This document discusses key provisions in insurance contracts that may result in policyholders receiving compensation less than actual losses. These include deductibles, where the policyholder bears an initial amount of loss, and coinsurance, where losses are shared between the insurer and policyholder. It provides examples of calculating compensation with these provisions for different types of insurance like health, motor, and property insurance. Overall, deductibles and coinsurance allow lower premiums but increase the financial risk to the policyholder.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang risiko dan perlindungan insurans. Ia menjelaskan definisi risiko dan insurans serta jenis-jenis insurans seperti insurans hayat, insurans am, insurans motor, dan lain-lain. Dokumen ini juga menyentuh prinsip indemiti dalam insurans dan tujuan mengambil polisi insurans.
This document discusses insurance premium calculations for life insurance and motor insurance policies. It provides formulas and tables to calculate premiums based on factors such as age, health status, vehicle type and capacity. For life insurance, premium rates increase with age due to declining life expectancy. Smokers also face higher rates due to greater health risks. The document demonstrates calculations for annual premiums on sample policies. It also discusses No Claim Discount rates that reduce premiums for drivers with no claims in the previous year. Premium amounts may differ from insurers' rates due to additional fees and taxes.
This document contains two tables listing common cations and anions. The cation table lists various positively charged ions like sodium, potassium, calcium, and copper along with their charge. The anion table similarly lists negatively charged ions such as chloride, bromide, nitrate, sulfate and phosphate along with their charge.
This document contains mathematical formulas and concepts from algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Some key points include:
- Formulas for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of algebraic expressions.
- Rules for differentiation, integration, and limits in calculus.
- Formulas for triangle properties like area, distance between points, and midpoint.
- Trigonometric identities for sine, cosine, and tangent functions of single and summed angles.
- Statistical concepts like mean, standard deviation, binomial distribution, and normal distribution.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang daya gravitasi, berat, dan konsep-konsep fisika lainnya seperti kerja, tenaga, dan keseimbangan daya. Daya gravitasi adalah daya yang menarik objek ke arah Bumi, sedangkan berat adalah daya gravitasi yang bertindak pada suatu objek."
Teaching aids for students or teachers regarding chemistry for Form 4 students. Naphthalene is the common example use by teachers to describe the changes in states of matter. Included in the slides are the precautions steps in the heating and cooling experiments.
Here are the calculations to complete Hyeri's financial plan:
Net income
Net salary 8500
Passive income (rent received) 600
Total monthly income P = 9100
Minus fixed monthly savings 850
Minus savings for emergency fund 200
Income balance Q = 8050
Minus monthly fixed expenses
Housing loan installment 1800
Car installment 900
Total monthly fixed expenses R = 2700
Minus monthly variable expenses
Children's education 500
Petrol expenses 400
Utility bills 300
Telephone bills 200
Groceries 800
Gym 100
Travel 200
Total Monthly Variable Expenses
This document contains mathematical formulas and concepts from algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics. Some key points include:
- Formulas for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of algebraic expressions.
- Rules for differentiation, integration, and limits in calculus.
- Formulas for triangle properties like area, distance between points, and midpoint.
- Trigonometric identities for sine, cosine, and tangent functions of single and summed angles.
- Statistical concepts like mean, standard deviation, binomial distribution, and normal distribution.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang daya gravitasi, berat, dan konsep-konsep fisika lainnya seperti kerja, tenaga, dan keseimbangan daya. Daya gravitasi adalah daya yang menarik objek ke arah Bumi, sedangkan berat adalah daya gravitasi yang bertindak pada suatu objek."
Teaching aids for students or teachers regarding chemistry for Form 4 students. Naphthalene is the common example use by teachers to describe the changes in states of matter. Included in the slides are the precautions steps in the heating and cooling experiments.
Here are the calculations to complete Hyeri's financial plan:
Net income
Net salary 8500
Passive income (rent received) 600
Total monthly income P = 9100
Minus fixed monthly savings 850
Minus savings for emergency fund 200
Income balance Q = 8050
Minus monthly fixed expenses
Housing loan installment 1800
Car installment 900
Total monthly fixed expenses R = 2700
Minus monthly variable expenses
Children's education 500
Petrol expenses 400
Utility bills 300
Telephone bills 200
Groceries 800
Gym 100
Travel 200
Total Monthly Variable Expenses
The daily lesson plan is for a Form 4 physics class on electromagnetic induction. The lesson will focus on determining the direction of induced current in straight wires and solenoids, designing DC and AC generators, and the structure and working principles of DC and AC generators. Students will carry out experiments on induced current and explore DC and AC generators. They will be assessed by constructing a prototype current generator or answering modification questions.
The document outlines a daily lesson plan for a Form 4 physics class on electric and electromagnetism. The lesson focuses on transformers, with learning standards around describing the working principle of simple and ideal transformers, energy loss and efficiency. Students will engage through pictures and activities, then the teacher will explain transformer construction and equations. Students will elaborate on ideal transformers and applications of transformers will be evaluated through a final activity. Formative and summative assessments are included, along with differentiation, ICT skills and scientific attitudes.
The daily lesson plan is for a Form 4 physics class on electromagnetic induction. The lesson will describe electromagnetic induction in a straight wire and solenoid, explain how it produces an electric current without batteries by changing magnetic fields, and state the factors that affect the magnitude of induced emf. Students will carry out activities to study electromagnetic induction in a straight wire and solenoid, as well as the factors that impact the magnitude of induced emf. They will then answer past exam questions and present their responses.
The document outlines a lesson plan for a Form 4 physics class on electromagnetism and electric motors. The lesson plan aims to teach students about the effect of a current-carrying coil in a magnetic field, the working principle of DC motors, and factors that affect the speed of electric motors. The lesson involves students watching a video, carrying out an experiment on current-carrying coils, discussing conclusions with the teacher, relating findings to electric motors, and completing a quiz and mind map for assessment.
The daily lesson plan is for a Form 4 physics class on July 5th. The topic is electromagnetism, specifically the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field. Students will first discuss pictures in pairs, then carry out an experiment to explore the effect. They will explain the effect and factors affecting magnitude of force. To evaluate understanding, students will state the factors that affect force magnitude.
The daily lesson plan summarizes a Form 4 physics class held on July 4th, 2022 from 8:30-9:30 AM in the Physics Lab. The theme of the lesson was a content and learning standards revision where students were given back their exam papers to review in groups. Students then discussed the best answers with their groups and a few volunteers presented their group's answers to the class. To conclude, students wrote a short reflection on what they learned.
The daily lesson plan is for a Form 4 physics class on June 20th from 8:30-9:30 AM in the Physics Lab. The topic is Electric and Electromagnetism. Students will write justifications and conclusions based on data by answering example questions. Formative assessment includes students discussing diagrams and example questions in stations and as a group. An evaluation question will be individually answered at the end.
This document contains a daily lesson plan for a Form 5 physics class on electric and electromagnetism. The lesson plan aims to review concepts related to electrical energy, power, voltage and current. Students will explore relationships between these concepts through equations and practical examples. They will compare electrical usage and power of appliances to understand ways to reduce energy consumption at home. Formative assessments include group quizzes and answering practice problems to evaluate students' understanding of electrical energy and power concepts.
This document outlines a daily lesson plan for a Form 4 physics class on electric and electromagnetism. The lesson focuses on resistance, with learning standards around comparing Ohmic and non-Ohmic conductors, solving series and parallel circuit problems, and understanding the factors that affect resistance. Students will conduct experiments on the relationships between resistance and length/area of a wire. They will also explore and discuss series and parallel circuits and the factors affecting resistance. Formative assessment includes an experiment report and quiz.
The daily lesson plan is for a Form 4 physics class on electric and electromagnetism. The lesson will focus on explaining internal resistance, experimentally determining the electromotive force (emf) and internal resistance of a dry cell, and solving problems involving these concepts. Students will engage in hands-on activities to measure emf and internal resistance from a circuit. They will explain the meaning of resistance and how it relates to voltage and current. Formative assessment includes questions to check students' understanding of the key concepts.
The document outlines a daily lesson plan for a Form 4 physics class on the topic of electric and electromagnetism. The lesson focuses on explaining electromotive force (emf) and internal resistance, as well as conducting an experiment to determine the emf and internal resistance of a dry cell. Students will learn about sources of emf like batteries and generators, carry out related activities, explain emf with teacher guidance, and conduct an experiment to determine emf and internal resistance of a dry cell. Their understanding will be assessed through answering questions and an exit ticket at the end of class.
The document outlines a daily lesson plan for a Form 4 physics class on the topic of electric and electromagnetism. The lesson plan aims to teach students about electric fields, the strength of electric fields, the behavior of charged particles in electric fields, electric current, and potential difference. Teaching methods include asking students to share prior knowledge, watching instructional videos, explaining concepts, participating in simulations, answering a quiz, and recalling the key points at the end of the class.
The document contains 9 physics problems involving vector diagrams, forces, moments, and energy. Problem 1 involves drawing a vector diagram to find the resultant velocity of an airplane flying in wind. Problem 2 involves calculating the upward force exerted by crushed material on a plunger using moments. Problem 3 requires drawing the resultant force on an airliner flying in a circular horizontal path and showing it is consistent with the lift and weight forces.
The document describes four physics problems involving momentum and impulse:
1) A crash test of a car colliding with a barrier at 20 m/s to test passenger safety. Calculations are shown for momentum, impulse, deceleration.
2) A hammer hitting a nail with a force. Calculations are presented for change in momentum, impulse, and average force.
3) A toy train engine colliding with a stationary truck. Momentum and speed are calculated using conservation of momentum.
4) A diagram of a hydraulic braking system where force and pressure are used to slow wheels via pistons and oil.
An object gains kinetic energy as its velocity increases from 2.0 m/s to 10 m/s. Using the impulse-momentum theorem, Ft = p, the impulse provided was 850 Ns. A gas molecule maintains its kinetic energy and reverses its momentum direction when elastically colliding with a container wall. Impulse is measured in newton seconds (Ns) as it equals the change in an object's momentum.
1. The document contains information about forces and moments acting on various objects including a tourist vehicle being pushed by elephants, a ladder resting against a wall, an apple and weight balanced on a ruler, and a crane lifting a load.
2. Calculations are presented for determining the magnitude of forces like the resultant force on the vehicle, the moment of a force pushing on the vehicle, and the force needed to keep objects in equilibrium.
3. Explanations are provided for why systems are in equilibrium, such as the plank preventing the man from sinking into the mud due to its larger surface area distributing the crane's weight.
Moments & Centre of Mass (Multiple Choice) QP.pdfNurul Fadhilah
1) The document contains 27 multiple choice physics questions about equilibrium, moments, levers, and centers of mass.
2) Many questions involve diagrams of beams, rods, or objects balanced at a pivot point, with forces applied or masses positioned at different distances. Learners must understand which configurations result in equilibrium.
3) Other questions show objects or systems and ask learners to identify the center of mass or determine if the object or system is in equilibrium based on the center of mass position.
This document contains 6 problems involving springs and Hooke's law. Problem 1 involves drawing a graph of extension vs. load for a spring obeying Hooke's law and calculating the initial speed of a model train stopped by a spring. Problem 2 involves calculating the kinetic energy and maximum height of an athlete bouncing on a trampoline and identifying points on a spring graph. Problem 3 involves completing a graph, calculating work done on a spring, and forces on an object suspended by a spring.
Tahun 5 Unit 6 Rakyat Bersatu Negara Maju.pptssuser5530e8
1. SULIT 4531/3
息2022 Hak Cipta Terpelihara MPSM Pahang
Nama: Tingkatan:
TAHUN 2022
15 markah
(45 minit)
(termasuk 5 minit untuk menyemak radas dan bahan)
Arahan kepada calon:
1. Calon dilarang memulakan sebarang eksperimen sehingga mendapat arahan daripada
Ketua Pengawas (KP) bertugas.
2. 5 minit diperuntukkan bagi setiap mata pelajaran untuk menyemak radas dan bahan dan
maklumkan segera kepada Pengawas Peperiksaan (PP) jika tidak mencukupi. Isikan
Borang Senarai Semak Radas dan Bahan di halaman 2 dengan lengkap.
3. Calon boleh memulakan eksperimen daripada mana-mana soalan setelah mendapat
arahan daripada KP.
4. Sekiranya calon tidak dapat meneruskan eksperimen selepas 15 minit, calon boleh
meneruskan eksperimen di soalan yang lain.
5. Jika calon masih tidak dapat meneruskan eksperimen di setiap bahagian, calon bolehlah
berjumpa KP dan meminta pertolongan. Sedikit markah mungkin dipotong.
6. Sentiasa amalkan langkah-langkah keselamatan semasa menjalan amali dan segera
maklumkan kepada KP atau PP jika berlaku sesuatu yang membahayakan keselamatan
diri dan orang lain.
Buku soalan ini mengandungi 6 halaman bercetak.
Untuk kegunaan guru sahaja:
2. SULIT 4531/3
息2022 Hak Cipta Terpelihara MPSM Pahang
Anda tidak dibenarkan bekerja dengan radas bagi lima belas minit pertama. Tempoh ini
hendaklah digunakan untuk menyemak senarai radas, membaca soalan dan merancang
eksperimen yang akan dijalankan. Tandakan () pada ruangan kotak yang disediakan untuk
menyemak bahan dan radas yang disedia dan dibekalkan.
You are not allowed to work with apparatus in first fifteen minutes. This period is used to
check the apparatus list, read the questions, and plan the experiment which will carry out.
Mark ( ) in the box provided to check the material and apparatus prepared and supplied.
Soalan 1
Question 1
Radas dan bahan
Apparatus and materials
Ya ()/ Tidak (X)
Yes ()/ No (X)
Sel kering 1.5 V saiz D
Dry cell 1.5 V D size
Pemegang bateri
Battery holder
Wayar penyambung dengan klip buaya
Connecting wire with crocodile clips
Suis satu hala
One way switch
5. Voltmeter DC 0 ~ 5.0 V 1
6. Ammeter 0 ~ 1.0 A 1
Pembaris 50 cm dengan dawai nikrom
50 cm ruler with nichrome wire
3. SULIT 4531/3
息2022 Hak Cipta Terpelihara MPSM Pahang
1. Rintangan suatu konduktor dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Anda dikehendaki
menjalankan eksperimen bagi menentukan rintangan suatu dawai nikrom yang telah
dibekalkan bagi panjang dawai yang berbeza.
The resistance of a conductor is influenced by several factors. You are required to
conduct an experiment to determine the resistance of a nichrome wire that has been
supplied for different lengths of wire.
(a) Sambungkan litar seperti yang ditujukkan dalam Rajah 1. Pastikan suis dibuka
terlebih dahulu.
Connect the circuit as shown in Diagram 1. Make sure the switch is open first.
Rajah 1
Diagram 1
(i) Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai bagi eksperimen ini.
State a suitable hypothesis for this experiment.
[1 markah]
[1 mark]
4. SULIT 4531/3
息2022 Hak Cipta Terpelihara MPSM Pahang
(ii) Ukur dan catatkan panjang dawai nikrom, l, dari A ke B.
Measure and record the length of the nichrome wire, l, from A to B.
l =
[1 markah]
[1 mark]
Gerakkan wayar penyambung dari voltmeter ke pembaris supaya berada di
kedudukan B, tutup suis dan rekod bacaan I dan V ke dalam Jadual 1. Buka
semula suis setelah bacaan dibuat.
Move the connecting wire from voltmeter to the ruler to position B, close the
switch and record the reading of I and V in Table 1. Open the switch again
after the reading is taken.
Hitung rintangan dawai, R menggunakan formula yang diberi. Catat jawapan
anda dalam Jadual 1.
Calculate the resistance of the wire, R, using the given formula. Record your
answer in Table 1.
5. SULIT 4531/3
息2022 Hak Cipta Terpelihara MPSM Pahang
(b) Ulang langkah (a) (i) hingga (a) (ii) dengan menggerakkan klip buaya ke C, D dan E.
Rekod semua keputusan yang diperolehi bagi panjang dawai nikrom, l, dan rintangan
dawai nikrom, R, bagi jarak AC, AD dan AE dalam Jadual 1.
Repeat steps (a) (i) to (a) (ii) by moving the crocodile clip to C, D and E. Record all
the results for length of nichrome wire, l, and resistance of nichrome wire, R, of
lengths of AC, AD and AE in Table 1.
Panjang dawai
nikrom, l /cm
Length of nichrome
wire, l
AB = .
AC = .
AD = .
AE = .
Jadual 1
Table 1
[5 markah]
[5 marks]
(c) (i) Plot graf R melawan l berdasarkan data yang anda perolehi dalam Jadual 1.
Plot a graph of R against l based on the data you obtained in Table 1.
[3 markah]
[3 marks]
(c) (ii) Dengan menggunakan graf yang ada plot di (c)(i), hitungkan kecerunan bagi
graf tersebut. Tunjukkan dengan jelas bagaimana kecerunan dihitung.
Using the graph that has plotted in (c)(i), calculate the gradient of the graph.
Show clearly how the gradient is calculated.
[3 markah]
[3 marks]
6. SULIT 4531/3
息2022 Hak Cipta Terpelihara MPSM Pahang
(d) Sebuah pengering rambut akan mengeluarkan udara yang telah dipanaskan
oleh elemen pemanas yang diperbuat daripada nikrom di dalam pengering
rambut tersebut seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 2.
A hair dryer will release air that has been heated by the heating element made
from nichrome inside the hair dryer as shown in Diagram 2.
Rajah 2
Diagram 2
Berdasarkan eksperimen yang telah anda jalankan, mengapa elemen pemanas tersebut
dibina bergegelung?
Based on the experiments you have conducted, why the heating element is constructed
[2 markah]
[2 marks]
Elemen pemanas dalam pengiring rambut
Heating element inside a hair dryer
Udara sejuk
Cold air in
Udara panas keluar
Hot air out