Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Mandaue City
GO TO EAST, G0 T0 WEST.. eyAah iS da beSt. HAHA
a sMaRt peRs0n caN opEn uP my miNd..
a bEautiful peRs0n caN opEn uP my eyeS..
but 0nLy a sweEt peRs0n caN opEn uP my hart <3 .. wee' iSTEPLEREE MUCH xDD .hihihi ..
my fulL c0oLnyM is ERAH MAE OMPAD CABULLO :) ..jus koL mii "eyAah" 0r watibEr u waNt. :'3
iM 18yrS y0uNg nD waS b0rN 0n 0ct. 2.. iM a siMpLe gurL, attentive nd a guDn2r 0ne.. 0r wat eLse caNu dscryB bwt mii.. wat eLse ?!
..thereS n0thiNg much bwt me.. iM juS an 0rdinaRy colLege gurL way ar0unD, iM a t0taL frEak! and s0.. s0.. STUPiD! i d0nt let my fearS t0 tek cntr0L 0f h0w i feeL.. iM str0ng if my faMz ar0und 0r aderz.. but insyD iM wEak.. SOB! ..i adMit am a baD gurL sahai.
Users following Erah Mae CabulLo