Our new Digital Insights webcast series is focused on software engineering challenges and digital transformation. In the second webinar for the series, Exadel's VP of Software, Jonathan Fries, surveys trends in e-commerce including personalization, frictionless checkout, and community-led branding.
3. Todays Presentation
Scheduled to run approximately 20 minutes
There will be a Q&A for 5-10 minutes
You can offer questions at any time by typing them in the
Gotowebinar panel on your right
You can also send us a message in the chat panel
This webinar is being recorded every registrant will receive
a link to the recording in a follow-up email
4. Agenda
Frictionless checkout - make it easy for the customer to pay
Moving outside the browser - mobile, push-button, self-
replenishment, voice
Integrating Third Party Services
Community Connection
Diversity - Selling to a global audience
5. Personalization
Ability to track and understand individual habits and
preferences has grown
Expect the process of seeing more refined recommendations
and more targeted marketing
Understand your segments and refine from there as you
gather more data
There are personalization engines out there if your platform
doesnt support more refined personalization capabilities
GDPR - In Effect May 25th, If you sell in Europe this applies
to you
6. Frictionless Checkout
Never make it hard for the customer to give you money
Amazons one-click patent expired last year so new ways to
pay are already here
Ecommerce platforms already have this built in
Expect simplification of checkout process
Hope to impact mobile where there is still a high cart
abandonment rate
Never make it hard for the customer to give you money
7. Outside the Browser
Mobile - Platforms offers means to build native apps from
existing stores
Push button services - like Amazon Dash. Amazon offers
unbranded version for customization
Voice ordering with smart speakers
Blockchain and IoT will open up yet more opportunities in the
near future
8. Third Party Services
Platform + Custom Code = Unique Store
CRM, Supply Chain, Personalization, Fulfillment, Shipping,
Tax, Social Media
How you will integrate and who you will integrate with are
Unique integration can set you apart
Some Recent Use Cases: Tax, Paper Invoices, Custom
Native Apps, Multi-Part Shipping
9. Marketplace Diversity
Diversity in the marketplace - understand your audience
Expansion of internet access and global population growth
mean expanded marketplaces are available and more
accessible than ever
Full localization Includes: Text, Images, Products, Currency,
Times, Dates, and Layout Considerations
Localization includes understanding your audience
10. Community Connection
Chat, Phone, Feedback, Social Media - stay connected to
customers and stay informed
Excited fans can help get people excited about your product
or service
Handling challenges - talking to clients shows youre
engaged, even when there is a problem
Fans become influencers