Lithuania, Kyiv, Buslisvska str, 21 11OCT - Media Brand Press-center, Kyiv, Kreschatic, 10-b Registartion from 9:40 Registartion from 11:40
  • 6. Information Days Board RAPPORT UKRAINE is OBI-Consulting was Strategy Resource Media Brand company a team of highly founded in 2006 and Partners (SRP) was founded in 2008 experienced state its HQ is based in concentrates on and provides a full range regulators, lawyers Vilnius, Since its first competitive strategy. of services in the field of and specialists in year, OBI-Consulting Nothing else: we help strategic PR-consulting, marketing, has grown every year successful organisations, media communications government and to pass 600 missions working on the linkage and public relations. public relations. We done early 2012. OBI between a firm's market Among the clients of know the Ukraine¡¯s have a keen sense of presence, its cost Media Brand - central state regulatory as service to our structure and its success. authorities, political well as competitive customers with a SRP is based in London, parties and regional market environment constant concern to with associates across political leaders, inside and out. The provide best possible the world. international company is based in answers to relevant corporations. Based in the City of Kyiv. and practical issues. Kyiv. HQ is based in Lithuania,with offices in Ukraine, India and France www.obi-consulting.eu www.strategyresource www.rapportukraine.com www.mediabrand.com.ua partners.co.uk 4 key Benefits for attending! 1. Widen your understanding and competence. Learn how 3. Cooperative intelligence The S&K Days is the perfect to improve S&K research and analysis. State-of-the-art- setting to network with peers and share experiences. presentations with the latest findings from industry practice Priceless contacts will be made and existing ones will provide food for thought and inspiration. The sessions maintained. Check out the social agenda when you are contain directly applicable knowledge from basic principles having a look at the overall Information Days schedule. to expert level practices. 4. Invite World Class Strategy Consultants to your 2. Find the Optimal Technical Solutions. Visit tutorial company. Call now and schedule a time to meet SRP in presentations, expert talks and practitioner sessions to person - 10 October (1-8 PM) or 11 October (7-11 AM). learn about innovative and exciting tools & techniques for This is your opportunity to have a personal meeting with professionals. The exhibition, right in the center of the leading London based, global Strategy Consultants, Strategy conference area, provides the opportunity to meet leading Resource Partners. SRP have more than 30 years S&K solution providers in one place. experience advising global companies.
  • 7. Recent events where we have been speakers: Vilnius, October 2012 Stockholm, Sept 2012 Dr. Stephan Chevalier, Managing Director of OBI- SRP and RAPPORT UKRAINE speak to VOLVO, SAAB, Consulting conduct a seminar "From Competitive Sandvik AB, SAP and 17 biggest Sweden companies. Intelligence to the Economic War: Myth and reality" Here is some attendances titles: Director(Analysis and during the business breakfast organized by French- Information Services), CI & Benchmarking Advisor, Lithuanian Chamber of Commerce. Market Intelligence Director, Vice President Strategies. Kyiv, Sept. 2012 Berlin, June 2012 THE FIRST ANALYSIS OF THE ASSOCIATION AGREEMENT WITH THE EU WAS PRESENTED IN KYIV On 10-th of September 2012 partner of IMG SRP speak to Eaton Industries B.V., Evonik Industries Partners Attorneys at Law Vadym Triukhan AG, GE Wind Energy SR, JT International SA (JTI), AIR took part in a press conference "The EU- FRANCE KLM, Airbus S.A.S., Allianz Deutschland AG, Ukraine Association Agreement: guideline for Alstom Transport, Baker Hughes GmbH, Carl Zeiss AG, reforms", held at the press center of the information agency Ukrinform. Lufthansa AG, Philips Healthcare, PHILIPS HEALTHCARE, Rockwool International A/S, Shell, Siemens AG Healthcare, Siemens Energy, Statoil, Thomson Reuters, UPM-Kymmene Strategy & Knowledge Information Days coincide with The European SME Week and The European Single Market Week which is taking place across Europe 15-21 October 2012. Kyiv, 2012